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Mannes - Damrosch collection, 1848-1986

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Programs, 1876-1947 and undated (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/25 Philharmonic Society of New York, 1876-1877
BOX-FOLDER 4/26 Rochester Civic Orchestra, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 4/27 A tribute to Marya Mannes, undated
BOX-FOLDER 4/28 Unidentified, undated
BOX-FOLDER 4/29 Veltin School Commencement Exercises, 1923
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 Walter Damrosch golden jubilee, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 4/30 WPA Federal Music Project, 1938
BOX 11, 39 Scrapbooks, 1925-1956
Handmade 25th wedding anniversary album for Walter and Margaret Damrosch, clippings on Leopold Mannes performances and the development of Kodachrome, and a scrapbook of clippings, programs, letters, telegrams, a photograph, and a brochure for David Mannes' 90th birthday.
Arranged chronologically by date.
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 Walter and Margaret Damrosch [wedding] anniversary, 1925
BOX-FOLDER 39/2 Clippings and ephemera of Leopold Mannes performances, 1927-1941
BOX-FOLDER 39/3-4 Clippings on Kodachrome and Leopold Mannes performances, 1935-1951
BOX-FOLDER 11/7 David Mannes' 90th birthday, 1956
BOX 4, 11, 35-36 Clippings, 1881-1951 and undated
Printed and typescript clippings from magazines and newspapers.
Arranged alphabetically by person, then chronologically.
Damrosch, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 4/31 1881-1932
BOX-FOLDER 35/5 1881-1885, 1914
BOX-FOLDER 11/8 Damrosch, Walter, 1933-1944
Mannes, David and Clara
BOX-FOLDER 4/32 1913-1949 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 1913-1942
Mannes, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 4/33 1925-1964 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 36/1 1935-1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 4/33 Mannes, Marya, 1926-1948 and undated
BOX 5-6, 12-26, 34-36, 38 Photographs
The Photographs series is represented by two subseries: Photoprints ; Albums. Photoprints consist of black & white positive prints. Albums consist of black & white prints, some color positive prints.
Arrangement is by subseries, then by alphabetically by subject or chronologically by date.
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 Blow, David
BOX-FOLDER 5/3 Brandt, Marianne
BOX-FOLDER 5/4 Consolo, Anna and Ernesto
BOX-FOLDER 12/1 Damrosch, Clara, Elizabeth, and Helene with European travel group
BOX-FOLDER 5/5 Damrosch family portraits
BOX-FOLDER 5/6 Damrosch, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 5/7 Damrosch, Helene von Heimburg
BOX-FOLDER 5/8 Damrosch, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 12/3 Damrosch, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 5/10 Heimburg, Marie von
BOX-FOLDER 5/13 Henschel, George
BOX-FOLDER 5/14 Mannes, Clara Damrosch
BOX-FOLDER 5/18 Mannes, David
BOX-FOLDER 5/21 Mannes, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 5/24 Mannes, Marya
BOX-FOLDER 5/28 Mannes family
BOX-FOLDER 12/7 Mannes School of Music
BOX-FOLDER 12/8 Miscellaneous [buildings, interiors, and scenery]
BOX-FOLDER 5/29 Tee Van, Helen Damrosch [wedding]
BOX-FOLDER 5/30 Unidentified
BOX 13 [#1] : Paradox Lake...[illegible], 1898-1900
Includes: Paradox Lake, Whitney's Beach, the Mannes family, the Seymour's home, and Helen Tee Van as a girl
BOX-FOLDER 6/1 [#2] : Seal Harbor, 1901-1902
Includes: Mannes family at home, baby pictures of Leopold Mannes
BOX 14 [#3] : Europe, 1903
Includes: Buildings, mainly in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland
BOX 15 [#4] : [1904-1906]
Includes: Photographs and text about Marya Mannes as a baby; also, includes a photograph of the Damrosch family memorial and a notice of Helene Damrosch's death which occurred four days after Marya's birth
Inscribed: This book illuminated and given by Elizabeth Mosenthal
BOX-FOLDER 16/1 [#5] : Mannesden, Lake Champlain, 1905
Includes: Mannesden, the Mannes' summer home, and the Mannes family
BOX-FOLDER 16/2 [#6] : 1905
Includes: Mannes family
BOX-FOLDER 17/1 [#7] : Summer of, second summer at Mannesden, 1906
Includes: Mannesden, a guest list of visitors, Frank Damrosch holding Marya Mannes, and silhouettes of the Mannes family
BOX 34 [#8] : [Illegible], 1906-1907
Includes: Mannesden, Frank Damrosch holding Marya Mannes, and Margaret Damrosch and her daughters
BOX 18 [#9] : [Illegible] - Seal Harbor, 1910-1911
Includes: Mannes family in Europe [?] and Seal Harbor, and Frank Damrosch
BOX 19 [#10] : [Illegible], 1912
Includes: Mannes family on vacation [to ?] and at home
BOX 20 [#11] : 1912
Includes: Mannes family on vacation [to ?]
