The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Pola Nirenska collection, 1910-1992
Photographic Materials, 1930s-1992 (continued)
Photoprints (continued)
Others (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 16/133-142 Web: Shawn Womack, 1987 Oct., color
BOX-FOLDER 14/21 Wigman, Mary. By Ted Hurter, Zürich and Atelier Robertson, Berlin; autographed by Wigman
BOX-FOLDER 14/22 Wigman, Mary, Elisabeth Wigman, and Hanya Holm
BOX-FOLDER 16/143 Wilcox, Carrie, color
BOX-FOLDER 14/23 Womack, Shawn, color
BOX-FOLDER 16/144-146 Woman, first movement: Sharon Wyrrick, 1987 April, color
BOX-FOLDER 16/147-152 Woman, second movement: Sharon Wyrrick, 1987 April, color
BOX-FOLDER 14/24 Wyrrick, Sharon
BOX-FOLDER 14/25 Unidentified: dancers, color and b&w. By Joel S. Hauserman
BOX-FOLDER 14/26 Unidentified: friends and family, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 28/13 12 x 10 by John Deakin; autographed
BOX-FOLDER 16/153-163 Unidentified: dance rehearsal, 1988 Nov., color
BOX 15 BOX 28-30 By Nirenska
BOX-FOLDER 28/14 A boy on the farm, 10-1/2 x 13-3/4, 1969. Print of the year, National Photographic Society
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 Castle in Spain, 19-1/2 x 14, 1969
BOX-FOLDER 28/15 Delicate, 10-3/4 x 13-1/4
BOX-FOLDER 28/16 Dreaming, 11 x 14
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 Horizontal, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 30/4 I am mad, 14 x 17
BOX-FOLDER 15/2 July 4
BOX-FOLDER 30/5 Junior, 14-3/4 x 20
BOX-FOLDER 15/3, 28/17 Landscapes, 8-1/4 x 13, 11 x 14-3/4, 11 x 14
BOX-FOLDER 29/5 Listening, 11 x 14, 14 x 11
BOX-FOLDER 29/6 Marching band, 14 x 11
BOX-FOLDER 15/4 My spanish skirt, 1968 April. Accepted in the spring competition of the Greater Washington Council of Camera Clubs
BOX-FOLDER 30/6 Nature's form, 16 x 20, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 15/5, 30/7 Pets, 1968 Fall, b&w and color
BOX-FOLDER 29/7 Portrait of a farmer, 12-1/4 x 14-1/2, 1969 Jan. Honorable mention in portraits, Arts Club of Washington Pictorial Photography Annual Salon
BOX-FOLDER 15/6, 29/8, 30/8 Portraits, two 11 x 14, two 14 x 11, 11 x 13-1/2, 13-1/4 x 10, three 20 x 16
BOX-FOLDER 15/7 Portraits of a child, 1967. Printed in Baby Talk in 1967 and 1968; copy of 1968 Christmas issue included
BOX-FOLDER 30/9 Puff, 14 x 15-1/4, 1969 Jan. Print of the year, second place, National Photographic Society; displayed in Arts Club of Washington Pictorial Photography Annual Salon
BOX-FOLDER 15/8, 29/9, 30/10 Still-life, two 11 x 14, 14 x 11, 11 x 14-3/4, two 16 x 20, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 30/11 Study, two 16 x 20, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 15/9 Sulking
BOX-FOLDER 28/18 Sulking, 12 x 10-3/4
BOX-FOLDER 16/164 Travel, 1987 Oct., color
BOX-FOLDER 30/12 Village, 11 x 14, 16 x 20, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 28/19 Yawn, 11 x 14, 1967 Dec. Honorable mention, National Photographic Society
BOX-FOLDER 30/13 Young painter, 17-1/2 x 15
BOX-FOLDER 15/10 Miscellaneous subjects, contact sheets
BOX-FOLDER 28/20 By David Hasamatsu
BOX-FOLDER 28/20 Winter scenes, 13-1/2 x 10, 13-1/2 x 10-3/4. Autographed
BOX 15-18 Albums
BOX-FOLDER 16/165-166 St. Martin, 1977; 1980 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 15/11 St. Martin, 1978 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 16/167-171 St. Martin, 1978 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 16/172-174 New York, 1978 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/1-3 Guatemala, 1979 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/4-5 1979, spring-summer [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/6-7 Hungary, 1980 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/8 New York, 1980 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/9-10 Pets, 1979-80 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 15/12 1980-85 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 17/11-15 1980-85 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 18/1-18 1981-82 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 18/19-21 1982 July-Aug. [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 15/13 Japan, 1984 June [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 18/22-24 Japan, 1984 June [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 18/25-28 1986-88 [color and b&w]
