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Martha Graham collection, 1896-2003

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Music Inventory (continued)
Choreographed Works (continued)
But Not For Me (1999)
Composer: George Gershwin
Choreography by Susan Stroman.
BOX-FOLDER 21 Photocopy of full score
Canticle for Innocent Comedians (1952)
Composer: Thomas Ribbink
BOX-FOLDER 22/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 22/2 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 23/1 Ink and pencil piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 24/1 Photocopy piano score, with pencil notes
BOX-FOLDER 24/2 Photocopy piano score
BOX-FOLDER 24/3 Photocopy piano score (copy 3)
BOX-FOLDER 24/4 Ink piano score, with corrections (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 24/5 Deschen piano score
BOX-FOLDER 25/1 Deschen parts
BOX-FOLDER 25/2 Deschen parts (string)
BOX-FOLDER 25/3 Obsolete parts
BOX-FOLDER 25/4 Deschen parts; ink parts (flute, clarinet, oboe bassoon, horn, percussion)
BOX-FOLDER 25/5 Photocopy percussion (2 copies)
BOX-FOLDER 26/1 Ink vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 26/2 Photocopy vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 26/3 Photocopy vocal score
BOX-FOLDER 26/4 Ink string parts
BOX-FOLDER 26/5 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 193/7 Deschen parts
BOX-FOLDER 193/8 Photocopy vocal score
Cave of the Heart (1946)
Composer: Samuel Barber
Barber’s title: Medea.
Graham’s title for first performance: Serpent Heart.
BOX-FOLDER 27/1 Ink rehearsal piano score with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 27/2 Ozalid piano score
BOX-FOLDER 27/3 Ozalid wind parts
BOX-FOLDER 27/4 Ozalid piano part
BOX-FOLDER 27/5 Ozalid string parts
BOX-FOLDER 27/6 Ozalid extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 28/1-4 Extra parts
Celebration (1934)
Composer: Louis Horst
Reconstruction 1987.
BOX-FOLDER 29/1 Rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 29/2 Photocopy rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 29/3 Photocopy rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 29/4 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 29/5 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 29/6 Copyist’s deschens
Chávez, Carlos see Dark Meadow
Chronicle see Prelude to Action; Steps in the Street
Circe (1963)
Composer: Alan Hovhaness
Hovhaness’s title: Circe, op. 204.
BOX-FOLDER 30/1 Ozalid full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 30/2 Ozalid full score, revised
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 Holograph piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 30/4 Photostats (negative and positive), piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 30/5 Piano score in pencil, reduction by Howard Douenfeld
BOX-FOLDER 30/6 Photocopy of piano score, reduction by Howard Douenfeld
BOX-FOLDER 30/7 Piano score in pencil, fragment and negative Photostat
BOX-FOLDER 30/8 Ozalid parts, winds
BOX-FOLDER 30/9 Ozalid parts, percussion-harp
BOX-FOLDER 30/10 Ozalid parts, strings
BOX-FOLDER 31/1-4 Extra parts
Circe, op. 204 see Circe
Clytemnestra (1958)
Composer: Halim El-Dabh
BOX-FOLDER 32/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 32/2 Ozalid full score, act 1, part 1
BOX-FOLDER 32/3 Ozalid full score, act 1, part 2
BOX-FOLDER 33/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 33/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 33/3 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 34/1 Photocopy piano score, with cuts in pencil
BOX-FOLDER 34/2 Piano score of “Prologue,” with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 34/3 Ozalid piano score of act 1, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 34/4 Ozalid piano score of act 2 and epilogue, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Photocopy piano score (complete)
BOX-FOLDER 35/2 Piano score of “Prologue,” with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 35/3 Piano score of act 1, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Piano score of act 2 and epilogue, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 36/1 Ozalid flute (piccolo) part
BOX-FOLDER 36/2 Ozalid oboe/English horn part
BOX-FOLDER 36/3 Ozalid clarinet part
BOX-FOLDER 36/4 Ozalid bassoon part
BOX-FOLDER 37/1 Ozalid horn part
BOX-FOLDER 37/2 Ozalid trumpet part
BOX-FOLDER 37/3 Ozalid trombone part
BOX-FOLDER 37/4 Ozalid percussion part
BOX-FOLDER 37/5 Ozalid piano part
BOX-FOLDER 37/6 Ozalid harp part
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 Ozalid violin I part
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 Ozalid violin II part
BOX-FOLDER 38/3 Ozalid viola part
BOX-FOLDER 38/4 Ozalid violoncello part
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Ozalid double bass part
Concerto a tre see Secular Games
Concertante see Part Real-Part Dream
Copland, Aaron see Appalachian Spring ; Dithyrambic
Corigliano, John see American Document
Cortege of Eagles (1967)
Composer: Eugene Lester
Lester’s title: Hecabe.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Photocopy full score (Hecabe)
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Photocopy full score (Hecabe)
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Ozalid piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Ozalid piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 45/1-3 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Extra parts
BOX 46 Unfoldered box of piano mutes
BOX-FOLDER 46/1-4 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 46/5 Misc. parts
Crumb, George see Phaedra’s Dream
Dance Songs see Satyric Festival Song
Dances of the Golden Hall (1982)
Composer: Andrzej Panufnik
Panufnik’s title: Nocturne for Orchestra.
BOX-FOLDER 48/1 Published full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/2 Published full score, without choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/3-6 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 48/7-9 Ozalid extra parts
Dark Meadow (1946)
Composer: Carlos Chávez
Chávez’s title: La hija de Cólquidea.
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Ink conductor’s score
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 50/1-2 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 50/3-6 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Copyist’s deschens of bassoon part
Deaths and Entrances (1943)
Composer: Hunter Johnson
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 51/1 Ozalid full score, chamber version
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 Photocopy/ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
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