The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
BOX 3/62 Flagg, Richard B., 1951
BOX 3/63 Flagstad, Kirsten, 1950
BOX 3/64 Fletcher, Grant, 1947
BOX 3/65 Ford, Hazel Hopkins, 1949
BOX 3/66 Ford, John B. Jr., n.d.
BOX 3/67 Forkner, Claude Ellis, 1949-1951
BOX 3/68 Foss, Lukas, 1944-1954
Foster, George A. see New Orleans Symphony Society
Foster, H.P. see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Fox, Mrs. Paul J. see Polish Arts Club
BOX 3/69 Fraenkel, Bessie Bartlett, 1942, 1950
Francis, Muriel see Muriel Francis
BOX 3/70 Frank, Marco, 1945
BOX 3/71 Frank S. Hartley Jewels, 1949
Frankel, Cecil
see Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
see Sturdy, L. Alice
Frankenstein, Alfred Victor
see San Francisco Chronicle
see San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission
Franklin, F. see Franklin Typewriter Service
BOX 3/73 Franklin Typewriter Service, 1949
Franze, Johannes see Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
BOX 3/74 Frederiksen, Sigurd, 1943
Freeman, Jay C. see Rudolph Wurlitzer Company
Freitag, Trude see Rychtarik, Richard
Frey, Louise see New York Philharmonic
BOX 3/75 Friedberg, Carl, 1950
Friedgut, Harry
see City Center of Music and Drama (New York, N.Y.)
see Essex County Symphony Society
Frischler, Erica see Frischler, Hermann
Frischler, Heinz see Frischler, Hermann
BOX 3/76 Frischler, Hermann, 1951
BOX 3/77 Fuchs, Josef, 1945
BOX 3/78 Fuleihan, Anis, 1944-1945
BOX 3/79 Fust, Joseph, 1950
BOX 3/80 Fziki, n.d.
BOX 3/81 F miscellaneous, 1950-1953
BOX 3/82 G. Ricordi & Co., 1950
BOX 3/83 G. Schirmer, Inc., 1942-1951
Gabrilowitsch, Clara see Clemens, Clara
BOX 3/84 Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, 1933-1935
BOX 3/85 Galaxy Music Corporation, 1947
BOX 3/86 Galeen, Henrik, 1945
BOX 3/87 Gamsjäger, Rudolf, 1952
BOX 3/88 Ganz, Rudolph, 1943-1947
BOX 3/89 Garbousova, Raya, 1945-1946
BOX 3/90 Gardner, Samuel, 1945
Gehle, Frederick W. see United States. War Finance Division
BOX 4/1 Geiger, Robert C., 1947
BOX 4/2 General Electric Company. Lamp Dept., 1942
BOX 4/3 General Electric X-Ray Corporation, 1942
BOX 4/4 General Motors Corporation. Cadillac Motor Car Division, 1949
BOX 4/5 Genia, 1951
BOX 4/6 George, Earl, n.d.
BOX 4/7 George M. Horn Company, 1949
BOX 4/8 Gesensway, Louis, 1943
Ghedini, Giorgio Federico see Angelicum dei Frati Minori
BOX 4/9 Gibson, Francis P., 1944
BOX 4/10 Gibson, Gordon, 1942
BOX 4/11 Gilbert, Helen, 1945
Gilbert, Richard see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 4/12 Gilman, Lawrence, 1937
BOX 4/13 Gimpel, Jakob, 1943-1944
Gingold, George see Gingold, Josef
Gingold, Gladys see Gingold, Josef
BOX 4/14 Gingold, Josef, 1949
Giulini, Leopoldo see Angelicum dei Frati Minori
BOX 4/15 Glenn, Carroll, 1942
BOX 4/16 Goberman, Max, 1943
BOX 4/17 Gold, Ernest, 1943
see also Mills Music, Inc.
Goldberg, Albert see Los Angeles Times
BOX 4/18 Goldfuss, Abraham, 1942
BOX 4/19 Goldie, Arthur, 1944
BOX 4/20 Goldovsky, Boris, n.d.
Goldsmith, B.A. see Henri Stern Watch Agency, Inc.
BOX 4/21 Golschmann, Vladimir, 1938-1949
BOX 4/22 González, Ramón, 1944
BOX 4/23 Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, 1943
BOX 4/24, 61/3 Goossens, Eugene, Sir, 1938-1946
Gould, Morton see Mills Music, Inc.
BOX 4/25 Graene, Jack, 1944
BOX 4/26 Graf, Herbert, 1939
Grant, Margaret see Berkshire Music Center
BOX 4/27 Gravely Manufacturing Co., 1942
BOX 4/28 Great Britain. Embassy (U.S.), 1944
Green, C. Alfin see Pan American World Airways, Inc.
BOX 4/29 Green, Ray, 1945-1948
BOX 4/30 Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst, 1949-1952
BOX 4/31 Greene, Lorenzo Johnston, 1943
Greimer, A.W. see Steinway & Sons
Greinert, E. see Stadium Concerts, Inc.
Greissle, Felix see G. Schirmer, Inc.
BOX 4/32 Grey, Robert G., 1940-1945
BOX 4/33 Griffeth, Merle R., 1943
Griffis, Stanton see United States. Foreign Service
BOX 4/34 Griffith, Kenneth, 1942
Griffith, Lena see Essex County Symphony Society
Grigg, Barbara see Time, Inc.
Grilli, Marcel see Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai
BOX 4/35 Gronowetter, Freda, 1945
BOX 4/36 Gross, Bethuel, 1942
Gross, Ludwik see DeGraff, Arthur C.
BOX 4/37 Gross, Robert, 1945
Grove, Anheli see Sztark, H. and A.
Grunes, David J. see Am-Rus Music Corporation
BOX 4/38 Guggenberg, Markus von, 1952
BOX 4/39 Guggenheimer, Minnie Schafer, 1944
Guggenheimer, Mrs. Harles S. see Guggenheimer, Minnie Schafer
Gump, H. N. see Clark H. Getts, Inc.
BOX 4/40 Guthrie, James K., 1936-1947
BOX 4/41 G miscellaneous, 1951
Haas, Alexander F. see San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission
BOX 4/42 Hadley, Henry Kimball, 1934
BOX 4/43 Haensel & Jones, 1942-1945
see also Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
BOX 4/44 Hageman, Richard, 1938-1943
Hahn, Edgar A. see Mooney, Hahn, Loeser, Keough & Freedheim
BOX 4/45 Haieff, Alexei, 1943
Halász, László see City Center of Music and Drama (New York, N.Y.)
Haley, Thomas J. see New York (City). Dept. of Finance
Halifax, [Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, Earl of] see Great Britain. Embassy (U.S.)
Hall, David see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 4/46 Halusza, Riki, 1951
BOX 4/47 Hammer, Heinrich, 1944-1947
BOX 4/48 Handler, Nathan E., 1945
Hansen, Katherine see Music Teachers’ Quarterly
BOX 4/49 Hanson, Howard, 1945
Hanzl, Rudolf see Wiener Philharmoniker
Happ, Eugene see South Bend Symphony Orchestra
BOX 4/50 Harold Holt, Ltd., 1949-1950
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