BOX-FOLDER 15/14-17 Nirenska alone
BOX-FOLDER 15/14 Eastern ballad, 8 x 10 copy negative, safety film
BOX-FOLDER 15/15 Polish dance, 8 x 10 copy negative, safety film
BOX-FOLDER 15/16 La puerta del vino, 8 x 10 copy negative, safety film
BOX-FOLDER 15/17 A scarecrow remembers, 8 x 10 copy negatives, safety film
BOX 19 BOX-FOLDER 18/29-31 Others
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 Burkhardt, Beth and Denise Reed, 1986 July, color. National Zoo; choreography by Burkhardt
BOX-FOLDER 19/2-3 Dick
BOX-FOLDER 19/4-23 Karski, Jan, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 19/24-33 Knox, Marion
BOX-FOLDER 19/34-47 Norman
BOX-FOLDER 19/38-41 Osgood Chanock, Beth
BOX-FOLDER 19/42-51 Payne (Nolan), Arvilla
BOX-FOLDER 18/29 Pearson, Nicole, 5 x 4, 1964 Jan. 18. In The Evening Star
BOX-FOLDER 19/52-64 Sande, Rona
BOX-FOLDER 19/65-101 Students of Nirenska
BOX-FOLDER 19/102-106 Thimey, Erika, with her sister, Herta
BOX-FOLDER 19/107-114 The train: Paula Camilli, Heather Doerbecker, Jan Taylor, and Jan [?], 8 x 12, 1990
BOX-FOLDER 19/115-132 Xstery [?], Andrea
BOX-FOLDER 18/30-31 Unidentified relatives, 3-3/4 x 2-3/4 copy negatives, safety film
BOX-FOLDER 19/133-150 Unidentified
BOX 20 BOX 21 BOX-FOLDER 19/151-185 By Nirenska
BOX-FOLDER 19/151-153 Animals
BOX-FOLDER 19/154-185 Genre
BOX-FOLDER 20/1-53 Miscellaneous subjects, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 20/54-64 Pets
BOX-FOLDER 20/65-67 Photo class
BOX-FOLDER 20/68-146 Portraits, three 16 mm. images, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 21/1-64 Scapes: landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes
BOX-FOLDER 21/65-85 Spain
BOX-FOLDER 21/86-112 Still-life, color and b&w
BOX-FOLDER 21/113-137 Travel, color
BOX-FOLDER 15/18 Slides by Nirenska
BOX-FOLDER 15/18 Dusk [color]
Landscapes [color]
Life begins [color]
Lonely bird [color]
Portraits [color]
Seascapes [color]
Still-life [color]
Unidentified [color]
BOX 22 BOX 28 BOX 29 BOX 30 Art Work
The Art Work series is represented by two subseries: Costume designs and Drawings & paintings. The Costume designs subseries consists of drawings and paintings, primarily from the 1930s. The Drawings & paintings subseries consists of drawings and watercolors of Nirenska and colleagues, and several miscellaneous drawings and prints.
Arranged alphabetically by type, title, and subject.
BOX 22 BOX 28 BOX 30 Costume designs
BOX-FOLDER 28/21 By Audrey Cruddas, annotated
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 By Doroty Szenfeld, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 By Doroty Szenfeld, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 29/10 Costume, green and yellow
BOX-FOLDER 28/22 Costume, Polish
BOX-FOLDER 30/14 A scarecrow remembers, by Audrey Cruddas, annotated
BOX-FOLDER 22/3 Unidentified
BOX 22 BOX 28 BOX 29 BOX 30 Drawings and paintings
BOX-FOLDER 28/23 Barnes commons, pencil drawing, by S. R. [?]
BOX-FOLDER 29/11 La dame a l'éventail, by Pablo Picasso, print
BOX-FOLDER 29/12-14, 30/15 Drawings and watercolors, by A. H. C. [formerly Audrey Cruddas?]
BOX-FOLDER 29/15 Mardi Gras, by Paul Cézanne, print
BOX-FOLDER 22/4 Nirenska, drawing, by Felix Topolski. Used for programs and as a bookplate; see also Subject Files, Pola Nirenska Dance Company
BOX-FOLDER 22/5 Painting, by R. Mizufune, 1962
BOX-FOLDER 29/16 Pearson, Nicole and Rona Sande [?], watercolor, 1960s
BOX-FOLDER 30/16 Pencil drawing, by Zardenberg [?]
BOX-FOLDER 30/17 Sally, drawing, by Frances T. Trammell, 1964
BOX-FOLDER 22/6 Two bridges, by Sir Stanley Spencer, print
BOX-FOLDER 29/17 Le vieux juif, by Pablo Picasso, print
BOX-FOLDER 22/7-8 Music
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