The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Franziska Boas collection, 1920-1988
Writings & Research (continued)
Manuscripts for Articles (continued)
Franziska Boas (continued)
The place of dance in a liberal arts college for Impulse [including correspondence]
Psychological aspects in the practice and teaching of creative dance
Random improvisation
A report on the south
Statement of views on the place of physical education in general education
Testimonial dinner for C.W. Aycock (speech by Franziska Boas)
Miscellaneous manuscripts
Various unpublished manuscripts
BOX 8 Modern Dance index/bibliography
BOX 24 Nicholas Michelson
BOX 24 The Northern Lights (play)
"Notes on Age confusion in Psychosis" The Psychiatric Quarterly, April, 1968 NY
Weltwind: Zweiter Teil (Published in part in New York 1937) [Translation of note on this manuscript reads: "not-published, i.e., partly in [Dorpot?] showed/expressed, -probably misplaced or not sent away. This is a complete Manuscript of everything that is not published. One copy is in the Library of Congress with the exception of "Nachlese" (Gleaning), there is one set of poems from the "Nachlese" (was 8 now 15) contained herein."]
Miscellaneous manuscripts and notes
BOX 24 Others
BOX 24 Toni Wohlaurer "Memories and relfections" (written after Jacobi's death) [n.d.]
BOX 25-26 The Function of Dance
BOX 25-26 Franziska Boas
BOX 25 Advertisement
Bibliography 1953
Books and notes
Bound copy
Copyright document 1944
Duplicate manuscript: Function of dance no. 2
The function of dance in human society [printed version]
Iconography for Function of dance no. 2
Manuscripts published
Manuscripts published 1942 seminar
Materials for possible rewriting
Patterns of work in primitive industry
Schedule change cards
BOX 26 Seminars of 1938 and 1946
BOX 26 Others
BOX 26 Arnheim, Rudolph, Movement and psychology [original version]
Gomberg, William, revision of "Time and motion studies in modern industry"
Lawton, Shailor, revised paper
Mead, Margaret, original paper not to be included for publication
BOX 3 BOX 88 Dance-Related Books
BOX 3 Bode, Rudolph, Ausdrucksgymnastik [1922]
Buren, Hans von, Der Men und die Bonne [1924]
Duval, Mathias, Duval's Grundriss der Anatomie für Künster Deutsche von Ernst Gaupp [1922]
Marker, Friedrich, Symbolik der Gesichtsformen [1933]
Sachs, Curt, World history of the dance [NY, 1952]
Traubel, Horace, Chants communal [NY, 1914]
BOX 88 Bohme, Fritz, Tanzkunst [1926]
Dixon, Madeleine C., The power of dance [1939]
Gaulhofer, Karl, Die Fusshaltung, Ein Beitrag zur Stilgeschichte der menschlichen Bewegung [1930]
Hoffmann, Rolf, Die Akademie [1925]
Laban, R. von, Gymnastik und Tanz [1926]
Pallat, Ludwig and Franz Hilker, Künstlerische Körperschulung [1939]
Rydberg, Olaf, Die Tänzerin Palucca [1935]
Theiss, Frank, Der Tanz als Kunstwerk [1920]
BOX 85 Notes for Classes [Shorter College Period]
BOX 85 Book lists
Choreography to college courses
Class notebook
Class notes
Therapy/physical education related
Demonstration/class lecture notes
Improvisation class
Kinesiology/Physical Education/Health Classes
List for Shorter College Function
Miscellaneous notes
Notebook (various subjects)
Percussion class
[1960, 1933-34]
Rhythm Studies
Sociology class [1950-51]
Studies from other colleges
BOX 16 BOX 59-64 Publications
BOX 59 By Franz Boas
Baffin Island Adventure [1957]
About Franz Boas
By Franziska Boas
Creative dance in Therapy [1941]
Dance music in the life of the Northwest indians... [1944]
Dance improvisation and the use of percussion [1958]
Dance in the Liberal Arts college curriculum [1953]
The negro and the dance as art [1949]
Note on percussion accompaniment for the dance [incomplete 1938]
Percussion music and its relation to the Modern dance [1940]
Psychological aspects in the practice and teaching of creative dance [ca. 1942]
Teaching the lay dancer [1941]
About Franziska Boas
By Others
Rudolf Arnheim [1946]
Laurette Bender [1941-69]
Charles Babbitts [1943]
Margaret N. H'Doubler
J. Uriel Garcia [Buenos Aires, 1937]
Charles Holt [Paris, 1939]
V.T. Inman [1946-48]
BOX 60 Adrienne L. Kaeppler [1978]
Leo Kanner [n.d. & 1930]
J. Kunst [Amsterdam, 1937]
Gertrude P. Kurath [1960]
Serge Lido [Paris, 1947]
Valentina Litvinoff [1973]
John Martin [n.d. & 1965]
Margaret Mead [1958]
Fannie H. Melcer [1955]
Artur Michel [1945]
Eya F. Rudhyar [1949]
Albert E. Schelflen [1960]
Paul Schilder [Berlin, 1922]
Edwin M. Shawn [1937]
Vishnudass Shirali [ca. 1936]
Ernestine Stodelle [1964]
Sybil Shearer [1943]
Gene Weltfish [1974]
Mary Wigman [n.d.]
Julie Wilson [1947]
George Willis [n.d.]
Lavinia W. Yarborough [Germany, ca. 1949]
BOX 61-64 Miscellaneous
Dance related domestic periodicals
Dance related foriegn periodicals [Germany 1925-40]
BOX 54 National Dance Teachers Guild Newsletter [American Dance Guild] 1959-71
BOX 16 Selected articles on dance from Journal of Health-- Physical Education-- Recreation presented by National Section on Dance 1958 edited by Gertrude Lippincott
BOX 55-56 Therapy/Children
BOX 55 Childrens dance therapy classes
Bellevue [1940-48]
New York City 1947-48
BOX 56 Others
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