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Robert Di Domenica collection, 1948-1998

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Music (continued)
Music by R. Di Domenica (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 35/5 Trio for flute, bassoon, and piano, misc. material
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Trio for woodwinds, photocopied score
[Photocopy of work written before my 6 years of study with Josef Schmid. I believe the Trio for Woodwinds was written while I was studying with Wallingford Riegger.]
BOX-FOLDER 35/7 Variations on a theme by G. Schiller, final ms.
[(1983) for solo tuba and chamber ensemble, final original manuscript (transparency) 42 pages plus title (instrumentation) page]
BOX-FOLDER 35/8 Variations on a theme by G. Schiller, original ms. and misc. material
[(1983) for solo tuba and chamber ensemble, original manuscript (1 notebook) Schuller’s theme on a loose photocopy (in notebook) (and row chart)]
BOX-FOLDER 36/1 Variations and soliloquies for orchestra, final ms.
[(1988) final original manuscript (transparency) 123 pages plus title page and instrumentation page]
BOX-FOLDER 36/2 Variations and soliloquies for orchestra, original ms.: notebook 1 with laid in material
[(1988) original manuscript (2 books and loose pages) (and row charts) also: program notes, Hamlet soliloquy, 9 page analysis (in book-1 loose)]
BOX-FOLDER 36/3 Variations and soliloquies for orchestra, original ms.: notebook 2 with laid in material
[see 36/2]
BOX-FOLDER 36/4 Variations and soliloquies for orchestra, misc. material
[see 36/2]
BOX-FOLDER 36/5 Variations on a tonal theme, final ms.
[(1961) final original manuscript (ink on transparency) 2 pages]
BOX-FOLDER 36/6 Variations on a tonal theme, original ms.
[(1961) original manuscript (no rows, but rows in score)]
BOX-FOLDER 36/7 Variations on a tonal theme, published score
[(1961) actual publication- Edition Musicus]
BOX-FOLDER 36/8 Violin sonata no. 1, photocopied score
[Photocopy of work written before my 6 years of study with Josef Schmid. I believe the Violin Sonata was written while I was studying with Wallingford Riegger.]
BOX-FOLDER 36/9 Woodwind quintet, final ms.
[(1963) final original manuscript (ink on transparency) 71 pages (alternate vocal ending added at the time of composition)]
BOX 37 Music by Ellen Bender and Robert Di Domenica
BOX-FOLDER 37/1 Rappaccini's daughter, photocopied score
[Ellen Bender’s opera Rappaccini’s Daughter, based on Hawthorne’s story. Her first opera (in one act). Her score to her opera.]
BOX-FOLDER 37/2 Rappaccini's daughter, libretto; photocopies of first and final drafts
[The libretto written by me. 1) my draft, 2) her final form]
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Misc. material
BOX 37/4 Printed Music
[Leona Di Domenica believes these are pieces studied with her first piano teacher]
  • Emerson, De Witt G. The masters and their melodies
  • Gossec, François Joseph. Gavotte in D
  • Gurlitt, Cornelius. Album leaves for the young
  • Haydn, Joseph. Sonata no. 2
  • Haydn, Joseph. Sonata no. 10
  • Mendelssohn, F. Praeludium
  • Reinhold, Hugo. Miniaturbilder
  • Scott, Cyril. Dansè negre
  • Schytté, Ludvig. Witches' revels
  • Swift, Newton E. Twelve children's pieces for piano
BOX 38 Biographical Material
The biographical folders contain some autobiographical material by Mr. Di Domenica. There are also various materials on his wife, Leona; his parents, Angelo and Philomena Di Domenica; and his in-laws, Henry and Beatrice Knopf.
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 Robert Di Domenica
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 Leona Knopf Di Domenica (1)
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Leona Knopf Di Domenica (2)
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Angelo and Philomena Di Domenica
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Henry and Beatrice Knopf
BOX 38-39 Correspondence
This is correspondence between Robert Di Domenica and his family, friends, and business associates, arranged alphabetically by the correspondent’s name. There is also a group of recommendations written for his students.
BOX-FOLDER 38/6 Babbitt, Milton
BOX-FOLDER 38/7 Caldwell, Sarah
BOX-FOLDER 38/8 Di Domenica, Leona
BOX-FOLDER 38/9 Di Domenica, Philomena
BOX-FOLDER 38/10 Dyer, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 38/11 Edward B. Marks Music Corporation
BOX-FOLDER 38/12 Feig & Taubman
BOX-FOLDER 38/13 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation
BOX-FOLDER 38/14 Kalban, Bernard
BOX-FOLDER 38/15 New England Conservatory of Music
BOX-FOLDER 38/16 Pfeiffer, Ellen
BOX-FOLDER 38/17 Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 38/18 Podlaha, Karl
BOX-FOLDER 38/19 Rorem, Ned
BOX-FOLDER 38/20 Rosica Colin Ltd.
