| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Writings & Research
(continued) |
(continued) |
BOX 59 |
By Franz Boas |
Baffin Island Adventure [1957] |
About Franz Boas |
By Franziska Boas |
Creative dance in Therapy [1941] |
Dance music in the life of the Northwest indians... [1944] |
Dance improvisation and the use of percussion [1958] |
Dance in the Liberal Arts college curriculum [1953] |
The negro and the dance as art [1949] |
Note on percussion accompaniment for the dance [incomplete 1938] |
Percussion music and its relation to the Modern dance [1940] |
Psychological aspects in the practice and teaching of creative dance [ca. 1942] |
Teaching the lay dancer [1941] |
About Franziska Boas |
By Others |
Rudolf Arnheim [1946] |
Laurette Bender [1941-69] |
Charles Babbitts [1943] |
Margaret N. H'Doubler |
J. Uriel Garcia [Buenos Aires, 1937] |
Charles Holt [Paris, 1939] |
V.T. Inman [1946-48] |
BOX 60 |
Adrienne L. Kaeppler [1978] |
Leo Kanner [n.d. & 1930] |
J. Kunst [Amsterdam, 1937] |
Gertrude P. Kurath [1960] |
Serge Lido [Paris, 1947] |
Valentina Litvinoff [1973] |
John Martin [n.d. & 1965] |
Margaret Mead [1958] |
Fannie H. Melcer [1955] |
Artur Michel [1945] |
Eya F. Rudhyar [1949] |
Albert E. Schelflen [1960] |
Paul Schilder [Berlin, 1922] |
Edwin M. Shawn [1937] |
Vishnudass Shirali [ca. 1936] |
Ernestine Stodelle [1964] |
Sybil Shearer [1943] |
Gene Weltfish [1974] |
Mary Wigman [n.d.] |
Julie Wilson [1947] |
George Willis [n.d.] |
Lavinia W. Yarborough [Germany, ca. 1949] |
BOX 61-64 |
Miscellaneous |
Dance related domestic periodicals |
Dance related foriegn periodicals [Germany 1925-40] |
BOX 54 |
National Dance Teachers Guild Newsletter [American Dance Guild] 1959-71 |
BOX 16 |
Selected articles on dance from Journal of Health-- Physical Education-- Recreation presented by National Section on Dance 1958 edited by Gertrude Lippincott |
BOX 55-56 |
BOX 55 |
Childrens dance therapy classes |
Bellevue [1940-48] |
New York City 1947-48 |
BOX 56 |
Others |
Misc. |
Dance therapy research projects |
Atlanta, GA [1953] (see Rome, GA) |
New York City [1947-48] |
Rome, GA [1952-53] |
Lectures |
American Dance Therapy Association conference 1971 |
California lecture tour 1952 |
Other locations |
Solicitation for dance therapy course [1939-54] |
BOX 66 |
BOX 66 |
Bank Street School 1968-70 |
Bennington summer school 1937 |
Boas school [1936, ca. 1948] |
Creative approach to dance (draft) [1949] |
Courses which I could offer in summer school [1953] |
Dance music selection lists |
Notebook 1 [Swimming conference 1921] |
Notebook 2 [Fanziska Boas classes ca. 1933] |
Notebook 3 [Notes and articles ca. 1933] |
Notebook 4 [Roll book classes 1945-46] |
Notebook 5 [Debussy: Prelude, Sarabande, Toccata (Dance) ca. 1933-44] |
Tentative schedual for physical education (draft) [n.d.] |
Miscellaneous notes |
BOX 23 |
History of Dance, History of Theatre Notes
BOX 23 |
Bibliography for The history of European dance, non-European dance, theatre
Dated cards |
Exam - History of non-European dance
Film lists |
History of dance |
Exam |
Notes |
Notes for classes |
References from books |
History of theatre
Bibliography and outline |
Notes |
Indices of articles, magazines |
Mimeograph maps from dance history (non-European) exam |
Miscellaneous notes for classes |
Outline: "Dance in the West Indies" |
Student papers |
BOX 14-15 |
BOX 14 |
Annotated clippings |
Anatomy |
Ernst Boas |
Franz Boas |
Franziska Boas |
Franziska Boas mentioned [dance related] |
Civil liberties |
Composers |
Costumes |
Dance related [ca. 1959] |
Dogs |
Dunham, Katherine |
Einstein, Albert |
Gadgets |
Gesture |
Human relations/race/cultures |
India: Music/dance |
BOX 15 |
Mead, Margaret |
Michelson, Gertrud |
Movement |
Music related |
Native Americans |
People |
Personal friends |
Photography and art |
Shorter College |
Social issues |
Stage design |
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