The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989
Correspondence, 1931-1976, bulk 1938-1953 (continued)
BOX 8/14 Reisman, Alexander, 1942
BOX 8/15 Reiss, Egon, 1949-1950
BOX 8/16 Reiter, Max, 1938-1939
Remington Records, Inc.
see Jaffe & Stern
see Miness, Irwin
Rensselaer Cox, Sylvia van see Cox, Sylvia van Rensselaer
Research Program on the U.S.S.R. see Slusser, Robert M.
BOX 8/17 Reyes, Angel, 1950
Ricci, Lisena see Luchini, F.
BOX 8/18 Richards, Mrs. Lisle C., 1944
BOX 8/19 Richter-Tomsa, Elsa R., 1950
Rickman, Edwin, T. see Municipal Chorus of San Francisco
BOX 8/20 Ricordi Americana, 1950
BOX 8/21 Riegger Wallingford, 1942
BOX 8/22 Ringbuchandlung, 1937
BOX 8/23 Ringwall, Rudolph, 1942
BOX 8/24 Riviera Beach (Fla.), 1949
Rizzo, Francis A. see Steinway & Sons
Robbins, Cynthia see Muriel Francis
BOX 8/25 Robertson, Mrs. Ola, 1944
BOX 8/26 Robeson, Paul, n.d.
Robin, J. see Vsesoiuznoe obshchestvo kul’turnoĭ sviazi s zagranitseĭ (Soviet Union)
BOX 8/27 Robison, Vivian Gilpin, 1944
BOX 8/28 Robofsky, Abrasha, 1945
BOX 8/29 Rochester Civic Music Association, 1947
BOX 8/30 Rockefeller, Blanchette Hooker, 1951
Rockefeller, Mrs. John D. Jr. see Rockefeller, Blanchette Hooker
BOX 8/31 Rockmore, Clara, 1945
Rockmore, Robert see Barron, Rick & Rockmore
BOX 8/32 Roder, Milan, 1943
BOX 8/33 Rodzinska, Jadwiga, 1940-1950
BOX 8/34 Rodzinski, Artur, 1953
BOX 8/35 Rodzinski, Halina, 1949-1951 see also Sociedad Musical Daniel
BOX 8/36 [Rodzinski], Ilse, 1951
BOX 8/37 [Rodzinski], Witold, 1949-1952
BOX 8/38 Rogers, Bernard, 1940-1948
BOX 8/39 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1946
Rose, Alfred L. see Proskauer, Rose, Goetz & Mendelsohn
BOX 8/40 Rose, Leonard, 1943-1947 see also Gingold, Josef
Rosen, Leo see Greenbaum, Wolff & Ernst
BOX 8/41 Rosenberg, Robert, 1944
BOX 8/42 Rosenthal, Manuel, 1946-1947
Rosenwald, Hans see Chicago Musical College
BOX 8/43 Ross, Hugh, 1950
BOX 8/44 Rot-Weiss-Rot, 1952
BOX 8/45 Roth, Feri, 1944-1945
BOX 8/46 Rothe, Friede F., 1945
BOX 8/47 Rothfarb, Harry, 1944
BOX 8/48 Roxas, Emilio Amico, 1942
BOX 8/49 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 1958
BOX 8/50 Rozenberg, J., 1949
BOX 8/51, 60/5 Rubinoff Enterprises, 1944
Rubinoff, Philip see Rubinoff Enterprises
BOX 8/52 Rubinstein, Beryl, 1933-1935
Ruddock, Albert B. see Hollywood Bowl Association
BOX 8/53 Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, 1945
Ruff, Margaret Carson see Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
BOX 8/54 Rupp, Franz, 1944
BOX 8/55 Russian War Relief, Inc., 1942
Russian War Relief, Inc. Massachusetts Committee see Russian War Relief, Inc.
