The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
Spivakovsky, Erika see Spivakovsky, Tossy
BOX 9/47 Spivakovsky, Tossy, 1943-1945
St. Anthony’s Polish National Catholic Church see Pulaski Day Memorial Committee
BOX 9/48 Stadium Concerts, Inc., 1942
BOX 9/49 Stanley, Louis, 1953
Stark, Mack see Mills Music, Inc.
BOX 9/50 Stauber, Don G., 1947
BOX 9/51 Stegmann, G.F., 1949
Steimle, Leonard see Arrowhead Music Camp
Stein, Jack see American Federation of Musicians. Local 802
BOX 9/52 Stein, Leon, 1947
BOX 9/53 Stein, Lillian Fuelis, 1943
Stein, William L. see Poleri, David
BOX 9/54 Steinberg, William, 1944-1949
BOX 9/55 Steinert, Alexander, 1950
BOX 9/56 Steinway & Sons, 1940-1953
Steinway, Ruth see Steinway, Theodore E.
BOX 9/57 Steinway, Theodore E., 1949
BOX 9/58 Stern, Escoe & Stern, 1948-1950
Stern, Harold H. see Jaffe & Stern
BOX 9/59 Stern, Margaret, 1949
BOX 9/60 Sternberg, Daniel, 1945
BOX 9/61 Steuerman, Hilda, 1950-1951 see also University of Miami
BOX 9/62 Stevenson, Barbara, 1945
BOX 9/63 Stewart, Reginald, 1944
BOX 9/64 Stichting Donemus, 1950-1953
BOX 9/65 Stiedry, Fritz, 1942
BOX 9/66 Still, William Grant, 1940-1948
BOX 9/67 Stock, Frederick A., 1940 see also Maier, Guy
BOX 9/68 Stoessel, Albert, 1938
BOX 9/69 Stojowski, Sigismund, 1944
Story, Bradford F. see Brundage, Story and Rose
Strakacz see Poland. Ambasada (USSR)
BOX 9/70 Strasfogel, Ignace, 1943
BOX 9/71 Strauss, Carolyn, n.d.
BOX 9/72 Strauss, Robert N., n.d.
BOX 9/73 Sturdy, L. Alice, 1934-1964
BOX 9/74 Suarez, Ada, 1949
Suffern, Carlos Aurelio see Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
BOX 9/75 Sunberg, Harold, 1943-1944
BOX 9/76 Surrey Clinic, 1948
BOX 9/77 Sutro, Ottilie, 1945
Sutro, Rose see Sutro, Ottilie
BOX 9/78 Sved, Alexander, 1942
Swanson, Carroll see Dadant & Sons
BOX 9/79 Sweeney, John S., Jr., 1949
BOX 10/1 Swift, Charles H., 1935-1949
Swift, Claire see Swift, Charles H.
BOX 10/2 Szantho, Enid, 1944-1946
Szell, George see Cleveland Orchestra
BOX 10/3 Szigeti, Joseph, 1942
BOX 10/4 Sztark, H. and A., 1959
BOX 10/5 S miscellaneous, 1949-1952
BOX 10/6 Tansman, Alexandre, 1942-1946
Taplin, F.C. see F.C. Taplin Company
Taubman, Martin H.
see Centropa Concert Organisation
see Sociedad Musical Daniel
Taylor, Alice see Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
BOX 10/7 Taylor, Miss., 1950
Taylor, William A. see Musical Courier
BOX 10/8 Teatro alla Scala, 1950
BOX 10/9 Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1950-1951
BOX 10/10 Teatro comunale di Firenze, 1951-1953
BOX 10/11 Teatro di San Carlo, 1950-1953
BOX 10/12 Teatro La Fenice, 1953
BOX 10/13 Teatro massimo (Palermo, Italy), 1949
BOX 10/14 Temianka, Henri, 1944-1946
BOX 10/15 Teyte, Maggie, 1946
BOX 10/16 Therrien, Henri, 1945
Therrien, Jeanne see Therrien, Henri
BOX 10/17 Thew, Francis, 1948
This Week Magazine see Muriel Francis
BOX 10/18 Tho, 1951
Thomas, Merrill L. see Merrill L. Thomas Real Estate Insurance
BOX 10/19 Thomson, Virgil, 1944-1947
BOX 10/20 Time, Inc., 1949-1953
BOX 10/21 Toch, Ernst, 1942-1943
BOX 10/22 Todd, n.d.
BOX 10/23 Todd, John B., n.d.
BOX 10/24 Toldi, Julius, 1949
Tollafield, Chas M. see A.I. Root Company
Tollefsen, Carl H. see Violin Teachers Guild
Tompkins, M. E. see Associated Music Publishers
BOX 10/25 Torke, George, 1942
BOX 10/26 Toscanini, Arturo, 1934-1936
BOX 10/27 Town Hall Club, 1944
Trammell, Niles see National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Trencher, Bernard see Albert B. Ashforth, Inc.
Tribune Company see Cassidy, Claudia
BOX 10/28 Triggs, Harold, 1942-1945
BOX 10/29 Troytchack, Edith L., 1945-1950
Tuck, Jay Nelson see New York Post
BOX 10/30 Turner, Thomas, 1943
Turner, Tyler see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 10/31 Tyborowski, C., 1939
Uhlfelder, Gerado see Organización de conciertos gérard
BOX 10/32 Ulehla, Ludmila, 1942
BOX 10/33 Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Montpelier, Vt.), 1942
BOX 10/34 United Artists Publishing Company, 1947
United Newspapers Magazine Corporation see Muriel Francis
United Mutual see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
BOX 10/35 United States. Bureau of the Public Debt, 1949-1950
BOX 10/36 United States. Dept. of the Treasury, 1944
United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Fiscal Service see United States. Bureau of the Public Debt
BOX 10/37 United States. Embassy, 1934
BOX 10/38 United States. Embassy (Yugoslavia), 1952
BOX 10/39 United States. Foreign Service, 1949-1950
BOX 10/40 United States. Office of War Information, 1945
BOX 10/41 United States. War Finance Division, 1944
BOX 10/42 Universal Recording Co. Inc., 1942
BOX 10/43 University of Miami, 1951
BOX 10/44 University of Miami. Symphony Orchestra, 1949
BOX 10/45 University of Michigan. University Musical Society, 1942
BOX 10/46 Usigli, Gastone, 1943-1950
USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 10/47 Valdemar, 1948
BOX 10/48 Valentine, May, 1949
Valmarana see Teatro La Fenice
Van Rensselaer Cox, Sylvia see Cox, Sylvia van Rensselaer
BOX 10/49 Van Vactor, David, 1940
BOX 10/50 Vardell, Charles Gildersleeve, 1943
BOX 10/51 Venture Sales Co., 1942
Venturini, Anna see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 10/52 Vienesa, Endecha, n.d.
BOX 10/53 Vienot, Mrs. Y.M., 1951
Viggiani, Pela Empreza Viggiani-Dante
see Jack Adams and Co.
see Elkan-Vogel Co.
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