BOX-FOLDER 17/2 [#12] : Europe [illegible], 1913
Includes: Mannes family in Europe, some with Margaret and Walter Damrosch
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 [#13] : 1913
Includes: Mannes family
BOX-FOLDER 38/19 [#28] : Leopold Damrosch Mannes, my trip abroad and other pictures, 1913
BOX 22 [#14] : [Illegible], 1914-1915
Includes: Mannes family, other children, and a wedding [one of Walter Damrosch's daughters?]
BOX 23 [#15] : [Illegible], 1915
Includes: Mannes family on vacation to Washington, DC [and other places?]
BOX-FOLDER 21/2 [#16] : Summer vacation, 1919
Includes: Mannes family on vacation to Montreal and [the American West]
BOX 24 [#17] : Summer, David and Clara Mannes' Holidays, 1930
Includes: Clara, David, and Marya in Europe
BOX-FOLDER 6/2-3 [#18] : [1931]
Includes: Photographs and travel postcards of the Mannes family on vacation
BOX-FOLDER 6/4 [#19] : Museum Concert, 1938
Includes: David Mannes' activities on the night of one of his free concerts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
On inside cover: "Photos taken by Leopold [Mannes] at the Metropolitan Museum & 120 E. 75, March 1938, New York"
BOX-FOLDER 6/5 [#20] : [1938]
Includes: Some of the same photographs as album #19 above, as well as additional ones of the same concert
BOX-FOLDER 6/6 [#21] : [1940-1941]
Includes: David Blow as a baby, Marya Mannes, Richard Blow, and Evelyn and Leopold Mannes
BOX-FOLDER 6/7 [#22] : Undated
Includes: Mannes family, Marya as a baby, and house interiors
BOX-FOLDER 25/1 [#23] : Undated
Includes: Mannes family, Marya as a young girl, vacations, Frank Damrosch, Frank Damrosch Jr. and one of Frank Jr.'s sons as a baby
BOX-FOLDER 25/2 [#24] : Undated
Includes: Marya Mannes and Richard Blow in Italy and Greece, Marya's sculpture, travel postcards, and David Blow's christening party with Walter Damrosch attending
BOX-FOLDER 6/8 [#25] : Undated
Includes: Photographs and travel postcards of Havana, Santa Fe and the American Southwest
BOX-FOLDER 36/2 [#25] : Harveycar motor cruises through the great Southwest, undated
Note: Map accompanying photograph album #25
BOX-FOLDER 26/1 [#26] : Undated
Note: Loose page from unidentified photo album; includes pictures of Mannes family, ca. 1910?
BOX-FOLDER 26/2 [#27] : Undated
Includes: Buildings and art in Europe
BOX 27-28, 30, 33, 35-36 Artwork, 1889-1973 and undated
Artwork consists of pencil sketches, ink drawings, pastel drawings, watercolors, engraving and photogravure plates and reproductions of drawings, sketches and sculptures.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or title, then by medium.
Cortot, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 27/1 Pencil sketches, by unidentified artist, undated
Damrosch, Helene
BOX-FOLDER 27/2 Pencil sketch (portrait), by unidentified artist, 1893 January 9
Damrosch, Leopold
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 Engraving plate (portrait), by unidentified artist, undated
BOX-FOLDER 27/3 Pencil sketch (portrait), by Friedrich Preller, 1857 October 7
Damrosch, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 27/4 Reproduction of pencil sketch (portrait), by Churchill Ettinger, undated
"Leading members of the Damrosch orchestra"
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