BOX 8/56 Rychlik, C.V., 1942
BOX 8/57 Rychtarik, Richard, 1952
BOX 8/58 Ryerson, Edward L. (Edward Larned), n.d.
BOX 8/59 R miscellaneous, n.d.
BOX 8/60 Sabatini, Guglielmo, 1943
BOX 8/61 Sadlier, John D., 1944
BOX 8/62 Salzedo, Carlos, 1935
BOX 8/63 Sam Goody, 1959
Samaroff Stokowski, Olga see Columbia Concerts Corporation (Columbia Broadcasting System)
BOX 8/64 Saminsky, Lazare, 1935-1946
Saminsky, Lillian see Saminsky, Lazare
BOX 8/65 Sammet, Inge, 1945
Samuel, Marge see Muriel Francis
BOX 8/66 San Francisco (Calif.). Art Commission, 1949-1951
BOX 8/67 San Francisco Chronicle, 1949-1950
San Francisco Municipal Chorus see Municipal Chorus of San Francisco
BOX 8/68 Sawyer, A.G., 1953
BOX 8/69 Sawyer, Sylvia, 1953
BOX 8/70 Sax, Segei, 1945
BOX 8/71 Schachet, Gomez, 1934-1935
BOX 8/72 Schaefer, Mrs. James G., 1945
Schaffner, Max see Sam Goody
BOX 8/73 Schaller, Helen, 1950
Schiff, Bennett see New York Post
BOX 8/74 Schikola, Gustav, 1952
BOX 8/75 Schmitz, Elie Robert, 1943-1945
Schnitzer, Germain see Jack Adams and Co.
BOX 8/76, 60/6 Schoenberg, Arnold, 1945
BOX 8/77 Scholz, János, 1944
BOX 8/78 Schroth, Gerhard, 1947
BOX 8/79 Schubart, Mark, 1945-1963
BOX 8/80 Schulhof, Andrew, 1945-1952
BOX 8/81 Schuller, A., 1942
BOX 9/1 Schulz, Carl Theo, 1942
BOX 9/2 Schuman, William, 1949
BOX 9/3 Schuster, Joseph, 1946
BOX 9/4 Schwartz, Rudolph, 1942
BOX 9/5 Schwarzman, Jascha, 1945
BOX 9/6 Schwarzwald, Arnold, 1945
BOX 9/7 Scott, Thomas, 1945
Seaman, Julian see United States. Office of War Information
BOX 9/8 Secor, Ethan A., 1942
See, A.M. see Rochester Civic Music Association
BOX 9/9 Seiniger, Samuel, 1943
Selby, John see National Symphony Orchestra Association (Washington, D.C.)
BOX 9/10 Seltzner, Jennie, 1943
BOX 9/11 Semler, Mrs. Ralph, 1945
BOX 9/12 Sendrey, Albert, 1944
BOX 9/13 Serly, Tibor, 1945
BOX 9/14 Sevitzky, Fabien, 1938-1946
Seward, James M. see Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
BOX 9/15 Shanet, Howard, 1948
Sheffield, James C. see Massachusetts Indemnity Insurance Company
BOX 9/16 Sheinfeld, David, 1945
BOX 9/17 Shoemaker, Sam, 1942
BOX 9/18 Shostakovich, Dmitriĩ Dmitrievich, 1924 see also Soviet Union. Posol’stvo (U.S.)
Postcard with photograph of Shostakovich.
BOX 9/19, 60/7 Shuk, Lajos, 1941
BOX 9/20 Shumsky, Oscar, 1943
Siciliani, Francesco
see Maggio musicale fiorentino
see Teatro comunale di Firenze
see Poleri, David
Sidlo, Thomas L. see Cleveland Orchestra
BOX 9/21 Siegfried Weiss Life & General Insurance, 1951
BOX 9/22 Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury, 1944
Simkhovitch, Mrs. V. G. see Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury
BOX 9/23 Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1949
BOX 9/24 Simon, Eric, 1942
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