Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued) | |||||||||||||
Wecker, Karl see Hollywood Bowl Association | |||||||||||||
Weigl, Mrs. Karl see Weigl, Vally | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/77 | Weigl, Vally, 1945 | ||||||||||||
Weinhold, Kurt see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System) | |||||||||||||
Weiss, Paul M. see Carl Fischer Inc. | |||||||||||||
Welch, James T. see Muriel Francis | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/78 | Wells, Carter, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/79 | Wells, Summer, 1941 | ||||||||||||
Wertheim, Arnold see Acro Associates, Inc. | |||||||||||||
Wetherell, Ward E. see Massachusetts. Dept. of Corporations and Taxation | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/80 | Wheeler & Taylor, Inc., 1942 | ||||||||||||
Wheeler-Imparato, Ester Belle see Imparato, Giovanni | |||||||||||||
White, Charles Lafayette see Sturdy, L. Alice | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/81 | White, Clarence Cameron, 1943 | ||||||||||||
White, Sister Mary see Surrey Clinic | |||||||||||||
Whitman, H.N. see Hornblower & Weeks | |||||||||||||
Wien, Walter see United States. Embassy (Yugoslavia) | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/82 | Wiener, Elmer A., 1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/83 | Wiener Philharmoniker, 1952 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/84 | Wieter, Helga, 1951 | ||||||||||||
Two photographs of Wieter. | |||||||||||||
Wiley, John Cooper see United States. Embassy | |||||||||||||
Wilkins, John M. see John F. White, Inc. | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/85 | Wilkomirski, Michael, 1942 | ||||||||||||
William L. Stein, Inc. see Poleri, David | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/86 | William Morris Agency, 1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/87 | Willy-Overland Motors, 1949 | ||||||||||||
Wilson, A.E. see United States. Bureau of the Public Debt | |||||||||||||
Winsch, M.J. see Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc. | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/88 | Winson, S.A., 1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/89 | [Wishard], Sciff, 1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/90 | Witek, Eugene, n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/91 | Witkowski, Franiszek, 1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/92 | Wittell, Chester, 1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/93 | Wolf & Davis, 1948-1950 | ||||||||||||
Wolf, Walter B. see Wolf & Davis | |||||||||||||
Wolfe, Florence see National Concert and Artists Corporation | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/94 | Wolfes, Felix, 1945 | ||||||||||||
Wolpin, Edward A. see Heilner, Irwin | |||||||||||||
Woods, Baldwin M. see Music Corporation of America | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/95 | Wooldridge, John de L., 1944-1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/96 | Woulff, Mr., 1953 | ||||||||||||
Wright, Mrs. Frank Lloyd see Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd | |||||||||||||
BOX 10/97 | Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/98 | Wymetal, William, 1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/99 | W miscellaneous, 1948 | ||||||||||||
BOX 10/100 | Xauώ, Ernesto, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/1 | Yardumian, Richard, 1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/2 | Young People’s Record Club, Inc., n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/3 | Zanin, Lt., 1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/4 | Zaremba, Sylvia, n.d. | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/5 | Zayas, N. L. Hernandez, 1950 | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/6 | Zeisl, Eric, 1943-1947 | ||||||||||||
BOX 11/7 | Zemachson, Arnold, 1942-1943 | ||||||||||||
Zerbel, Gladys see Hollywood Bowl Association | |||||||||||||
BOX 11/8 | Zilboorg, Gregory, 1939 | ||||||||||||
Zillerbach, Harold see San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission | |||||||||||||
BOX 11/9 | Zimbalist, Mary Louise Curtis Bok, 1933-1943 | ||||||||||||
Ziolkowski, C.S. see Polish Arts Club | |||||||||||||
BOX 11/10 |
Zirato, Bruno,
see also Maier, Guy see also New York Philharmonic see also Walter, Bruno |
Zuckerman, Besse see Bay Cities Music Association | |||||||||||||
Zuckerman, Mrs. Joseph see Bay Cities Music Association | |||||||||||||
BOX 11/11 | Zusser, Maurice M., 1947 | ||||||||||||
BOX 13-43; 52-59 | Annotated Music, circa 1868-1956, bulk 1932-1947 | ||||||||||||
