The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
BOX 5/40 Konzert-Direktion Hans Adler, 1951-1953
BOX 5/41 Kopp, Leo L., 1949
BOX 5/42 Korn, Richard, 1946
BOX 5/43 Korolewicz-Waydowa, Janina, 1935
BOX 5/44 Korotkin, Fred, 1942
One photograph of Korotkin with his collection of photographs of famous people.
BOX 5/45 Koshetz, Marina, 1944-1949
BOX 5/46 Kosmetos, John, 1942-1945
BOX 5/47 Kostelanetz, Andre, 1945
BOX 5/48 Kotkowski, Gustavo, 1950
Koudriavtzeff, Nicolas see Canadian Concerts and Artists
BOX 5/49 Koussevitzky, Serge, 1945-1949
BOX 5/50 Koutzen, Boris, 1943
BOX 5/51 Krasoff, Wanda, 1950
BOX 5/52 Krehm, Ida, 1944-1951
BOX 5/53 Kreutz, Arthur, 1943-1945
BOX 5/54 Krueger, Karl, 1938-1949
BOX 5/55 Krymskaia A.S.S.R. (R.S.F.S.R.). Narodnyĭ komissariat prosveshcheniia, 1934
BOX 5/56 Kuhn, Mrs., n.d.
Kunze, Otto see Marionette Productions
BOX 5/57 Kurenko, Maria, 1944
Kurtz, Efrem see Earle Ferris Company
Kuypers, Mr. see Harris, Roy
BOX 5/58 Kvasnes, n.d.
BOX 5/59 Kyne, Alice, 1944
see also Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
see also Haensel & Jones
see also New York Committee of the National War Fund
see also Webster, Mrs. N.C.
BOX 5/60 La Pira, Giorgio, 1954
LaBerge, Bernard R. see Boosey & Hawkes Inc.
BOX 5/61 Labunski, Felix, 1943-1946
Lafronte, Rosa de Viteri see George M. Horn Company
Lagodzinski, Teofil S. see Pulaski Day Memorial Committee
Lake Placid Drama Festival see Piscator, Erwin
Lake Placid Hardward Co., Inc. see Lake Placid Plumbing & Heating Co.
BOX 5/62 Lake Placid (N.Y.), 1949-1950
BOX 5/63 Lake Placid Plumbing & Heating Co., 1949
BOX 5/64 Lamkoff, Paul, 1948
BOX 5/65 Lane, Martin B., 1942
Larry Allen, Inc. see Music Corporation of America
BOX 5/66 Lasek, K., 1948
Lasker, Doris Kenyon see Kenyon, Doris
BOX 5/67 Lauterbach, Otto, 1942
BOX 5/68 Law offices of Howard E. Reinheimer, 1942
BOX 5/69 Law offices of Harold R. Soden, 1949 see also Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
Lawrence Evans Artist Management, Inc. see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
BOX 5/70 Lawrence, Robert, 1965
BOX 5/71 Lazăr, Filip, 1934
Lazare, P. see M. Baron Co.
Lea see Beu
BOX 5/72 Lease, Marvin, 1942
BOX 5/73 LeBrasseur & Oakley, 1949
BOX 5/74 Lee, Dai-Keong, 1940-1948
BOX 5/75 Lee, Everett, 1949
BOX 5/76 Lees, Benjamin, 1953-1970
BOX 5/77 Leff, David D., 1942
Legrand, O. see Leningradskaia gosudarstvennaia filarmoniia
BOX 5/78 Lehman Radio Salon, 1951
Leiser, Henri see William Morris Agency
Leningrad Philharmonic see Leningradskaia gosudarstvennaia filarmoniia
BOX 5/79 Leningradskaia gosudarstvennaia filarmoniia, 1934
BOX 5/80 Leschke, Hans, 1950
BOX 5/81 Leve, Hecht, Hadfield & McAlpin, 1950-1951
BOX 5/82 Levenson, David M., 1942
BOX 5/83 Levicoff, Pearl R., 1944
Levin, Harold H. see Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
BOX 5/84 Levin, Sylvan, 1935
Levine, Marks
see Maier, Guy
see National Concert and Artists Corporation
BOX 5/85 Levy, Joseph L., 1950
Levy, Mrs. Joseph see Hollywood Bowl Association
BOX 5/86 Lewando, Ralph, 1949
BOX 5/87 Lhevinne, Rosina, 1944
Liberson, Ryessa D. see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 5/88 Liberty Music Shops, Inc., 1953
BOX 5/89 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1942
Liberty United Department see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Libidins, David see Zirato, Bruno
BOX 5/90 Lieberson, Goddard, 1942-1945
see also Robeson, Paul
see also Russian War Relief, Inc.
BOX 5/91 Lieberson, Goddard, 1946-1953
see also Robeson, Paul
see also Russian War Relief, Inc.
BOX 6/1 Life, 1949
BOX 6/2 Lilien, Ignace, 1947-1951
BOX 6/3 Lilleback, Anne G., 1949
BOX 6/4 Lily, Herbert D., 1942
BOX 6/5 Lincer, Mary, 1943
BOX 6/6 Lincer, William, 1943
BOX 6/7 Liong, Hock, 1951
BOX 6/8 Lipkin, Arthur Bennett, 1936-1942
BOX 6/9 Lipstone, Lousi R., 1949
Lira Espejo, Eduardo see Conciertos Zabaleta
Littledale, Clara Savage see Muriel Francis
Litvinoff, Maxim see Soviet Union. Posol’stvo (U.S.)
Lobenstein, Irmengard see Rot-Weiss-Rot
BOX 6/10 Lockwood, Normand, 1938-1943
BOX 6/11 Loesser, n.d.
BOX 6/12 Long, Johnny, 1944
BOX 6/13 Loomis, Clarence, 1945
BOX 6/14 Lopatnikoff, Nikolai, 1943-1947
Lord, G. Frank see Wheeler & Taylor, Inc.
BOX 6/15 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1949-1951
BOX 6/16 Los Angeles Times, 1949
BOX 6/17 Lóska, 1945
Lotish, J.D. see Amkniga Corporation
BOX 6/18 Luce, Clare Boothe, 1953
BOX 6/19 Luchini, F., 1952
BOX 6/20 Lustig, Ludwig, 1949-1950
BOX 6/21 Lynn, Nora, 1949
BOX 6/22 Lyons, Edna, 1945
BOX 6/23 L miscellaneous, 1943-1950
BOX 6/24 M. Baron Co., 1942
BOX 6/25 M. Steinert & Sons, 1942
BOX 6/26 Maazel, Marvin, 1953
BOX 6/27 Maciejewski, Roman, 1945
MacKinnon, Douglas A. see Armed Forces Master Records, Inc.
BOX 6/28 Maesch, L.K., 1942-1943
BOX 6/29 Magaloff, Nikita, 1950
BOX 6/30 Maggio musicale fiorentino, 1951-1952 see also Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 6/31 Magin, James Ch. H., 1945
BOX 6/32 Maier, Guy, 1942
BOX 6/33 Małcużyński, Witold, 1943
Malinverni, Carlo see Agenzia Lirica Concertistica Internazionale
BOX 6/34 Maliszewski, W., 1934
BOX 6/35 Malko, Nicolai, 1945
BOX 6/36 Mamorsky, Eleanor Lodge, 1943
Mamorsky, Morris see National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Manley, Michael F. see Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
BOX 6/37 Mapleson, Alfred J., 1952
BOX 6/38 Marian, Epstein, 1942
BOX 6/39 Marionette Productions, 1951
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