| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Business Files
(continued) |
(continued) |
Litz, Katherine and Ray Harrison |
Maria-Theresa and the Heliconiades |
Martha Graham School schedule of classes [1989] |
Mayday Festival Coker College |
Mexican Centennial 1910 |
Naparstok, Ester |
Negro Program: Up from slavery
New Dance Group |
New World Dances |
Nikolais Dance Theatre [February 1979] |
BOX 58 |
Raduga Dancers - Bravo! |
Religious Arts Festival |
Le Rendevous Manque |
Sandisfield Arts Council |
Savage school 1939-41 |
Students of Shorter College: The triumph of spring
Symposium of Early and Contemporary Music [May 1944] |
Theatre Arts Workshop: The Trojan woman [Franziska Boas] |
Norman Thomas 80th Birthday Reception |
United Nations 3rd Annual Folk Festival |
Varese, Edgar |
WPA Composer's Forum Laboratory, Carnegie Hall |
Waco Symphony 1965-66 |
Wallner's Marionettes: Doktor Faust
Wilson, Julie [Fisk University] |
Miscellaneous |
[Unidentified] |
BOX 52 |
BOX 52 |
15th Fine Arts Festival of University of North Carolina |
American Association of University Women Creative Arts Group [November 1955] |
American Dance Festival Dance Therapy Course |
American Dance Therapy Publicity |
Ballets |
Brooklyn Institute of Arts Workshops |
Dance Congress and Festival [1918-36] |
Dance Percussion class [October 1937] |
Dance related A-Z |
Dance Workshop [June 1953] |
Indiana University School of Music [April 1950] |
Martha Graham Studios (see also oversize box 1) |
Miscellaneous |
Music related A-Z |
Nature/Environmental Societies |
New School for Social Research [December 1937] |
Products |
Sarah Lawrence Chamber Orchestra [April 1957] |
School of Fine Arts [1956] |
Summer School of Dance, San Francisco |
Staatsschulen für Freie und angewandte Kunst 1928-29 Berlin-Charlottenburg |
YM-YWHA [Young Men's - Young Women's Hebrew Association] summer course description |
BOX 4 |
Record Books
BOX 4 |
Ledgers [Savage School] |
General information |
Receipts for teaching and demonstrations, etc. 1937-40 |
[Savage school ledger] 1939-48 |
Rollbooks |
Grade book 1948 |
[Ledger n.d.] |
1934-37 |
Katherine Dunham School |
Professional and consultation classes 1948 |
BOX 18 BOX 80-81 |
Shorter College
BOX 81 |
Dance Club
BOX 81 |
1953-65 [Oversized Shorter Performances/Programs. The story of Job, May 1964. David and Goliath, 1963.] |
BOX 80-81 |
BOX 80 |
Honor Roll of donors 1984-85 |
Productions: |
Carousel 1959 |
Dido and Aeneas 1951 |
Fine Arts Festival 1954,55,60 |
May Day 1951-55, 58 |
Motion chior 1955 |
Theatre of Creative Movement 1962 |
Programs 1952-64 |
Set designs |
Shorter College Dance Club 1950-53 |
Summer School of the Fine Arts 1956-57 |
BOX 18 |
Alumni directory 1984 |
Yearbooks 1949-62 |
BOX 17 BOX 21 BOX 51 BOX 53 BOX 67-69 BOX 70-73 |
Personal Files
The Personal Files series are arranged by subject and include information specifically relating to Franz Boas, financial and legal documents, records relating to livestock and animals Boas raised during her retirement, a manuscript of Nicolas Michelson's book, and Boas' college yearbooks. |
Arrangement is by format |
BOX 21 |
Franz Boas
BOX 21 |
American Philosophical Society |
Franz Boas biography by Franziska Boas |
Boas family genealogy 1650-1985 [publication] |
Franz Boas life insurance policy |
Correspondence regarding Franz Boas or his work |
Correspondence regarding Franz Boas's death |
"Curriculum vitae of Franz Boas" by Franziska Boas |
Hays, Hoffman R. |
Lesser, Alexander |
Odyssey [PBS documentary] |
"Reminiscences of Franz" by Franziska Boas |
Reprints of Franz Boas articles |
Rohner, Ronald P. |
Stocking, George |
Sympathy thank-you's |
BOX 53 BOX 67-73 |
Financial/Legal Documents
BOX 67 |
Bank transactions 1976-89 |
BOX 68 |
Bills |
domestic |
medical |
BOX 69 |
receipts 1957-81 |
Bond certificates 1931-38 |
Cancelled checks 1970-75 |
BOX 70 |
Cancelled checks 1976-81 |
BOX 71 |
Cancelled checks 1982-88 |
Checkbooks 1948-50 |
BOX 72 |
Checkbooks 1976-85 |
Divorce papers of Franziska Boas 1944 |
Income tax 1949-87 |
Insurance policies A-M |
BOX 73 |
Insurance policies N-Z |
Loan payment book [ca. 1964] |
Savings account record books 1959-86 |
Will of Franziska Boas 1925 & 1971 |
BOX 53 |
Royalty statements 1962-88 [Franz and Franziska Boas publications] |
BOX 51 |
BOX 51 |
Livestock, misc. |
BOX 17 |
BOX 17 |
Barnard College yearbooks 1921-24 |
BOX 3 BOX 7-8 BOX 14-16 BOX 23-26 BOX 54-56 BOX 59-66 BOX 85 BOX 88 |
Writings & Research
The Writings & Research series consists of manuscripts for articles by Boas and others; manuscript and material relating to the Boas publication The Function of Dance; dance-related books; notes for classes by Boas; printed publications by Boas and others; writings on dance therapy and children; miscellaneous notes for articles, choreography and demonstrations; notes on the history of dance and the history of theatre; magazine clippings; and selected reprints of journal articles. |
Arrangement is by format |
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