The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
Leningrad Philharmonic see Leningradskaia gosudarstvennaia filarmoniia
BOX 5/79 Leningradskaia gosudarstvennaia filarmoniia, 1934
BOX 5/80 Leschke, Hans, 1950
BOX 5/81 Leve, Hecht, Hadfield & McAlpin, 1950-1951
BOX 5/82 Levenson, David M., 1942
BOX 5/83 Levicoff, Pearl R., 1944
Levin, Harold H. see Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
BOX 5/84 Levin, Sylvan, 1935
Levine, Marks
see Maier, Guy
see National Concert and Artists Corporation
BOX 5/85 Levy, Joseph L., 1950
Levy, Mrs. Joseph see Hollywood Bowl Association
BOX 5/86 Lewando, Ralph, 1949
BOX 5/87 Lhevinne, Rosina, 1944
Liberson, Ryessa D. see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 5/88 Liberty Music Shops, Inc., 1953
BOX 5/89 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1942
Liberty United Department see Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
Libidins, David see Zirato, Bruno
BOX 5/90 Lieberson, Goddard, 1942-1945
see also Robeson, Paul
see also Russian War Relief, Inc.
BOX 5/91 Lieberson, Goddard, 1946-1953
see also Robeson, Paul
see also Russian War Relief, Inc.
BOX 6/1 Life, 1949
BOX 6/2 Lilien, Ignace, 1947-1951
BOX 6/3 Lilleback, Anne G., 1949
BOX 6/4 Lily, Herbert D., 1942
BOX 6/5 Lincer, Mary, 1943
BOX 6/6 Lincer, William, 1943
BOX 6/7 Liong, Hock, 1951
BOX 6/8 Lipkin, Arthur Bennett, 1936-1942
BOX 6/9 Lipstone, Lousi R., 1949
Lira Espejo, Eduardo see Conciertos Zabaleta
Littledale, Clara Savage see Muriel Francis
Litvinoff, Maxim see Soviet Union. Posol’stvo (U.S.)
Lobenstein, Irmengard see Rot-Weiss-Rot
BOX 6/10 Lockwood, Normand, 1938-1943
BOX 6/11 Loesser, n.d.
BOX 6/12 Long, Johnny, 1944
BOX 6/13 Loomis, Clarence, 1945
BOX 6/14 Lopatnikoff, Nikolai, 1943-1947
Lord, G. Frank see Wheeler & Taylor, Inc.
BOX 6/15 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1949-1951
BOX 6/16 Los Angeles Times, 1949
BOX 6/17 Lóska, 1945
Lotish, J.D. see Amkniga Corporation
BOX 6/18 Luce, Clare Boothe, 1953
BOX 6/19 Luchini, F., 1952
BOX 6/20 Lustig, Ludwig, 1949-1950
BOX 6/21 Lynn, Nora, 1949
BOX 6/22 Lyons, Edna, 1945
BOX 6/23 L miscellaneous, 1943-1950
BOX 6/24 M. Baron Co., 1942
BOX 6/25 M. Steinert & Sons, 1942
BOX 6/26 Maazel, Marvin, 1953
BOX 6/27 Maciejewski, Roman, 1945
MacKinnon, Douglas A. see Armed Forces Master Records, Inc.
BOX 6/28 Maesch, L.K., 1942-1943
BOX 6/29 Magaloff, Nikita, 1950
BOX 6/30 Maggio musicale fiorentino, 1951-1952 see also Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 6/31 Magin, James Ch. H., 1945
BOX 6/32 Maier, Guy, 1942
BOX 6/33 Małcużyński, Witold, 1943
Malinverni, Carlo see Agenzia Lirica Concertistica Internazionale
BOX 6/34 Maliszewski, W., 1934
BOX 6/35 Malko, Nicolai, 1945
BOX 6/36 Mamorsky, Eleanor Lodge, 1943
Mamorsky, Morris see National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Manley, Michael F. see Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States
BOX 6/37 Mapleson, Alfred J., 1952
BOX 6/38 Marian, Epstein, 1942
BOX 6/39 Marionette Productions, 1951
Marre, Lotte see Frank S. Hartley Jewels
BOX 6/40 Mártay, Béla, 1942
BOX 6/41 Martina, Sister M., 1942
BOX 6/42 Mason, Daniel Gregory, 1945
BOX 6/43 Massachusetts. Dept. of Corporations and Taxation, 1942
BOX 6/44 Massachusetts Indemnity Insurance Company, 1950
Masterpieces of the 20th century see Nabokov, Nicolas
Mathieu, André see Pelletier, Wilfrid
BOX 6/45 Matzenauer, Margarete, 1945
Mauder, Jack G. see General Motors Corporation. Cadillac Motor Car Division
BOX 6/46 Maxwell, J. G., 1942
BOX 6/47 May, Frank G., 1945
BOX 6/48 Mayfield & Mayfield, 1952
Mayfield, Earle B. Jr. see Mayfield & Mayfield
BOX 6/49 Maynor, Dorothy, n.d.
MCA see Music Corporation of America
BOX 6/50 McArthur, Edwin, 1943-1947
BOX 6/51 McBride, Robert, 1942
McCann, Mary N. see New Orleans Symphony Society
BOX 6/52 McCullagh, E. Perry, 1942
BOX 6/53 McDonald, Harl, 1942-1945
BOX 6/54 McGinnis, Robert, 1942
BOX 6/55 McKay, George Frederick, 1945
BOX 6/56 Meilink & Company, Inc., n.d.
BOX 6/57 Mena, Luis E., 1939
BOX 6/58 Menuhin, Yehudi, 1943
BOX 6/59 Merchandise Mart (Chicago, Ill.), 1948
BOX 6/60 Mercury Music Corporation, 1943
BOX 6/61 Mero-Irion, Yolanda, 1942
BOX 6/62 Merrill L. Thomas Real Estate Insurance, 1948-1951
Mertens, André
see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
see Haensel & Jones
see Mertens, Parmelee & Brown, Inc.
BOX 6/63 Mertens, Parmelee & Brown, Inc., 1949
BOX 6/64 Metropolitan Musical Bureau, 1946
BOX 6/65 Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.), 1951
Meyer, Abe see Music Corporation of America
BOX 6/66 Michal, Grunspan, 1942
BOX 6/67 Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Hadley, 1949
BOX 6/68 Milhaud, Darius, 1945
BOX 6/69 Miller, Charles, 1942-1945
BOX 6/70 Miller, Charles, 1943
BOX 6/71 Millett, O.E., 1944
BOX 6/72 Mills Music, Inc., 1942-1945
BOX 6/73 Milwaukee County (Wis.). Park Commission, 1950-1951
BOX 6/74 Miness, Irwin, 1951 see also Jaffe & Stern
BOX 6/75 Ministero delle Poste e delle Telecommunicazioni, 1952
BOX 6/76 Mischakoff, Mischa, 1942
BOX 6/77 Mitchell, Raymond Earle, 1943-1950
Moe, Henry Allen see John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
BOX 6/78 Mohaupt, Richard, 1942-1943
BOX 6/79 Monath, Hortense, 1944
BOX 6/80 Monroe, Harry L., 1948
BOX 6/81 Montagu’s and Cox & Cardale, 1951
Monteux, Doris Gerald see Monroe, Harry L.
BOX 6/82 Mooney, Hahn, Loeser, Keough & Freedheim, 1942
BOX 6/83 Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc., 1949
BOX 6/84 Moreland, Helen Hall, 1949
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