BOX-FOLDER 39/1 Schmid, Josef (1952-1959)
BOX-FOLDER 39/2 Schmid, Josef (1960-1969)
BOX-FOLDER 39/3 Schmid, Josef (no date)
BOX-FOLDER 39/4 Schuller, Gunther
BOX-FOLDER 39/5 Smith, Fenwick
BOX-FOLDER 39/6 Taubman, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 39/7 Misc.: A-L
BOX-FOLDER 39/8 Misc.: M-Z
BOX-FOLDER 39/9 Recommendations: 1975-1982
BOX-FOLDER 39/10 Recommendations: 1983-1985
BOX-FOLDER 39/11 Recommendations: 1986-1988
BOX-FOLDER 39/12 Recommendations: 1989-1991
BOX-FOLDER 39/13 Recommendations: 1992-1994
BOX-FOLDER 39/14 Recommendations: 1995-1996
BOX-FOLDER 39/15 Recommendations: 1997-1998
BOX-FOLDER 39/16 Unidentified
BOX 40 Writings
This is a group of writings by Robert Di Domenica, including analyses of several of his compositions. There are also writings by others, including student compositions.
BOX-FOLDER 40/1 Analysis of The Cenci Trilogy
BOX-FOLDER 40/2 Analysis of Concerto Wind Quartet, Strings, and Timpani
BOX-FOLDER 40/3 Analysis of Gone are the River and the Eagle
BOX-FOLDER 40/4 Analysis of Variations and Soliloquies
BOX-FOLDER 40/5 The esthetic and general philosophical attitudes of the major German Romantic composers
BOX-FOLDER 40/6 Friends--past and present
BOX-FOLDER 40/7 List of works that influenced me (I hope)
BOX-FOLDER 40/8 Musical theory and composition in the college
BOX-FOLDER 40/9 60th birthday talk
BOX-FOLDER 40/10 Some recordings I made as a flutist
BOX-FOLDER 40/11 Sonata after essay (2 copies) (music in 31/4)
BOX-FOLDER 40/12 Theory--composition
BOX-FOLDER 40/13 Third stream
BOX-FOLDER 40/14 Writings by others
BOX 40 Recording and Publications Material
This is material relating to recordings in whose production Robert Di Domenica was involved. There is also a flyer from Edition Musicus, which published some of Robert Di Domenica’s music.
BOX-FOLDER 40/15 Material relating to Leona Di Domenica's recordings
BOX-FOLDER 40/16 Material relating to GM Recordings
BOX-FOLDER 40/17 Material relating to Edition Musicus
BOX 41 Teaching Material
This is material relating to Robert Di Domenica’s career as an educator. Included are lesson plans, roll books, and student evaluations.
BOX-FOLDER 41/1 Lesson plans--Advanced harmony: 1986-87
BOX-FOLDER 41/2 Lesson plans--Advanced harmony: 1991-92
BOX-FOLDER 41/3 Lesson plans--18th and 19th century harmony/advanced harmony: 1989-90
BOX-FOLDER 41/4 Lesson plans--Tonal composition: 1986-87
BOX-FOLDER 41/5 Lesson plans--Tonal composition: 1991-92
BOX-FOLDER 41/6 Piano music
BOX-FOLDER 41/7 Roll book: 1986-87
BOX-FOLDER 41/8 Roll book: 1989-1990
BOX-FOLDER 41/9 Student evaluations
BOX-FOLDER 41/10 Material relating to the New England Conservatory of Music
BOX-FOLDER 41/11 Material relating to Greenwich House Music School
BOX 42 Iconography
This is a collection of photographs of Mr. Di Domenica, his relatives, friends and associates. There are some other photographs as well. There is also a folder containing a photocopy of a painting or drawing. This also includes a group of six oil paintings done by Mr. Di Domenica in his youth.
VAULT Paintings
(Done between the ages of 10-17, listed in approximate order of production with dimensions in inches.)
Mother and child (13x6)
Still life (27x27)
Two houses (35x39)
Still life with monkey and head (35x41)
Still life with table and vase (31x37)
Portrait of my mother (35x41)
BOX 42 Photographs
BOX-FOLDER 42/1 Robert Di Domenica (1)
BOX-FOLDER 42/2 Robert Di Domenica (2)
BOX-FOLDER 42/3 Leona Di Domenica and children
BOX-FOLDER 42/4 Angelo and Philomena Di Domenica
BOX-FOLDER 42/5 Di Domenica family: other members
BOX-FOLDER 42/6 Friends and associates
BOX-FOLDER 42/7 Miscellaneous
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