The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
BOX 9/73 Sturdy, L. Alice, 1934-1964
BOX 9/74 Suarez, Ada, 1949
Suffern, Carlos Aurelio see Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
BOX 9/75 Sunberg, Harold, 1943-1944
BOX 9/76 Surrey Clinic, 1948
BOX 9/77 Sutro, Ottilie, 1945
Sutro, Rose see Sutro, Ottilie
BOX 9/78 Sved, Alexander, 1942
Swanson, Carroll see Dadant & Sons
BOX 9/79 Sweeney, John S., Jr., 1949
BOX 10/1 Swift, Charles H., 1935-1949
Swift, Claire see Swift, Charles H.
BOX 10/2 Szantho, Enid, 1944-1946
Szell, George see Cleveland Orchestra
BOX 10/3 Szigeti, Joseph, 1942
BOX 10/4 Sztark, H. and A., 1959
BOX 10/5 S miscellaneous, 1949-1952
BOX 10/6 Tansman, Alexandre, 1942-1946
Taplin, F.C. see F.C. Taplin Company
Taubman, Martin H.
see Centropa Concert Organisation
see Sociedad Musical Daniel
Taylor, Alice see Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
BOX 10/7 Taylor, Miss., 1950
Taylor, William A. see Musical Courier
BOX 10/8 Teatro alla Scala, 1950
BOX 10/9 Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 1950-1951
BOX 10/10 Teatro comunale di Firenze, 1951-1953
BOX 10/11 Teatro di San Carlo, 1950-1953
BOX 10/12 Teatro La Fenice, 1953
BOX 10/13 Teatro massimo (Palermo, Italy), 1949
BOX 10/14 Temianka, Henri, 1944-1946
BOX 10/15 Teyte, Maggie, 1946
BOX 10/16 Therrien, Henri, 1945
Therrien, Jeanne see Therrien, Henri
BOX 10/17 Thew, Francis, 1948
This Week Magazine see Muriel Francis
BOX 10/18 Tho, 1951
Thomas, Merrill L. see Merrill L. Thomas Real Estate Insurance
BOX 10/19 Thomson, Virgil, 1944-1947
BOX 10/20 Time, Inc., 1949-1953
BOX 10/21 Toch, Ernst, 1942-1943
BOX 10/22 Todd, n.d.
BOX 10/23 Todd, John B., n.d.
BOX 10/24 Toldi, Julius, 1949
Tollafield, Chas M. see A.I. Root Company
Tollefsen, Carl H. see Violin Teachers Guild
Tompkins, M. E. see Associated Music Publishers
BOX 10/25 Torke, George, 1942
BOX 10/26 Toscanini, Arturo, 1934-1936
BOX 10/27 Town Hall Club, 1944
Trammell, Niles see National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Trencher, Bernard see Albert B. Ashforth, Inc.
Tribune Company see Cassidy, Claudia
BOX 10/28 Triggs, Harold, 1942-1945
BOX 10/29 Troytchack, Edith L., 1945-1950
Tuck, Jay Nelson see New York Post
BOX 10/30 Turner, Thomas, 1943
Turner, Tyler see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 10/31 Tyborowski, C., 1939
Uhlfelder, Gerado see Organización de conciertos gérard
BOX 10/32 Ulehla, Ludmila, 1942
BOX 10/33 Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Montpelier, Vt.), 1942
BOX 10/34 United Artists Publishing Company, 1947
United Newspapers Magazine Corporation see Muriel Francis
United Mutual see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
BOX 10/35 United States. Bureau of the Public Debt, 1949-1950
BOX 10/36 United States. Dept. of the Treasury, 1944
United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Fiscal Service see United States. Bureau of the Public Debt
BOX 10/37 United States. Embassy, 1934
BOX 10/38 United States. Embassy (Yugoslavia), 1952
BOX 10/39 United States. Foreign Service, 1949-1950
BOX 10/40 United States. Office of War Information, 1945
BOX 10/41 United States. War Finance Division, 1944
BOX 10/42 Universal Recording Co. Inc., 1942
BOX 10/43 University of Miami, 1951
BOX 10/44 University of Miami. Symphony Orchestra, 1949
BOX 10/45 University of Michigan. University Musical Society, 1942
BOX 10/46 Usigli, Gastone, 1943-1950
USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 10/47 Valdemar, 1948
BOX 10/48 Valentine, May, 1949
Valmarana see Teatro La Fenice
Van Rensselaer Cox, Sylvia see Cox, Sylvia van Rensselaer
BOX 10/49 Van Vactor, David, 1940
BOX 10/50 Vardell, Charles Gildersleeve, 1943
BOX 10/51 Venture Sales Co., 1942
Venturini, Anna see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 10/52 Vienesa, Endecha, n.d.
BOX 10/53 Vienot, Mrs. Y.M., 1951
Viggiani, Pela Empreza Viggiani-Dante
see Jack Adams and Co.
see Elkan-Vogel Co.
BOX 10/54 Violin Teachers Guild, 1943
BOX 10/55 Vitalis, George, 1948
Viteri Lafronte, Rosa de see George M. Horn Company
Vogel, Adolph
see Jack Adams and Co.
see Elkan-Vogel Co.
VOKS see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
Volpe, Marie see University of Miami. Symphony Orchestra
BOX 10/56 Von Hallberg, Gene, 1945
BOX 10/57 Vosburgh, Carl J., 1934-1935
see also Barkentin, Marjorie
see also Cleveland Orchestra
see also Fitelson and Mayers
see also Musical Arts Association (Cleveland, Ohio)
see also Radamsky, Sergei
Votto, Pariso
see Teatro comunale di Firenze
see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 10/58 Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union), 1934-1944
BOX 10/59 Vyner, Louis, 1949
BOX 10/60 V miscellaneous, 1950
BOX 10/61 W. Colston Leigh, Inc., 1942-1945
BOX 10/62 Wagenaar, Bernard, 1943-1947
BOX 10/63 Wagner, Charles L., 1944
BOX 10/64 Wagner, Friedelind, 1942
BOX 10/65 Wagner, Joseph, 1943
Walcott, Mrs. John W. see Walcott, Muriel
BOX 10/66 Walcott, Muriel, 1949-1950 see also Sweeney, John S., Jr.
Wallenstein, Alfred see Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
Wallerstein, Edward see Columbia Records, Inc.
Walpole, Floyd F. see Civic Symphony Society (Denver, Colo.)
BOX 10/67 Walter, Bruno, 1945
Walter, Nelly see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
BOX 10/68 War Production Board, 1945
BOX 10/69 Warburg, James Paul, 1939-1940
BOX 10/70 Ware, Harriet, 1942
BOX 10/71 Warner, John A., 1940
BOX 10/72 Warner, Philip, 1947
BOX 10/73 Warnow, Mark, 1944
Warszawskie Towarzystwo Muzyczne im. Stanisłlawa Moniuszki see Maliszewski, W.
BOX 10/74 Wasia, n.d.
Watson, Archibald R. see Troychack, Edith L.
Wayne, W. see Organización de conciertos gérard
BOX 10/75 Weber, Henry, 1940
BOX 10/76 Webster, Mrs. N.C., 1944
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