The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
De Rojas, Pascual see Patronato Pro-Música Sinfónica
BOX 3/13 De Sabata, Victor, 1952
De Viteri Lafronte, Rosa see George M. Horn Company
BOX 3/14, 60/2 DeGraff, Arthur C., 1951
BOX 3/15 Della Chiesa, Angelica, 1952
BOX 3/16 Denecke, Julia, 1947
Denecke, Mrs. Henry see Denecke, Julia
BOX 3/17 Denya, Marcelle, 1944
Derqui, Guillermo P. Mackintosh see Argentina. Consulado General (New York, N.Y.)
DesRosiers, Marguerite see Concerts Symphoniques de Montréal
BOX 3/18 Devlin, Ann, n.d.
BOX 3/19 Diamond, David, 1941-1948
BOX 3/20 Dicostanzo, 1951
BOX 3/21 Dimitrovsky, A., 1943
Dispeker, Thea see W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Diton, Carl see Associated Negro Press
BOX 3/22 Dobrowen, Issay, 1938
Dolan, Patrick see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 3/23 Donkin, D.J.C., 1951
Donnola, Frank J. see Liberty Music Shops, Inc.
Donohue, William M. see Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
BOX 3/24 Doremus, Arthur L., 1944-1945
BOX 3/25 Dorfmann, Ania, 1950
BOX 3/26 Dow, Dorothy, 1950
Dowling, Lyle see Oxford University Press
Downes, Irene see Downes, Olin
BOX 3/27 Downes, Olin, 1939-1957 see also National Symphony Orchestra Association (Washington, D.C.)
BOX 3/28 Driver, Tom Faw, 1943
BOX 3/29 Drucker, Vlady, 1950
BOX 3/30 Dufort, Ursula, 1951
Dufy, Gaston see Images Musicales
BOX 3/31 Duke, Vernon, 1943-1948
Dyer, Joseph H. Jr. see San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission
Eardenson, Mrs. L. see Downes, Olin
BOX 3/32 Eames, Henry Purmort, 1942-1943
BOX 3/33 Earle Ferris Company, 1946
Edwards, Christine see Columbia Records, Inc.
Eger, Joseph see New York Orchestral Society Inc.
BOX 3/34 Ehrenpreis, W.J., 1952
BOX 3/35 Ehrman, Lillian May, 1944
BOX 3/36 Elkan-Vogel Co., 1942 see also Jack Adams and Co.
Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics see Soviet Union. Posol’stvo (U.S.)
BOX 3/37 Emerson, Faith, 1942
Ennis, Marcia see Ravinia Festival Association
BOX 3/38 Eppert, Carl, 1943
BOX 3/39 Eppert, Hertha, 1945-1948
BOX 3/40 Epstein, Maryi M., 1950
BOX 3/41 Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1949-1953
Escoe, Emanuel see Stern, Eskoe & Stern
Esser, Grace Denton see Music Academy of the West
BOX 3/42 Essex County Symphony Society, 1942-1948
BOX 3/43 Etler, Alvin, 1948
BOX 3/44 Evans, Bert, 1943-1944
Evans, Wilbur see Galaxy Music Corporation
Eyer, Ronald F. see Musical America
BOX 3/45 Eyle, Felix, 1942-1950
F.B. Ford Company see Ford, John B. Jr.
BOX 3/46 F.C. Taplin Company, 1942
BOX 3/47 F.H. Turner & Co., 1942
BOX 3/48 Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles, 1949
Fassett, James H. see Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
BOX 3/49 Feine, Vivian, 1947
Feist, Leonard see Mercury Music Corporation
BOX 3/50 Fekete, Zoltan, 1943
BOX 3/51 Fele, 1951
BOX 3/52 Ferraresi, Aldo, 1952
BOX 3/53 Feuermann, Emanuel, 1941
BOX 3/54 Field, Joseph, 1945
Field, Marshall see Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
Filarmonica see Sociedad Musical Daniel
BOX 3/55 Fine, Vivian, 1947
BOX 3/56 Finzi, Ada, 1949-1951 see also Biennale di Venezia
BOX 3/57 Finzi, Ada, 1952-1953 see also Biennale di Venezia
BOX 3/58 Fitch, Edith, 1949 see also Stern, Escoe & Stern
BOX 3/59 Fitelberg, Jerzy, 1937-1947
BOX 3/60 Fitelberg, Tamara, 1937
BOX 3/61 Fitelson and Mayers, 1934-1935
Fitelson, H. William see Fitelson and Mayers
BOX 3/62 Flagg, Richard B., 1951
BOX 3/63 Flagstad, Kirsten, 1950
BOX 3/64 Fletcher, Grant, 1947
BOX 3/65 Ford, Hazel Hopkins, 1949
BOX 3/66 Ford, John B. Jr., n.d.
BOX 3/67 Forkner, Claude Ellis, 1949-1951
BOX 3/68 Foss, Lukas, 1944-1954
Foster, George A. see New Orleans Symphony Society
Foster, H.P. see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Fox, Mrs. Paul J. see Polish Arts Club
BOX 3/69 Fraenkel, Bessie Bartlett, 1942, 1950
Francis, Muriel see Muriel Francis
BOX 3/70 Frank, Marco, 1945
BOX 3/71 Frank S. Hartley Jewels, 1949
Frankel, Cecil
see Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
see Sturdy, L. Alice
Frankenstein, Alfred Victor
see San Francisco Chronicle
see San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission
Franklin, F. see Franklin Typewriter Service
BOX 3/73 Franklin Typewriter Service, 1949
Franze, Johannes see Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
BOX 3/74 Frederiksen, Sigurd, 1943
Freeman, Jay C. see Rudolph Wurlitzer Company
Freitag, Trude see Rychtarik, Richard
Frey, Louise see New York Philharmonic
BOX 3/75 Friedberg, Carl, 1950
Friedgut, Harry
see City Center of Music and Drama (New York, N.Y.)
see Essex County Symphony Society
Frischler, Erica see Frischler, Hermann
Frischler, Heinz see Frischler, Hermann
BOX 3/76 Frischler, Hermann, 1951
BOX 3/77 Fuchs, Josef, 1945
BOX 3/78 Fuleihan, Anis, 1944-1945
BOX 3/79 Fust, Joseph, 1950
BOX 3/80 Fziki, n.d.
BOX 3/81 F miscellaneous, 1950-1953
BOX 3/82 G. Ricordi & Co., 1950
BOX 3/83 G. Schirmer, Inc., 1942-1951
Gabrilowitsch, Clara see Clemens, Clara
BOX 3/84 Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, 1933-1935
BOX 3/85 Galaxy Music Corporation, 1947
BOX 3/86 Galeen, Henrik, 1945
BOX 3/87 Gamsjäger, Rudolf, 1952
BOX 3/88 Ganz, Rudolph, 1943-1947
BOX 3/89 Garbousova, Raya, 1945-1946
BOX 3/90 Gardner, Samuel, 1945
Gehle, Frederick W. see United States. War Finance Division
BOX 4/1 Geiger, Robert C., 1947
BOX 4/2 General Electric Company. Lamp Dept., 1942
BOX 4/3 General Electric X-Ray Corporation, 1942
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