This series is comprised of printed music, photocopied music and a few manuscripts. The majority of the music consists of orchestral, chamber and choral works; the bulk of the publications are in English, in addition to German, Polish, Russian, French and Japanese. These scores have been annotated with conductor marks, stamps, and composers’ inscriptions. A few of the scores have pasteovers. Printed music that was not annotated was removed from the collection and cataloged separately in the Music Division’s general collections. | |||||||||||||
The series is arranged alphabetically by composer and then by title. | |||||||||||||
Albéniz, Isaac | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 13/5-6 | Fête dieu à séville. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 13/5 | Printed full score | ||||||||||||
47 p. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 13/6 | Copyist and photocopy parts | ||||||||||||
Second movement in “Iberia” | |||||||||||||
Altisent, Juan | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 | Concierto: para oboe y orquesta. Barcelona: [s.n.], 1954 | ||||||||||||
34 p. | |||||||||||||
Andreae, Volkmar | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/1 | Kleine suite, für Orchester, op. 27. Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, [1910-1919?] | ||||||||||||
46 p. | |||||||||||||
Andriessen, Hendrik | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/2 | Variaties op een thema van Couperin: voor fluit met begleiding van strijkorkest harp. Amsterdam: Donemus, 1944 | ||||||||||||
Photocopy; [34] p. | |||||||||||||
Antheil, George | |||||||||||||
[Symphonies, no. 5] | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 | Fifth symphony: (“Joyous”) [S.l.: s.n.], 1947-48 | ||||||||||||
Photocopy; 117 p. | |||||||||||||
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/3 | Concerto (D-dur) instrumentée pour petit orchestre. Berlin: Edition Russe De Musique, 1911 | ||||||||||||
26 p. | |||||||||||||
Bach, Johann Sebastian | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/4 | Bist du bei mir. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] | ||||||||||||
Arranger’s holograph; 4 p. | |||||||||||||
Arranged by Stanleigh P. Friedman. | |||||||||||||
[Orgelbüchlein] | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/5 | Due chorali = zwei choräle. New York: Universal-Edition, 1925 | ||||||||||||
12 p. | |||||||||||||
Transcribed from organ for orchestra by Vittorio Gui. | |||||||||||||
Our father in heaven... | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/6 | Bach, Chorale: our father in heaven (vater unser im Himmelreich) [page 1] New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1937 | ||||||||||||
4 p. | |||||||||||||
Arranged for string orchestra by Arcady Dubensky. | |||||||||||||
2 copies. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/7 | The passion of our Lord according to St. Matthew. Boston: Oliver Ditson Company, 1916 | ||||||||||||
xii, 262 p. | |||||||||||||
Piano arrangements by Julius Stern and Robert Franz. | |||||||||||||
Text translated and adapted by John Sullivan Dwight. | |||||||||||||
Revised and edited by Louis Koemmenich. | |||||||||||||
[Präludium und Fuge, organ, BWV 534, F minor; arr.] | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 52/3 | Prelude und fugue in F minor (S. 534) San Diego, Calif.: Music Graphics Press, 1978 | ||||||||||||
Photocopy; 46 p. | |||||||||||||
Transcribed for orchestra by Eugene Zádor. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/8 | Ricercare a 6 voci aus dem “Musikalischen Opfer” über ein thema Friedrichs des Grossen. Berlin: Ed. Bote & G. Bock, 1930 | ||||||||||||
16 p. | |||||||||||||
[Sonaten und Partiten, violin, BWV 1001-1006. Partita, no. 3. Gavotte en rondeau; arr.] | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/9 | Gavotte en rondeau: from the sixth violin sonata of Johann Sebastian Bach. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] | ||||||||||||
Arrangers’s holograph; 13 p. | |||||||||||||
Arranged by Stanleigh P. Friedman. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/10 | St. Matthew passion: chorus 1 “Come, ye daughters” [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] | ||||||||||||
25 p. | |||||||||||||
Abbreviated version. | |||||||||||||
[Suites, orchestra, BWV 1067, B minor] | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 14/11 | Suite in H moll: für Flöte, zwei Violinen, Viola, Violoncell und Contrabass. Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, [n.d.] | ||||||||||||
25 p. | |||||||||||||
Ausgeführtem Accompagnement versehen seinem Freunde Julius Schäffer zugeeignet von Robert Franz. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 | Toccata, (C-dur). I. Präludium. II. Adagio. III. Fuga. Wien: Universal-Edition A.G., 1930 | ||||||||||||
64 p. | |||||||||||||
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