The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Bob Fosse and Gwen Verdon collection, 1920-1991
Individual Production, Project, and Performance Files (continued)
Big Deal (Fosse) (continued)
BOX 96B 43x29 color, mounted on cardboard
BOX 96C 43x29 color, mounted on cardboard
BOX 96D 48x21 color, mounted on cardboard
BOX 96E 48x31 color, mounted on cardboard
Set Model
BOX 98 36" L x 25" H x 28"W, model of set
[Note: Identifications such as "Director's final draft," or "rehearsal draft," are taken directly from the scripts themselves, as are dates. Scripts may be duplicates. The terms "annotated," "notations," "markings" refer not only to commentary written on the scripts, but also any cuts, revisions, dialogue changes, etc., that have been marked on a particular script. Covers have been removed.]
BOX 66A Script, 1958 film, red cover
Translated from Italian movie directed by Mario Monicelli, unmarked
Script, early, red clip notebook
Undated, early annotated draft
Script, 1st draft, 4/5/69
Inside marked by Bob Fosse: "Before selection of composer; 111 pp.; annotated with revisions and deletions
Script, 1st draft, 7/1/69, black vinyl cover 166 pp.; unmarked
Script, original
Marked "original;" undated, 157 pp.; some annotations; cut-up, taped-up copy
Script, early pages 50 pp. revised scenes; little annotation
Screenplay, 1st draft - old pages 100 pp., miscellaneous; few annotations
Script notes and pages
Several memos, Bob Fosse to David Picker, United Artists, discussing script revisions; reactions to readings of Big Deal (Robert Aurthur, David Shaw); Paddy Chayevsky's notes; Bob Fosse correspondence with Ray Stark; Bob Fosse handwritten notes
Script, early drafts
Bob Fosse handwritten and typed notes, ideas, drafts, very miscellaneous; fragile
BOX 66B Script, 6/17/85
Note on title page, "June 17, 1985, Prepared for a reading;" 137 pp., few revisions and deletions
Rehearsal script, 12/85, black vinyl cover 133 pp.; unmarked
Rehearsal script, 12/85, black vinyl cover 133 pp.; unmarked
BOX 10A Rehearsal script, 12/85, master
This was marked, "Master rehearsal script, 12/18/85, sent to Studio Duplicating Services;" few changes, deletions, additions; Draft; 137 pp.
Rehearsal script, 12/85, master
Marked, "Master, 12/18/85, annotated; 137 pp.
BOX 10B Rehearsal script, 12/85, Bob Fosse master, black paper 3 ring binder
With contact sheet, set and costume diagrams, light cues, etc.; annotated by Bob Fosse; 132 pp. with revisions; dance notes ; marked "Bob Fosse"
Rehearsal script, 12/85, 3 ring black vinyl binder
Marked "Cathy Nicholas" on title page; tabbed binder with calendar appointments, cues, contact sheets, running order, technical shift plot, production and rehearsal schedules, music, sound effects, props; annotations; Bob Fosse banking list; material on television commercial; tech notes, Bob Fosse program biography
BOX 10A Production script, 5/24/86
Marked "Master/Final" on original cover; corrected copy, with dance diagrams; 133 pp.
BOX 10B Rehearsal script, Bob Fosse, black vinyl 3 ring binder
Marked "B. Fosse, Big Deal old script; "extensively annotated version of 6/17/85 script; has alternate endings, calendar with Bob Fosse notes; photocopies of stage plan
Casting - sets, etc. notebook, Bob Fosse, blue vinyl 3 ring binder
Marked "Bob Fosse, casting - sets - costumes - music - old pages - miscellaneous schedules - Big Deal; including contact sheets, photo/resumes, casting and audition information
Script, purple vinyl cover
Early version of script; 89 pp.
