Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1901-1965 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 | Gounod, Charles | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/28 | Guilbert, Yvette | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/29 | Gunsbourg, Raoul | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/30 | "G" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/31 | Hadley, Henry | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/32 | Hahn, Reynaldo | ||||||||||||
Almor Vangel see Scrapbook: Box 39 |
BOX-FOLDER 9/39 | Holmes, E, Burton | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/34 | Houghton Mifflin | ||||||||||||
Huelsen, Von see Berlin, Königlichen Schauspiele |
BOX-FOLDER 9/35 | Hughes, Rupert | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/36 | Humperdinck, Engelbert | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/37 | Humphries, Daisy ("Dadums") | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/38 | Hurst, Ernie | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/39 | "H" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
Internationale Stiftung, Salzburg | |||||||||||||
See: Mozarteum | |||||||||||||
Mary see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 9/40 | Japanese student (anonymous) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/41 | Jerome, William Travers | ||||||||||||
Johnson, Edward see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 9/42 | Kaulback, Friedrich August von | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 | Kent, Rockwell | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 | Key, Pierce V.R. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 | Klan, Marc | ||||||||||||
Krause, Otto see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 | "I-K" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
Grant, Earle W. see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 | Lambert Company | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 | Lara, Isidora de | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 | Le Gallienne, Eva | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 | Lehmann, Lilli, 1904-1915 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 | Lehmann, Lilli, 1919-1929 | ||||||||||||
Lehmann, Lotte see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 | Leoncavallo, Berthe | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 | Long, John Luther | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 | Mack, Willard | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 | Marlowe, Julia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/14 | Martens, Frederick Hermann | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/15 | Martinelli, Giovanni | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/16 | Massenet, Jules | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/17 | Maulsby, Ann | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/18 | McBride, Mary Margaret | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/19 | McCormack, John | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/20 | McCormack, Mrs. John | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/21 | Melba, Nellie | ||||||||||||
Melchior, Lauritz see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/22 | Metropolitan Opera Company, New York | ||||||||||||
Miller, Mrs. Bernard See: scrapbook: Box 34 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/23, 11/40 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/24 | Moscher, Florence | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/25 | Mozarteum | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/26 | Murat, Princess | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/27 | Musical Courier | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/28 | Muzio, Claudia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/29 | "M" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/30 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/31 | Nast, Condé | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/32 | National Broadcasting Company | ||||||||||||
Neuer, Berthold see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/33 | New England Conservatory of Music | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/34 | New York Tribune | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/35 | Nordica, Lillian | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/36 | Novotna, Jarmila | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/37 | "N" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/38 | Oppenheimer, Mildred R. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/39 | Paris Opéra | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/40 | Peroni, Carlo | ||||||||||||
Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. F. see Scrapbook: Box 34 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/41 | Pickford, Mary | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/42 | Plançon, Pol | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/43 | Poet (anonymous) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/44 |
Political Correspondence see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 10/45 |
Lily see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
Ponselle, Rosa Melba see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 | Prisoner (anonymous) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 | Puccini, Giacomo | ||||||||||||
Rachmaninoff, Sergei and Natalie see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 | Raisa, Rosa | ||||||||||||
Republican National Committee see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 | Rogers, James H. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/7 | Rostand, Edmond | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/8 | "O-R" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
Scharf, Bernard W. see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/9 | Schirmer, Rudolph E. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/10 | Schumann-Heink, Ernestine | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/11 |
Sembrich, Marcela see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/12 | Sheldon, Edward | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/13 | Slezak, Leo | ||||||||||||
Smith, Delos Jr. see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/14 | Spanuth, August | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/15 | Stockholm Opera | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/16 | Stokowski, Olga Samaroff | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/17 | Strauss, Richard | ||||||||||||
Sturgis, David see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/18 | "S" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/19 | Takaoki, Sumiko | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/20 | Taylor, Deems | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/21 | Tempest, Marie | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/22 | Thompson, Samuel S. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/23 | Thorburg, Kerstin | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/24 | Thursby, Emma Cecelia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/25 | Torrey, George Burroughs | ||||||||||||
Toscanini, Arturo see Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/41 |
Unidentified see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/26 | Universal Pictures Corporation | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/27 | U. S. Army, Women's Army Corps | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/28 | U. S. Government, Office of Civil Defense | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/29 | U. S. Government, Office of Price Administration | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/30 | "T-V" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/31 | Waller, Frank Laird | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/32 | Webb, Annie B. | ||||||||||||
Whitcomb, Lois Elisabeth see Scrapbook: Box 42 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/33 | Wiggin, Kate Douglass ("Katydid") | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/34 |
Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 1901-1941
see also Scrapbook: Box 33 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/35 | Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 1945-1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/36 | Wilhelm II, Kaiser | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/37 | Wilkie, Mrs. Wendell | ||||||||||||
Wright, Mrs. Earl D. see Scrapbook: Box 39 |
BOX-FOLDER 11/38 | Wolff, Albert | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 11/39 | "W-Z" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
Zenatello, Giovanni See: Gay, Marcia |
BOX 12 | Contracts, 1904-1940 | ||||||||||||
Farrar's contracts with the Metropolitan Opera comprise the bulk of this series. There are also a considerable amount of film contracts with Goldwyn Pictures Corporation. Farrar's contract with the Berlin Royal Opera dates from 1904 while a contract dated 1940 regarding royalties from her autobiography with Greystone Press is the most recent. Illustrative of Farrar's popularity as both a prima donna and an actress is her contract with Benjamin Claggett regarding the production and distribution of "Geraldine Farrar Candy." Included are other business related materials, such as concert tour itineraries and receipts. | |||||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by organization or format. | |||||||||||||
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