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Martha Graham collection, 1896-2003

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Music Inventory (continued)
Choreographed Works (continued)
Errand into the Maze (1947)
Composer: Gian-Carlo Menotti
BOX-FOLDER 69/1 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 69/2 Ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 69/3 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 69/4 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 70/1-4 Copyist parts, old set
BOX-FOLDER 71/1-4 Ozalid old parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/1 Ozalid old parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Deschens, new set of complete parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Ozalid woodwind parts, new set
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 Ozalid horn-2nd piano
BOX-FOLDER 73/1-5 Extra parts
Every Soul is a Circus (1939)
Composer: Paul Nordoff
BOX-FOLDER 75/1 Ink conductor’s score (arranged for seven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 75/2 Conductor’s full score (orchestration by Ted Dale)
BOX-FOLDER 75/3 Conductor’s full score (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 74/1 Ink parts (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 74/2 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 74/3 Ink parts (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/1 Ink parts (arranged for seven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 Ink parts (arranged for twelve instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/3 Ink piano part (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 77/1 Parts (arranged by Ted Dale)
BOX-FOLDER 77/2 Extra parts, violins
BOX-FOLDER 78/1 Extra parts, cello bass, viola
BOX-FOLDER 79/1 Negative photostat piano rehearsal score
BOX-FOLDER 79/2 Deschens full score
BOX-FOLDER 79/3 Negative photostat parts
BOX-FOLDER 79/4 Negative photostat piano part
BOX-FOLDER 79/5 Negative photostat strings
BOX-FOLDER 79/6 Deschens parts
Eye of Anguish, The (1950)
Composer: Vincent Persichetti
Persichetti’s title: Lear.
BOX-FOLDER 81/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 81/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 81/3 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 81/4 Piano rehearsal score, without choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 80/1-3 Copyist parts (ink)
Fantasy Sonata for Violin and Piano see O Thou Desire to Who Art about to Sing
Fine, Vivian see Alcestis
Flute of Pan (1978)
Composer: [Geheorghe] Zamfir
BOX-FOLDER 193/14 Full score, pencil
Formal Dance, A (1935) [Later titled Praeludium no. 2]
Composer: David Diamond
BOX-FOLDER 193/15 Holograph score and parts
BOX-FOLDER 194/8 Flute and clarinet parts
Frontier (1935)
Composer: Louis Horst
Original title of choreography: Perspectives: Frontier and Marching Song.
BOX-FOLDER 82/1 Full score in pencil
BOX-FOLDER 82/2 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 82/3 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 82/4 Deschens full score
BOX-FOLDER 82/5 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 82/6 Piano rehearsal score (negative photostat)
BOX-FOLDER 82/7 Photocopy piano rehearsal score
BOX-FOLDER 82/8 Ink parts
BOX-FOLDER 82/9 Ozalid piano part
BOX-FOLDER 82/10-11 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 82/12 Ink parts (old set)
Gershwin, George see But Not For Me
Gospel of Eve (1950)
Composer: Paul Nordoff
BOX-FOLDER 83/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 83/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 83/3 Ozalid piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 83/4 Ozalid piano rehearsal score, no choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 84/1 Copyist’s deschen piano rehearsal score
BOX-FOLDER 84/2-3 Copyist’s parts
Green, Ray see American Document
Harlequinade (1930)
Composer: Ernst Toch
Toch’s title: Drei Klavierstücke, op. 32.
BOX-FOLDER 193/17 Published piano score; photocopy laid in
Hecabe see Cortege of Eagles
Helios, op. 17 see Acts of Light
Heloïse and Abelard see Time of Snow
Heretic (1929)
Composer: Louis Horst
Based on an old Bréton song.
BOX-FOLDER 193/18 Piano fragment in ink
BOX-FOLDER 193/19 Piano part
BOX-FOLDER 193/20 Photocopy fragment (as recalled by Paul Creston)
Hérodiade (1944)
Composer: Paul Hindemith
BOX-FOLDER 85/1 Photocopy full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 85/2 Photocopy full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 85/3 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 85/4 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 85/5 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 86/1 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 86/2 Extra parts [missing]
BOX-FOLDER 86/3-4 Extra parts, strings
BOX-FOLDER 87/1-3 Extra parts
Hija de Cólquidea, La see Dark Meadow
Hindemith, Paul see Elegiac; Hérodiade
Holy Jungle (1974)
Composer: Robert Starer
BOX-FOLDER 88/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 88/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 88/3 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 88/4-5 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 89/1 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 89/2-4 Extra parts
Horst, Louis see American Document; Celebration; Heretic; Primitive Mysteries; Frontier; El Penitente
Hovhaness, Alan see Ardent Song; Circe; Myth of a Voyage
Intégrales see Judith
Johnson, Hunter see Deaths and Entrances; Letter to the World; Scarlet Letter
Judith (1950; new music 1980)
Composer, original version: William Schuman
BOX-FOLDER 194/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 194/2 Piano score in ink and pencil, with choreographic notes
Judith (1980 version)
Composer: Edgar Varèse
Varèse’s titles: Intégrales; Offrandes; Octandre.
[Note: In 1934, Graham choreographed a work called Intégrales to music by Varèse.]
BOX-FOLDER 90/1 Published full score Intégrales
BOX-FOLDER 90/2 Ozalid full score Intégrales
BOX-FOLDER 90/3-5 Ozalid parts Intégrales
BOX-FOLDER 90/6 Photocopy full score Offrandes
BOX-FOLDER 91/1 Published piano-vocal score Offrandes
BOX-FOLDER 91/2-4 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 91/5-6 Ozalid extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 91/7 Published full score (part III) Octandre
BOX-FOLDER 91/8-9 Ozalid parts Octandre
Lady of the House of Sleep (1968)
Composer: Robert Starer
Earlier title: Hammer of Witches.
BOX-FOLDER 93/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 93/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 93/3 Ozalid rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 93/4 Ozalid rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 93/5 Ozalid rehearsal piano score, no choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 92/1-3 Deschen parts
BOX-FOLDER 92/4 Extra parts
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