| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX-FOLDER 22/7-8 |
The Music series consists of autographed miniature score of Priaulx Rainier's Quartet for strings, printed score of the Polish national hymn. |
Arranged alphabetically by composer |
Anonymous, Jeszcze Polska nie zginela (The Polish national hymn). Words by Josef Wybicki |
Rainier, Priaulx, Quartet for strings. Miniature score; autographed "For Pola from Priaulx 1942-1947" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/9-21 |
Poetry, 1934-1936, 1949, 1987, undated
The Poetry series consists of poems for, about, and by Nirenska, a few miscellaneous others. |
Arranged alphabetically by author |
Bymme; "On first seeing Pola" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/10 |
Faber Wolff, Rima; "Thanksgiving poems" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/11 |
Genega, Paul; "The courier"; 1987. For Jan Karski; original in correspondence, "G" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 22/12 |
Kraft, Marcy; Night flowers. To Nirenska with thanks for her inspiration |
BOX-FOLDER 22/13 |
Kraft, Marcy; "17 poems" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/14 |
Nirenska, Pola; "Dreamscape" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/15 |
Scheider, Hanns; "Sü-schy tanzt"; 1934 June 28 |
BOX-FOLDER 22/16 |
Seidl, Ina; "Aus der engelsuite, getanzt von Pola Nirenska (Versuch einer Bewegungsdeutung)" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/17 |
Seidl, Ina; "Der Schrei: Choreographische studie, getanzt v. Pola Nirenska, Warschau, anlässlich des Internat. Tanzwettbewerbes in Wien" |
BOX-FOLDER 22/18 |
Seidl, Ina; "Trance [and] Engel des todes"; Winter 1935-36. Based on Nirenska's choreography |
BOX-FOLDER 22/19 |
Seidl, R. [Ina ?]; "Erinnerungen einer Vogelscheuche, Studie über einen Tanz von Pola Nirenska"; 1949. Original in correspondence |
BOX-FOLDER 22/20 |
Winczakiewicz, Jan; Izrael w poezji Polskiej antologia |
BOX-FOLDER 22/21 |
Unidentified |
BOX 23 |
Subject Files, 1933-1982
The Subject Files series consists of Nirenska's dance school, dance company, and related files containing publicity, programs, clippings, and writings; also a file of gardening materials ("New plants"). |
Arranged alphabetically by subject |
Dance recital publicity, 1958-82 |
BOX-FOLDER 23/2-4 |
Dance school, 1960-68 |
An evening of choreography by Pola Nirenska, 1990 July 28-29 |
BOX-FOLDER 28/24-27 |
Für Pola, 1933-58 [writings, programs, and publicity from outside U.S.] |
Loose single reprints [clippings and programs], 1964-81 |
New plants |
Pola Nirenska Dance Company -- programs, leaflets, etc., 1958-66 |
Reviews [and programs/publicity], 1948-63 |
BOX-FOLDER 23/10 |
Washington Dance Company, 1958-66 |
BOX 24 BOX 25 |
Personal Papers
The Personal Papers series consists of three categories arranged alphabetically and sorted chronologically at the folder level as applicable: addresses and cards, bibliographic cards, business, medical, and miscellaneous. |
Arranged alphabetically and sorted chronologically |
Addresses and cards |
BOX 25 |
Bibliographic cards [Note: Topics are as follows: Art, cookery, dance, dictionaries and encyclopedias, fairy tales and legends, gymnastics and health, literature, love and marriage, music, philosophy and psychology, poetry, politics and history, religion and religion-philosophy, theater and costumes, etc., miscellaneous] |
Business |
Medical |
Miscellaneous |
BOX 24 BOX 29 BOX 30 |
Awards, 1934, 1980, 1987, 1991
The Awards series consists of a certificate of appreciation, and a diploma. |
Arranged chronologically |
BOX-FOLDER 30/18 |
Diploma, Internationaler Tanz = Wettbewerb und Volkstanztreffen Wien, 1934 June 16 |
Award, Metropolitan Dance Association, 1980 |
BOX-FOLDER 29/18 |
Award, St. Patrick's Senior Center, for the intergenerational contribution of Pola Nirenska to the cultural life of the greater Washington area, 1987 |
Certificate of appreciation, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 1991 Aug. 16 |
BOX 26 BOX 27 |
