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Martha Graham collection, 1896-2003

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Music Inventory (continued)
Choreographed Works (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 38/5 Ozalid double bass part
Concerto a tre see Secular Games
Concertante see Part Real-Part Dream
Copland, Aaron see Appalachian Spring ; Dithyrambic
Corigliano, John see American Document
Cortege of Eagles (1967)
Composer: Eugene Lester
Lester’s title: Hecabe.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Photocopy full score (Hecabe)
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Photocopy full score (Hecabe)
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Ozalid piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Ozalid piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 45/1-3 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 45/4 Extra parts
BOX 46 Unfoldered box of piano mutes
BOX-FOLDER 46/1-4 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 46/5 Misc. parts
Crumb, George see Phaedra’s Dream
Dance Songs see Satyric Festival Song
Dances of the Golden Hall (1982)
Composer: Andrzej Panufnik
Panufnik’s title: Nocturne for Orchestra.
BOX-FOLDER 48/1 Published full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/2 Published full score, without choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 48/3-6 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 48/7-9 Ozalid extra parts
Dark Meadow (1946)
Composer: Carlos Chávez
Chávez’s title: La hija de Cólquidea.
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Ink conductor’s score
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 50/1-2 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 50/3-6 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Copyist’s deschens of bassoon part
Deaths and Entrances (1943)
Composer: Hunter Johnson
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 51/1 Ozalid full score, chamber version
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 Photocopy/ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 51/3 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 51/4 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes, (fragment)
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Ozalid full score, reduced version, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 53/1-2 Copyist’s parts (ink), chamber version
BOX-FOLDER 53/3-5 Parts (old set)
BOX-FOLDER 54/1-4 Parts (old set)
BOX-FOLDER 55/1-3 Parts (new set)
BOX-FOLDER 56/1-2 Extra parts (new set)
BOX-FOLDER 57/1-2 Extra parts (new set)
Dello Joio, Norman see Diversion of Angels ; A Time of Snow ; Triumph of St. Joan [Seraphic Dialogue]
Diamond, David see A Formal Dance
Dithyrambic, 1931
Composer: Aaron Copland
Copland’s title: Piano Variations.
BOX-FOLDER 193/11 Copyists’ score in ink (incomplete); photocopy laid in
Diversion of Angels (1948)
Composer: Norman Dello Joio
Graham’s title for first performance: Wilderness Stair.
BOX-FOLDER 58/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 58/2 Ink rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 58/3 Photocopy rehearsal piano score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 58/4 Ozalid wind-piano parts
BOX-FOLDER 58/5 Ozalid string parts
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 59/1-6 Ozalid extra parts
Drei Klavierstücke, op. 32 see Harlequinade
Ecuatorial (1978)
Composer: Edgar Varèse
BOX-FOLDER 193/12 Published full score
Egge, Klaus see Tangled Night
El-Dabh, Halim see A Look at Lighting; Lucifer; One More Gaudy Night
Elegiac (1933)
Composer: Paul Hindemith
BOX-FOLDER 193/13 Copyists’ part for clarinet
Embattled Garden (1958)
Composer: Carlos Surinach
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 Ozalid full score
BOX-FOLDER 62/2 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 62/3 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 62/4 Piano rehearsal score, no choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 62/5 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 63/1-3 Ozalid parts
BOX-FOLDER 63/4 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 64/1-3 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 65/1-3 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 66/1-4 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 66/5 Copyist deschens for 3 parts
BOX-FOLDER 66/6 Extra copies of copyist deschens for 3 parts
Engle, Lehman see Transitions
Episodes, Part I (1959)
Composer: Anton Webern
Webern’s titles: Passacaglia for orchestra, op. 1; Six pieces, op. 6 reconstructed and reworked in 1979.
BOX-FOLDER 67/1 Full score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 67/2 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 67/3 Photocopy of piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 67/4-7 Published parts
BOX-FOLDER 67/8-10 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 68/1 Published full score, with choreographic notes (Six pieces, op. 6)
BOX-FOLDER 68/2 Ozalid piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes (Six pieces, op. 6)
BOX-FOLDER 68/3 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes (Six pieces, op. 6)
BOX-FOLDER 68/4-7 Published parts
BOX-FOLDER 68/8-10 Extra parts
BOX-FOLDER 192/3 Notated piano reduction score: Passacaglia for orchestra, op. 1, photocopy
Errand into the Maze (1947)
Composer: Gian-Carlo Menotti
BOX-FOLDER 69/1 Photocopy full score
BOX-FOLDER 69/2 Ink piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 69/3 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 69/4 Photocopy piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 70/1-4 Copyist parts, old set
BOX-FOLDER 71/1-4 Ozalid old parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/1 Ozalid old parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/2 Deschens, new set of complete parts
BOX-FOLDER 72/3 Ozalid woodwind parts, new set
BOX-FOLDER 72/4 Ozalid horn-2nd piano
BOX-FOLDER 73/1-5 Extra parts
Every Soul is a Circus (1939)
Composer: Paul Nordoff
BOX-FOLDER 75/1 Ink conductor’s score (arranged for seven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 75/2 Conductor’s full score (orchestration by Ted Dale)
BOX-FOLDER 75/3 Conductor’s full score (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 74/1 Ink parts (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 74/2 Piano rehearsal score, with choreographic notes
BOX-FOLDER 74/3 Ink parts (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/1 Ink parts (arranged for seven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/2 Ink parts (arranged for twelve instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 76/3 Ink piano part (arranged for eleven instruments)
BOX-FOLDER 77/1 Parts (arranged by Ted Dale)
BOX-FOLDER 77/2 Extra parts, violins
BOX-FOLDER 78/1 Extra parts, cello bass, viola
BOX-FOLDER 79/1 Negative photostat piano rehearsal score
BOX-FOLDER 79/2 Deschens full score
BOX-FOLDER 79/3 Negative photostat parts
BOX-FOLDER 79/4 Negative photostat piano part
BOX-FOLDER 79/5 Negative photostat strings
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