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William Remsen Strickland collection, 1926-1991

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Music, 1930s-1950s (continued)
Music inscribed to WRS
Bacon, Ernst
BOX-FOLDER 18/1 From these states
Bales, Richard Horner
BOX-FOLDER 18/2 Lines
Barber, Samuel
BOX-FOLDER 18/3 The coolin
BOX-FOLDER 18/4 Two essays for orchestra
Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney
BOX-FOLDER 18/5 Pax nobiscum
Cowell, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 18/6 Hymn and fuguing tune: no. 14
BOX-FOLDER 18/7 Supplication
Howe, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 18/8 Elegy
Ísólfsson, Páll
BOX-FOLDER 18/9 Chaccone for organ
BOX-FOLDER 18/10 Introduktion og passacaglia for orgel
Kuhnau, Johann
BOX-FOLDER 18/11 Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
Sessions, Roger
BOX-FOLDER 18/12 The black maskers
Sousa, John Philip
BOX-FOLDER 18/13 Circumnavigator's Club waltz
Sowerby, Leo
BOX-FOLDER 18/14 Suite for organ
Tournemire, Charles
BOX-FOLDER 18/15 Symphonie-choral d’orgue
Ward, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 18/16 Lamentation
BOX-FOLDER 18/17 Third symphony
Music edited by WRS for H. W. Gray Co.
Jacobi, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 Prelude
Milhaud, Darius
BOX-FOLDER 19/2 Pastorale
Porter, Quincy
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 Canon and fugue for organ
Sowerby, Leo
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Fanfare for organ
Thomson, Virgil
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 Pastorale on a Christmas plainsong
Music owned by WRS
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Ave verum corpus
[2] p.
Barrows, John
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 Chorale fantasy : Jesu meine Freund
6 p.
Berg, Alban
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Wozzeck
[2] p.
Boulanger, Lili
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Psaume 24
18 p.
Chorus line not present.
On title page: Scored by R.C.
Keller, Homer
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Five pieces for clarinet and bassoon
7 p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Five pieces for clarinet and bassoon
6 p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/11 Six preludes for piano
[8] p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/12 Symphony no. 4
[5] p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/13 Unidentified
[1] p. ea.
Kennan, Kent
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Sonatina for piano
11 p.
Kochs, Ellis B.
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Legend : for oboe and strings
5 p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/14 Night watch : a dialog for flute, horn, and kettledrums
3 p.
Kubik, Gail
BOX-FOLDER 38/6 Toccata for organ and strings
25 p.
Lewis, Morgan
BOX-FOLDER 19/15 How high the moon
6 p.
Arranged for wind band by Sgt. Thomas Merriman.
Rorem, Ned
BOX-FOLDER 19/16 A sermon on miracles
13 p.
Schoenberg, Arnold
BOX-FOLDER 38/7 Variations on a recitative : op. 40
65 p.
Transcribed for orchestra by Felix Greissle.
BOX 7, 21 Writings, 1944-1976
Articles, journals, written-out lectures and speeches, notes, outlines, and drafts for Strickland's unfinished book on Charles Ives, and notes on conducting techniques based on his private studies with Nikolai Malko. Includes articles by Strickland that appeared in Modern Music, The Musical Courier, and other publications.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 21 Journals, 1952-1976
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 Published articles, 1944, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 Speeches and notes, 1948-1959 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 7/11-12 Notes and correspondence, 1972 and undated
RE: proposed book on Charles Ives
BOX-FOLDER 7/13 Notes, undated
RE: conducting technique, based on lessons with Nikolai Malko
BOX 22-24 Datebooks, 1962-1991
Nearly thirty datebooks that provide accounts of Strickland's appointments and itineraries from 1962-1991.
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX 22 1962-1972
11 bound volumes
BOX 23 1973-1981
10 bound volumes
BOX 24 1982-1991
9 bound volumes
1991 datebook printed as 1982 and altered by WRS.
BOX 25-27 Photographs, 1941-1966
Several hundred black and white images of Strickland taken throughout his travels in the U.S. and abroad. Highlights include several 1963 photos of Strickland and Henry Cowell taken by Cowell’s wife, Sidney, in Iceland.
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX-FOLDER 25/1 U.S. Army, 1941-1946
99 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 25/2 Wellesley College Conference, 1946 July
9 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 25/3-4 Nashville, 1946-1951
67 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 25/5-6 Vienna, 1952-1955
64 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 26/1-3 Vienna, 1952-1955
155 photographs
BOX-FOLDER 26/4 New York, 1955-1959
2 photographs
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