The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
BOX 4/47 Hammer, Heinrich, 1944-1947
BOX 4/48 Handler, Nathan E., 1945
Hansen, Katherine see Music Teachers’ Quarterly
BOX 4/49 Hanson, Howard, 1945
Hanzl, Rudolf see Wiener Philharmoniker
Happ, Eugene see South Bend Symphony Orchestra
BOX 4/50 Harold Holt, Ltd., 1949-1950
Harp, Raleigh see Carnegie Hall Recording Co.
Harris, Johana see Harris, Roy
BOX 4/51 Harris, Roy, 1936-1948 see also Gingold, Josef
BOX 4/52 Harry Smith Recordings, 1942
BOX 4/53 Harty, Hamilton, Sir, 1935
Hartzog, H.H. see A.I. Root Company
BOX 4/54 Harvey, Russell, 1943
BOX 4/55 Haubiel, Charles, 1942-1945
Hauser, Arthur A. see Carl Fischer Inc.
Havener, Helen see National Federation of Music Clubs
Hawkes, Ralph see Boosey & Hawkes Inc.
BOX 4/56 Haynes, Nita, n.d.
Hays, C. Lansing Jr. see Leve, Hecht, Hadfield & McAlpin
Hays, Will Harrison see Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Hearst, Siegfried see National Concert and Artists Corporation
BOX 4/57 Heilner, Irwin, 1944-1945
Heinsheimer, Hans W.
see Boosey & Hawkes Inc.
see Boosey, Hawkes, Belwin Inc.
see G. Schirmer, Inc.
Heller, Gesine see Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
BOX 4/58 Hendl, Walter, 1945-1951
BOX 4/59 Henri Stern Watch Agency, Inc., 1949
BOX 4/60 Henry Holt and Company, 1950
BOX 4/61 Hernández, Leopoldo, 1950-1951
BOX 4/62 Herou, Karl-Thore, 1951
BOX 4/63 Hess, Harold F., 1943-1944
BOX 4/64 Hicks, George Raymond, 1945
BOX 4/65 Hier, Ethel Glenn, 1945
BOX 4/66 Higgins, Grover, 1942
Hite, George E. Jr. see Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Hadley
BOX 4/67 Hoffman, Earl, 1947
BOX 4/68 Hoffman, Irwin, 1945
BOX 4/69 Hofmann, Josef, 1936-1937
Hogg, Ima see Houston Symphony Society
BOX 4/70 Holbrooke, Dan, 1948-1949
BOX 4/71 Hollywood Bowl Association, 1949-1951
see also Southern California Symphony Association
Holt, Harold see Harold Holt, Ltd.
Hope Associates see Earle Ferris Company
Hope, Constance see Radio Corporation of America. RCA Victor Division
BOX 4/72 Horenstein, Jascha, 1943
BOX 4/73 Hornblower & Weeks, 1942-1949
BOX 4/74 Houston Symphony Society, 1947
BOX 4/75 Hoving, Walter, 1944
BOX 4/76 Huber, Frederick, 1942
BOX 4/77 Huberman, Bronislaw, 1935-1936
BOX 4/78 Hubert, Marcel, 1944
BOX 4/79 Hugh, Ross, 1945
BOX 4/80 Hughes, Adella Prentiss, 1942
Hughes, Mrs. see Pettis, Ashley
BOX 4/81 Hull, Helen, 1945-1946
Hurd, Frederick see Brundage, Story and Rose
BOX 4/82 Hutcheson, Irmgart, 1937
Hyndman, R.V. see G. Schirmer, Inc.
BOX 4/83 H miscellaneous, 1950
Il Sindaco di Firenze see La Pira, Giorgio
BOX 4/84 Images Musicales, 1947-1948
BOX 4/85 Imparato, Giovanni, 1949
Incisoria Dischi see Alberto, Pisani
BOX 4/86 Insana, Silvio, 1947
BOX 4/87 Internal Revenue Agent in Charge, 1942
International Exposition of the Arts see Nabokov, Nicolas
Irish, Mrs. Leiland Atherton see Southern California Symphony Association
BOX 4/88 Isham & Isham, 1949-1950
Isham, Robert F. see Isham & Isham
BOX 4/89 Jabs, Russell, E., n.d.
BOX 4/90 Jachimowicz, Jan, 1951
BOX 4/91, 60/3 Jack Adams and Co., 1948-1950
BOX 5/1 Jacobi, Frederick, 1943
BOX 5/2 Jacobs, Ivan, 1945
BOX 5/3 Jaffe & Stern, 1953
Jaffin, Theodore S. see Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst
BOX 5/4 Jafke, Orville W., 1951
Jarmel, Dorle see National Federation of Music Clubs
Jelliffe, Rowena Woodham see Karamu House
BOX 5/5 John F. White, Inc., 1949
BOX 5/6 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1945
BOX 5/7 Johnson, Thor, 1943-1945 see also Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
BOX 5/8 Jones, Isabel Morse, 1950
BOX 5/9 Jones, Mrs. T. Catesby, 1943
BOX 5/10 Jospe, Erwin, 1945
Judd, G.E. see Boston Symphony Orchestra
Judson, Arthur
see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
see Concert Management Arthur Judson
see New York Philharmonic
see Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
BOX 5/11 Juilliard School of Music, 1949-1950
Jurres, André see Stichting Donemus
BOX 5/12 Kachouk, Michel, 1949
BOX 5/13 Kahgan, Philip A., 1949
BOX 5/14 Kahn, Erminie, 1944-1945
BOX 5/15 Kappel, Gertrude, 1936
BOX 5/16 Karamu House, 1942
BOX 5/17 Kastner, Alfred, 1945
BOX 5/18 Kaston, Henryk, 1942
BOX 5/19 Kaston, Maryna, n.d.
BOX 5/20 Kaufman, Louis, 1945
BOX 5/21 Kaufman, Schima, 1944
BOX 5/22 Kay, Ulysses, 1947
Kaye, Bess W. see American Music Center (New York, N.Y.)
BOX 5/23 Kaye, S. A., 1952
BOX 5/24 Kazu, 1951
Keller, Felicitas see Sociedad Musical Daniel
BOX 5/25 Kenna, Gilbert, 1942
BOX 5/26 Kenneth Allen Associates, Inc., 1953
BOX 5/27 Kenyon, Doris, 1938
Kerby, Elvira see G. Ricordi & Co.
BOX 5/28 Kern, Imre, 1949
BOX 5/29 Kerr, Jessie, 1949
BOX 5/30 Kerr, Muriel, 1945
Khalatov, Semen see Soviet Union. Posol’stvo (U.S.)
Kilbane, M.A. see Vosburgh, Carl J.
BOX 5/31 Kinander, Robert, 1949
BOX 5/32 Kinandr, Margaret, 1949
Kindler, Hans see National Symphony Orchestra Association (Washington, D.C.)
Kircher, Halite see Luchini, F.
BOX 5/33 Kisch, Royalton, 1948
BOX 5/34 Klaerchen, 1949
BOX 5/35 Klyor, Victor I., 1942
Knight, F.M. see Ravinia Festival Association
BOX 5/36 Kohs, Ellis B., 1947
BOX 5/37 Kolberg, Hugo, 1945-1950
BOX 5/38 Kondracki, Michal, 1945
Konovalov, Mr. see Radamsky, Sergei
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