The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Annotated Music, circa 1868-1956, bulk 1932-1947 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 14/9 Gavotte en rondeau: from the sixth violin sonata of Johann Sebastian Bach. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.]
Arrangers’s holograph; 13 p.
Arranged by Stanleigh P. Friedman.
BOX-FOLDER 14/10 St. Matthew passion: chorus 1 “Come, ye daughters” [S.l.: s.n., n.d.]
25 p.
Abbreviated version.
[Suites, orchestra, BWV 1067, B minor]
BOX-FOLDER 14/11 Suite in H moll: für Flöte, zwei Violinen, Viola, Violoncell und Contrabass. Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart, [n.d.]
25 p.
Ausgeführtem Accompagnement versehen seinem Freunde Julius Schäffer zugeeignet von Robert Franz.
BOX-FOLDER 15/1 Toccata, (C-dur). I. Präludium. II. Adagio. III. Fuga. Wien: Universal-Edition A.G., 1930
64 p.
Baron, Maurice
[Ode to democracy. Vocal score. English]
BOX-FOLDER 15/2 Ode to democracy: a musical setting of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. New York: M. Baron Co., 1947
[26] p.
Bartók, Béla
[Magyar parasztdalok. Selections]
BOX-FOLDER 15/3 Ungarische Bauernlieder = Magyar parasztdalok = Chansons paysannes hongroises. Wien: Universal-Edition, 1937
30 p.
[Music, celesta, percussion, string orchestra]
BOX-FOLDER 15/4 Musik für Saiteninstrumente, Schlagzeug und Celesta: in 4 Sätzen. Wien: Universal-Edition A.G., 1937
119 p.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
BOX-FOLDER 15/5 Andante con variaioni thema
Sonate [front cover] [S.l.: s.n, n.d.]
Copyists; 74 p.
v. Jos. Klein
[Symphonies, no. 3, op. 55, E♭ major]
BOX-FOLDER 15/6 Symphonien für grosses Orchester, no. 3, Es dur, op. 55
Dritte Symphonie, op. 55, Eroica [page 3] Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, [n.d.]
96 p. or p. (113)-(206)
[Symphonies, no. 9, op. 125, D minor]
BOX-FOLDER 16/1 Symphonie für grosses Orchester, no. 9, D moll, op. 125. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, [n.d.]
276 p.
[Symphonies, no. 9, op. 125, D minor]
BOX-FOLDER 16/2, 17/1 Symphonie nr. 9 D moll - D minor - Rè mineur, op. 125. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, [n.d.]
Berlioz, Hector
BOX-FOLDER 18/1 Marche Troyenne: tirée de l’opéra les Troyens á Carthage. New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, [n.d.]
Photocopy; 35 p.
[Troyens. Chasse royale et orage]
BOX-FOLDER 18/2 Symphonie descriptive. New York: Edwin F. Kalmus, [n.d.]
Photocopy; 32 p.
Bernstein, Leonard
BOX-FOLDER 59/1 The age of anxiety: symphony no. 2 for piano and orchestra (after Auden)
Symphony no. 2 (The age of anxiety) [front cover] New York: [s.n.], 1949
Photocopy; 2 v. Part I, Part II
“Reproduced by Presto Reproductions.”
Bilotti, Anton
BOX-FOLDER 18/3 Roman suite: for string orchestra. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.]
Photocopy; [38] p.
Bliss, Arthur, Sir
BOX-FOLDER 18/4 Checkmate: a ballet in one scene with a prologue. London: Novello and Company, 1937
92 p.
BOX-FOLDER 18/5 Concert suite from Checkmate. London: Novello and Company, 1938
168 p.
[Concerto, piano, B♭ major]
BOX-FOLDER 18/6 Concerto for piano and orchestra. London: Novello and Company, 1940
100 p.
Piano solo with orchestra arranged for second piano.
Commissioned by the British Council for the British Week at the New York World’s Fair 1939.