BOX 66B Fosse notebook
Composition book with a few pages of Bob Fosse handwritten notes
1st draft, working script
Undated; 159 pp.; with list of possible numbers, main characters; annotated - primarily cuts and additions
1st draft, working script
Same as above, though both seem to be originals
First draft 7/1/69 126 pp.; some annotation
Script - Reading
Marked same; 157 pp.; annotated; includes list of actors and notes on roles to be read for
Script changes
Marked same; legal pad pages, paste ups and handwritten pages; this is a partial script draft in longhand
BOX 66C Working Manuscript (1 of 2)
Marked same; extensively revised pages, annotated, numerous handwritten draft pages
Working Manuscript (2 of 2)
Same as above
BOX 11B Fosse Notebook - "Ideas - Notes"
Marked same on cover; Mead composition notebook; script and dance notes, etc., handwritten, not extensive
Fosse Notebook - "Big Deal - Act I"
Mead composition notebook, tabbed with song titles; dance and music notes for several songs
Fosse Notebook - "Big Deal - Act II"
Mead composition notebook, tabbed with song titles; dance and music notes for several songs
BOX 11A Rehearsal script, 12/85, black vinyl cover 133 pp.; unmarked
1st draft screenplay, 7/1/69, black vinyl cover 166 pp.; very few deletions
1st draft screenplay, 7/1/69, black vinyl cover 166 pp.; annotated, mainly 1st act
BOX 11C Combined stage reading and screenplay, black clip binder 118 pp.; unmarked
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM paper cover 118 pp.; unmarked
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM paper cover 118 pp.; unmarked
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM paper cover 118 pp.; unmarked
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM paper cover 118 pp.; annotated
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM paper cover 118 pp.; unmarked
Combined stage reading and screenplay, gold ICM cover
Title page marked: "June 17, 1985, prepared for a reading;" 137 pp.; some highlighted dialogue
Script, "screen-stage combo", blue vinyl 3 ring binder
Marked same on cover; 157 pp.; very marked up; undated
Script, black 3 ring binder
Undated; 137 pp.; including "musical program" sheets, musical breakdown by character; very few notes, some revised pages.
BOX 11A Sides, red 3 ring binder
Marked same; contains tabbed script pages for various characters
Sides/Lyrics, green 3 ring binder
Marked Sides on cover and Lyrics on spine; contains script pages with music/sound effect notes
BOX 10A Revised Script Pages
Revised script pages, by scene
Burnt Offerings (Fosse)
BOX 13C Casting
Photo/resumes; agency client lists
Bob Fosse handwritten drafts; miscellaneous correspondence re: acquiring a house for the set; memo to Larry Turman re: Barbara Streisand casting; various memos, letters, progress reports, casting suggestions, script discussions between Bob Fosse and Turman of 20th Century-Fox, 1970's
BOX 14D Budget
Production budget, 1970
Financial: Fosse personal
Bob Fosse's CA travel expenses: hotel, airfare, personal miscellaneous; few notes on Burnt Offerings' costs
Casting, including memos (1 of 2)
Photo/resumes and correspondence from prospective actors and agents; Turman and Andrea Brandt memos on casting; Bob Fosse notes on readings; interview schedules with notes; lists of candidates and possibilities; extensive
Casting, including memos (2 of 2)
Continuation of above file
Several Bob Fosse handwritten notes on costs, locations, etc.; address list
BOX 13A Screenplay, revised, orange paper cover 117 pp.; unmarked
Screenplay, revised, orange paper cover 117 pp.; unmarked
Screenplay, revised, orange paper cover 117 pp.; unmarked
Screenplay, revised, orange paper cover 117 pp.; unmarked; has "sex operation" written in pencil on title page
Screenplay, revised, orange paper cover 115 pp.
Screenplay, revised
Marked "Turman Notes" on cover; 117 pp.; annotation by Lawrence Turman
Screenplay, revised, yellow CMA paper cover 105 pp.; few annotations
BOX 13B Screenplay, revised, brown spring binder 117 pp.; unmarked
"Burnt Offerings or How I Spent Our Summer;" "CBS comments," 5/6/70, 3 pp. in front; 133 pp.; heavily annotated, plus characters, possible cuts, notes on art and set directors, and "movies to see"
BOX 13A Screenplay, black paper cover
"Burnt Offerings or How I Spent Our Summer;" 133 pp.; unmarked
BOX 13B Screenplay, "rewrite", black spring binder
Cover marked "rewrite"; shooting script; 109 pp.;annotated
Script pages
Annotated, cuts and dialogue changes; 35 pp.
Script revisions, 5/12/70
Script revisions, 5/12/70 duplicate
Script revisions, 5/12/70 duplicate
Script revisions, 5/12/70 duplicate
"Script rewrites, 9-10/70" 20 pp.; few markings; letter from Robert Marasco, 11/20/70 re: script changes
BOX 14D Fosse script notes
20 pp. handwritten; 1 p. typed Paddy Chayevsky notes; 20th Century-Fox outline notes, 1969
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