Realia, 1985, undated
The Realia series consists of a medal from the 200th anniversary of the Polish Ballet and other items. |
Arranged alphabetically |
BOX 26 |
Medal, 200th anniversary of Polish Ballet, 1985 |
BOX 27 |
Sea shell |
BOX [shelf] |
Books and Articles
The Books and Articles series is represented by two subseries: Books ; Articles & Clippings. The Books subseries consists of monographs related to dance, religion, and history. The Articles & Clippings subseries consists of magazines, articles and clippings (not about Nirenska), mostly dance-related. |
Arranged alphabetically by author and title |
BOX [shelf] |
Aubel, Hermann and Marianne, Der Künstlerische Tanz unserer Zeit |
Bainton, Roland H., The horizon history of Christianity |
Behr, Walter, Das hatte ich zu sagen... |
Bénard, Th., L'Année préparatoire d'histoire sainte |
Bie, Oskar, Der Tanz |
Boehn, Max von, Der Tanz |
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, Les danses à Bali |
Cato (Owen Frank), Guilty men |
Chesterton, G. K., St. Thomas Aquinas |
Clarke, C. P. S., Short history of the Christian church |
Dahlke, Paul, Buddhismus als Weltanschauung |
Daniel-Rops, Henri, This is the mass |
Daudet, Alphonse, Die Abenteuer des Herrn Tartarin aus Tarascon |
Delius, Rudolf von, Tanz und Erotica |
Diebold, Bernhard, Habima |
Duncan, Isadora, Der Tanz der Zukunft |
Dzikowski, Stanislaw, O tancu |
Elleniko chorodrama, 1950-1960 |
Freund, Liesel, Monographien der Ausbildungsschulen für Tanz und tänzrische Öperbildung, Band 1: Berlin |
Gert, Valeska, Mein Weg |
Gibbon, Edward, Christianity and the decline of Rome |
Gobineau, Graf, Asiatische Novellen |
Graham, Dom Aelred, Catholicism and the world today |
Gray, Rev. Ronald, This is your mass |
Green, Lili, Einführung in das Wesen unserer Gesten und Bewegungen |
Gregor, Joseph, Kulturgeschichte des Balletts. Autographed with note, Wien, 1947 Nov. |
Gunther, John, and Bernard Quint, Days to remember: America 1945-1955 |
Hersey, John, The wall |
Hildenbrandt, Fred, Die Tänzerin Valeska Gert. 1930 Dresden |
The holy bible, light of the world edition |
Höver, Otto, Javanische Schattenspiele |
Hughes, Philip, A popular history of the Reformation |
Kellermann, Bernhard, Japanische Tänze. 1930 Dresden |
Khayyám, Omar, Trans. by Edward Fitzgerald, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám |
Killgallon, James, and Gerard Weber, Life in Christ |
Klingenbeck, Fritz, Die Tänzerin Rosalia Chladek |
Knox, Ronald, The belief of Catholics |
Kochanowicz, Jan, Wstep do nauki o teatrze |
Kolb, Dr. Med. Rudolf, Magen und Darm |
Kubin, Alfred, Dämonen und Nachtgesichte. Autographed by Nirenska |
Laban, Rudolf von, Des Kindes Gymnastik und Tanz |
Laban, Rudolf von, Die Welt des Tänzers |
Levinson, André, La Argentina: A study in Spanish dancing |
Levinson, André, La danse d'aujourd'hui |
Liguori, St. Alphonsus, The way of the cross |
Linder, Kurt, Die Verwandlungen der Mary Wigman |
Lloyd, Roger, The mastery of evil |
Mackiewicz, Stanislaw, Historja Polski |
Mamontowicz-Lojek, Bozena, Terpsychora i lekkie muzy |
May, Joseph, Stehen Sie fest auf Ihren Füssen? |
Medau, Hinrich, Deutsche Gymnastik |
Muther, Richard, Die Kunst, Band 43: Der Tanz als Kunstwerk von Oscar Bie |
Nerman, Einar, Darlings of the gods: in music hall, revue, and musical comedy |
Netzer, Dr. Shlomo, A thousand years of history of the Jews of Poland |
Newman, Dora, Elfenblüten |
Oberdörffer, Med. H. J., Rhythmische Atem-Gymnastik-Schule |
Pawlowa, Anna, Anna Pawlowa |
Pirchan, Emil, Harald Kreutzberg |
Prucha, F. P., and Gerald Ellard, ed., The sacred ceremonies of holy week |
Remarque, Erich Maria, Droga powrotna |
Rheinhardt, E. A., Eleonora Duse |
Sachar, Abram Leon, A history of the Jews, fifth edition |
Storck, Karl, Der Tanz |
Strauss, Richard, Die Musik, Band 47/48: Der Künstlerische Tanz von Werner Suhr |
Swieto tanca artystycznego |
Tairoff, Alexander, Das entfesselte Theater 1937 Dresden |
The Talmud of Jerusalem |
Die Tänzerin Mary Wigman |
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