Bloch, Suzanne
BOX-FOLDER 18/7 To the children: elegy for string orchestra
To the war children: elegy for string orchestra [paper inserted] New York: [s.n.], 1944
Photocopy; 10 p.
Brahms, Johannes
[Symphony, no. 1, op. 68, C minor]
BOX-FOLDER 19/1 Symphonie (C moll) für grosses Orchester. Berlin: N. Simrock, [1877]
100 p.
[Symphony, no. 3, op. 90, F major]
BOX-FOLDER 19/2 Dritte symphonie (F dur) für grosses Orchester. Berlin: N. Simrock, [1884]
109 p.
Burleigh, Cecil
BOX-FOLDER 52/4 Symphonic trilogy: Symphony no. 1 (Creation), Symphony no. 2 (Prophecy), Symphony no. 3 (Revelation) [S.l.: s.n.], 1945
Photocopy; 3 v. 68 p., 77 p., 52 p.
Cadman, Charles Wakefield
BOX-FOLDER 19/3 American suite for string orchestra. New York: Composers Press Inc., 1938
16 p.
Carpenter, John Alden
BOX-FOLDER 59/2 Serenade. [S.l.: s.n.], 1948
Photocopy; 45 p.
Cesana, Otto
[American symphony, no. 2]
BOX-FOLDER 19/4 Second American symphony. New York: Edgar Stillman-Kelley Society, 1937
155 p.
Chabrier, Emanuel
BOX-FOLDER 19/5 España: Rapsodie pour orchestre. Paris: Enoch Frères &Costallat, [n.d.]
61 p.
Copland, Aaron
BOX-FOLDER 19/6 Quiet city, by Aaron Copland, for strings, trumpet and English horn (oboe) New York: Boosey & Hawkes Inc., 1941
15 p.
Couperin, François
[Sultane. Gravement: arr.]
BOX-FOLDER 19/7 Overture and allegro: from la sultane suite. Philadelphia: Elkan-Vogel, 1944
23 p.
Orchestration and free transcription by Darius Milhaud.
Cowell, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 52/5 American pipers. [S.l.: s.n.], 1943
Photocopy; 15 p.
Written at the request of the League of Composers for Dr. Artur Rodzinski and the New York Philharmonic Symphony.
BOX-FOLDER 19/8 Concerto for piano and orchestra. Partition d’orchestre. Paris: M. Senart, 1913
63 p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/9 Hymn and fuguing tune no. 2, for string orchestra. New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1944
Photocopy; 7 p.
BOX-FOLDER 19/10 Symphonic set: for symphony orchestra, in five movements. New York: Arrow Music, 1939
57 p.
Symphonic opus 17.
2 copies.
Damrosch, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 An Abraham Lincoln song: for baritone solo, chorus of liberated slaves and orchestra: on Walt Whitman’s poem O Captain! My Captain! New York: M. Witmark & Sons, 1936
24 p.
[Man without a country. Vocal score]
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 The man without a country. New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1937
167 p.
Libretto by Arthur Guiterman.
Daniels, Mabel Wheeler
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Pastoral ode for flute and strings. New York: J. Fischer & Bro., 1940
27 p.
Debussy, Claude
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 La Mer: trois esquisses symphoniques partition d’orchestre. Paris: A. Durand & Fils, 1905
137 p.
[Poèmes de Ch. Baudelaire. Let jet d’eau: arr.]
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Le jet d’eau, poème de Charles Baudelaire. Paris: A. Durand & Fils, 1907
Full score and parts
Delius, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 2 Stücke für kleines Orchester. I. On hearing the first cuckoo in spring. Beim ersten Kuckuckaruf im Frühling. II. Summer night on the river. Sommernacht am flusse Partitur. Cöln am Rhein: Tischer & Jagenbert, 1913
14 p.
[Village Romeo and Juliet. The walk to the Paradise Garden]
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