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Nikolai Lopatnikoff collection, 1916-1979

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Music of Other Composers (continued)
Vier jüdische Tanzstücke, for piano Vienna: Universal Edition, n.d. (continued)
16 p.
Inscribed by the composer to NL; dated 1936.
Tcherepnine, Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 18/21 Entretiens, op. 46, for piano Paris: Durand, 1931 .
16 p.
Inscribed by the composer to NL.
BOX-FOLDER 18/22 Haltes, for voice and piano. Paris: Heugel, 1926 .
23 p.
French text (Guillot de Saix, after Gorodzki).
Inscribed by the composer to Nora [Lopatnikoff]; dated 1930 Oct 11.
German translations of two of the ten songs contained in this volume are annotated in the score.
BOX-FOLDER 18/23 [Untitled]
Ms. ; 5 p., in pencil and in ink.
BOX 8, 19-21 Correspondence
The Correspondence series consists of letters received by Nikolai Lopatnikoff.
Key to codes used in this inventory:
Correspondence of NL has been separated by subject (according to the practice set forth by NL in in the filing of his own materials: general correspondence was filed separately from correspondence relating to his opera Danton); the following codes indicate both subject and location:
  • G = NL's general correspondence (Box 19);
  • D = Correspondence relating to NL's Danton, op. 20, opera in 3 acts, 10 scenes. This material was originally filed together by NL (Box 20);
  • B = Correspondence and materials relating to Backstage of the Soul, a projected opera (Box 21);
  • C = Correspondence and materials relating to NL's Concerto, op. 26, for violin and orchestra (Box 8).

Correspondence of NL also appears in the following Special Collections in the Music Division of the Library of Congress: Copland Collection, 23 letters; one of which appears in a bound album of letters of tribute by several composers to Copland on the occasion of his seventieth birthday; Coolidge Collection, 1 letter; Koussevitzky Archive, approximately 50 letters; MacDowell Collection (from Mrs. S.H.H. Lopatnikoff to Marion MacDowell), 3 letters; Pisk Collection, 2 letters; Potts Collection, 1 letter; Schwerké Collection, 16 letters; Slonimsky Collection, 5 letters.
Arrangement is alphabetical by correspondent.
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 [General Information] [4]
Note: code "G"
Adler, Kurt Herbert
see: San Francisco Opera Association
BOX-FOLDER 21/10 Adler, Peter Herman, 1970-1971 [3]
Note: code "B"
BOX-FOLDER 19/2 ASCAP, 1973 [1]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 Associated Music Publishers, Inc., 1944 [1]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 Baum, Morton, 1957 [5]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Beinum, Eduard van, 1956 [1]
Note: code "G"
Bennett, George
see: Psychological Corp.
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Bing, Rudolf, 1954-1960 [6]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Bonsanti, Marcella, 1965 [5]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 Boulanger, Nadia, 1961 [3]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Broadcast Music, Inc., 1960 [3]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 Broughton, Philip, 1962 [9]
Note code "D"
California, University of
see: Foss, Lukas
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1956-1957 [7]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1954 [4]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Cleveland Orchestra, 1943, 1951 [3]
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Cohen, Frederic, 1958 [2]
Note code "D"
Colfer, Jennifer
see: New York City Opera
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Columbia University, 1959 [2]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/11 Copland, Aaron, 1931-1956 [12]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/12 Croan, Robert, 1976 [1 letter ; 6 p.]
Note: code "G"
Daniel, Oliver
see: Broadcast Music, Inc.
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 D'Arms, Edward, 1963 [2]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/13 Diamond, David, 1971 [4]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/14 Doran, Matt H., 1972 [7]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 Duke, Vernon, 1966, n.d. [5]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/16 Evréinoff, Nikolai, 1928-1954 [6] and Anna Evréinoff
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/17 [Secondo] Festival internazionale di musica, Venice, 1932 [1]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Forest, Frank, 1959 [1]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/18 Foss, Lukas, 1956 [2]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/19 Fuchs, Joseph, 1962 [1]
Note: code "G"
Geffen, Felicia
see: National Institute of Arts & Letters
BOX-FOLDER 19/20 Graudan, Nikolai, n.d. [1]
Note: code "G"
Gutman, John
see: Metropolitan Opera Association
Halasz, Laszlo
see: New York City Opera
BOX-FOLDER 8/5 Harvin, Laurence, 1971 [2]
Note code "C"
BOX-FOLDER 19/21 Hawaii, University of, 1965 [8]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/22 Hovhaness, Alan, 1966 [1]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/23 Imbrie, Andrew W., 1969-1971 [3]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/24 Jalas, Jussi, 1966 [2]
Note: code "G"
Kennan, George
see: National Institute of Arts & Letters
BOX-FOLDER 19/25 Koussevitzky, Serge, 1944, 1956 [7]
Note: code "G"
KPFK-FM, Los Angeles
see: Pacifica Radio
BOX-FOLDER 19/26 Krenek, Ernst, 1966 [2]
Note: code "G"
League of Composers - International Society for Contemporary Music
see: Copland, Aaron
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Leeds Music Corporation, 1954 [1]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 Liebermann, Rolf, 1959 [3]
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/27 Luening, Otto, 1959 [1]
Note: code "G"
Mahaffey, Elizabeth Low
see: Columbia University
Malloch, William
see: Pacifica Radio
BOX-FOLDER 19/28 Markovina, Rev. Milan, 1976 [2]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 Metropolitan Opera Association, 1959-1960 [7]
See also: Bing, Rudolf
See also: Sauls, Glen
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/29 Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting (WQED, WQEX), 1976 [2]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/30 Nabokov, Nicolas, 1969 [2]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 19/31 National Institute of Arts & Letters, 1966, 1971 [4]
Note: code "G"
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 New York City Opera, 1950 [2]
See also: Rosenstock, Joseph
See also: Rudel, Julius
Note code "D"
BOX-FOLDER 19/32 Pacifica Radio, KPFK-FM, Los Angeles, 1967 [1]
Note: code "G"
Patton, H.R.
see: Carnegie Institute of Technology
BOX-FOLDER 19/33 Piston, Walter, 1971 [2]
Note: code "G"
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
see: Croan, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 19/34 Psychological Corporation, 1964 [1]
Note: code "G"
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