The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
Parker, Caroline Bird see Town Hall Club
BOX 7/44 Parkinson, John, 1949
BOX 7/45 Parks, Robert O., 1944-1945
Parmelee, Horace J.
see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
see Haensel & Jones
Parmenter, Ross see New York Times
BOX 7/46 Pash, Donald A., 1945
BOX 7/47 Passagila, 1951
Pateras Pescara, Aurelio see Pescara, Aurelio
Pateras Pescara, Regina see Pescara, Aurelio
BOX 7/48 Patronato Pro-Música Sinfónica, 1949-1950
Patt, Benjamin C. see Albert B. Ashforth, Inc.
BOX 7/49 Paul Small Artists Ltd., Inc., n.d.
BOX 7/50 Pechter, Israel E., 1951
Peebles, Leighton H. see War Production Board
BOX 7/51 Pellegrini, Giovanni, 1951
Two photographs: 1) Pellegrini 2) Nuovo timpani.
BOX 7/52 Pelletier, Wilfrid, 1943
BOX 7/53 Pennario, Leonard, 1944-1946
Perc [Percival, Arthur] see [Powers], Dorotha
Perkins, Luke L. see Lake Placid Plumbing & Heating Co.
BOX 7/54 Pescara, Aurelio, 1943-1945
BOX 7/55 Pettis, Ashley, 1935
Peyton, Ann M. see United States. Foreign Service
BOX 7/56 Phillips, Burrill, 1943
BOX 7/57 Pilecki, Leon, n.d.
BOX 7/58 Pimsleur, Solomon, 1943
Piovesan, Alessandro see Biennale di Venezia
BOX 7/59 Piscator, Erwin, 1950
BOX 7/60 Pittsburgh Symphony Society, 1949
BOX 7/61 Poland. Ambasada (USSR), 1942
BOX 7/62 Poleri, David, 1953
Polesny, Eleanore see Polesny, Franz
Polesny, Ellis see Polesny, Franz
BOX 7/63 Polesny, Franz, 1949-1951
BOX 7/64 Polish Arts Club, 1942
Polish Embassy in USSR see Poland. Ambasada (USSR)
Pollard, Fred Jr. see General Electric X-Ray Corporation
Polmission see Poland. Ambasada (USSR)
BOX 7/65 Popov, Gavriil Nikolaevich, 1934
Porges, Frank T. see Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 7/66 Porrino, Ennio, 1952-1953
BOX 7/67 Porter, Emily, 1942
Porter, Kenneth see Isham & Isham
BOX 7/68 Portis, Robert B., 1950
BOX 7/69 Powell, John, 1945
BOX 7/70 [Powers], Dorotha, 1949
BOX 7/71 Prawy, Marcel, 1951
Preves, Milton see Gingold, Josef
Preves, Rebecca see Gingold, Josef
BOX 7/72 Price, Florence, 1942-1943
Prime, E. Gardner see Isham & Isham
BOX 7/73 Primrose, William, 1943
BOX 7/74 Professional Insurance Company, 1949-1950
BOX 7/75 Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn, 1952
Prouty, A.W. see M. Steinert & Sons
BOX 7/76 Pulaski Day Memorial Committee, 1949
BOX 7/77 Puletz, Rudy, 1944
Quesada, Alfonso de see Sociedad Musical Daniel
Quesada, Ernesto de
see Carvalho, Eleazar de
see Sociedad Musical Daniel
Quesada, Ernesto de, Jr. see Sociedad Musical Daniel
Quick see Cowles Magazines, Inc.
Quimby, Arthur W. see Cleveland Orchestra
BOX 7/78 Quinn, Alfred, Price, 1942
R.A.I. see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 7/79 Rabin, George, n.d.
Radamsky, Marie see Radamsky, Sergei
BOX 8/1 Radamsky, Sergei, 1934-1935
see also Fitelson and Mayers
see also Vosburgh, Carl J.
BOX 8/2 Radio audizioni Italia, 1948-1957
BOX 8/3 Radio Corporation of America. RCA Victor Division, 1949
Radio Italiana see Radio audizioni Italia
Radiotelevisione italiana see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 8/4 Rapée, Erno, 1936
BOX 8/5 Rathaus, Karol, 1939-1951
Rathaus, Rudolf see Witkowski, Franiszek
BOX 8/6 Rathner, Norma, 1950
BOX 8/7 Rauch, Greta, 1950 see also Columbia Records, Inc.
BOX 8/8 Ravinia Festival Association, 1942
Razzi, Giulio see Radio audizioni Italia
BOX 8/9 Read, Gardner, 1942-1945
BOX 8/10 Regules, Marisa, 1950
BOX 8/11 Reifsmann, Oscar, 1949
BOX 8/12 Reiner, Fritz, 1949
Reiner, Gabriel see Cosmos Travel Bureau, Inc.
Reinheimer, Howard E. see Law offices Howard E. Reinheimer
BOX 8/13 Reisenberg, Nadia, 1941
BOX 8/14 Reisman, Alexander, 1942
BOX 8/15 Reiss, Egon, 1949-1950
BOX 8/16 Reiter, Max, 1938-1939
Remington Records, Inc.
see Jaffe & Stern
see Miness, Irwin
Rensselaer Cox, Sylvia van see Cox, Sylvia van Rensselaer
Research Program on the U.S.S.R. see Slusser, Robert M.
BOX 8/17 Reyes, Angel, 1950
Ricci, Lisena see Luchini, F.
BOX 8/18 Richards, Mrs. Lisle C., 1944
BOX 8/19 Richter-Tomsa, Elsa R., 1950
Rickman, Edwin, T. see Municipal Chorus of San Francisco
BOX 8/20 Ricordi Americana, 1950
BOX 8/21 Riegger Wallingford, 1942
BOX 8/22 Ringbuchandlung, 1937
BOX 8/23 Ringwall, Rudolph, 1942
BOX 8/24 Riviera Beach (Fla.), 1949
Rizzo, Francis A. see Steinway & Sons
Robbins, Cynthia see Muriel Francis
BOX 8/25 Robertson, Mrs. Ola, 1944
BOX 8/26 Robeson, Paul, n.d.
Robin, J. see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 8/27 Robison, Vivian Gilpin, 1944
BOX 8/28 Robofsky, Abrasha, 1945
BOX 8/29 Rochester Civic Music Association, 1947
BOX 8/30 Rockefeller, Blanchette Hooker, 1951
Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. Jr. see Rockefeller, Blanchette Hooker
BOX 8/31 Rockmore, Clara, 1945
Rockmore, Robert see Barron, Rick & Rockmore
BOX 8/32 Roder, Milan, 1943
BOX 8/33 Rodzinska, Jadwiga, 1940-1950
BOX 8/34 Rodzinski, Artur, 1953
BOX 8/35 Rodzinski, Halina, 1949-1951 see also Sociedad Musical Daniel
BOX 8/36 [Rodzinski], Ilse, 1951
BOX 8/37 [Rodzinski], Witold, 1949-1952
BOX 8/38 Rogers, Bernard, 1940-1948
BOX 8/39 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1946
Rose, Alfred L. see Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
BOX 8/40 Rose, Leonard, 1943-1947 see also Gingold, Josef
Rosen, Leo see Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst
BOX 8/41 Rosenberg, Robert, 1944
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