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Martha Graham collection, 1896-2003

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Music Inventory (continued)
Supplementary Music (continued)
Tarantella in E minor by W. Lomas (continued)
(piano score)
BOX-FOLDER 197/14 Tarentella, op. 26 by Théodore Lack
(piano score)
BOX-FOLDER 197/14 Toccata, op. 1 by Serge Prokofiev
(piano score)
BOX-FOLDER 197/14 3rd Gymnopédie by Erik Satie
(piano score)
BOX-FOLDER 197/14 Dance by Gustave Ferrari
(piano score)
BOX-FOLDER 197/15 Music from Louis Horst’s Dance classes
BOX-FOLDER 197/16 “Star Spangled Banner”
(published orchestration)
BOX-FOLDER 197/17 Dance Symphony by Aaron Copland
(photocopy 2nd flute part)
BOX-FOLDER 197/18 Fragments
BOX 308-376 Scrapbooks
The Martha Graham Collection contains an especially rich collection of Scrapbooks that span from 1926 to 1976. Documents contained within the scrapbooks include the official invitation from Germany to participate in the 1936 Olympics and Graham’s carbon copy of her refusal; transcripts of a German radio program from 1941; telegrams and notes of congratulations from luminaries such as Helen Hayes, Mary Wigman, Lincoln Kirstein, Sir Frederick Ashton, Svetlana Beriosova, and Michael Somes; and significant information on the Graham Company’s European tours during the Cold War. Other materials contained within the scrapbooks include invitations, speeches, fan mail, interviews, photographs, correspondence, reviews, and letters of tribute. For similar materials, the reader should see other parts of the collection, including Clippings; Programs; Writings By and About Martha Graham; and New York City Season and National and International Touring.
Arranged in chronological order.
BOX 308 1926-1929
BOX 309 1929-1930
BOX 310 1932-1933
BOX 311 1935-1936
BOX 312 1936 Tour
BOX 313 1936-1937
BOX 314 1938-1939
BOX 315 1939 Tour
BOX 316 1939-1940
BOX 317 1940 Tour
BOX 318 1940-1941
BOX 319 1941-1942
BOX 320 A, B 1941-1950
BOX 321 1942-1944
BOX 322 1944-1945
BOX 323 1945-1946
BOX 324 1946 Tour
BOX 325 1946-1947
BOX 326 1949-1951
BOX 327 1950
BOX 328 1950 Tour
BOX 329 1950-1967
BOX 330 1955 Tour (Asia)
BOX 331 1955 Tour (Singapore)
BOX 332 1955 Tour (Indonesia, Burma)
BOX 333 1955 Tour (Japan)
2 volumes
BOX 334 1955 Tour (India, Pakistan)
BOX 335 1955 Tour (Philippines)
BOX 336 1955 Tour (Japan) and 1955 NYC Season
2 volumes
BOX 337 1955-1956 Tour (Israel, Greece)
BOX 338 1956 Tour (India, Pakistan, Iran, Ceylon)
2 volumes
BOX 339 1957-1963
BOX 340 1957 Tour (Berlin)
BOX 341 1958
BOX 342 1958 Tour (Israel)
BOX 343 1958
BOX 344 1958 NYC Season
BOX 345 1959 NYC Season
BOX 346 1960 NYC Season
BOX 347 1960 Capezio Award; 1961 General
BOX 348 1961 NYC Season
BOX 349 1962 Tour (Israel)
BOX 350 1962 Tour (Turkey, Yugoslavia)
BOX 351 1962
BOX 352 1962 Tour (Poland, Germany, Sweden)
BOX 353 1962 NYC Season
BOX 354 1962 Tour (Finland, Netherlands, Germany)
BOX 355 1963 (September-October "Congressional Issue"); 1963 (October Eskin Court Case)
BOX 356 1963 NYC Season
BOX 357 1963 Tour (Edinburgh Festival and London)
BOX 358 1963
BOX 359 1964
BOX 360 1965
BOX 361 1965
BOX 362 1966
BOX 363 1966
BOX 364 1966-1967
BOX 365 1967-1968
BOX 366 1968
BOX 367 1968-1969
2 volumes
BOX 368 1969-1970
BOX 369 1970 Tour (U.S.)
BOX 370 1970
BOX 371 1970
BOX 372 1973-1975
BOX 373 1974 Tour (Asia)
BOX 374 1975-1976
BOX 375 1976
BOX 376 1941-1951 Martha Graham Dance School and Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance
BOX 239-273 Photographic Material
The Photographic Material series consists of over 8,000 photographs, dating from Graham’s Denishawn days through the late 1980s. In addition, there are family photographs and a number of informal shots taken at fund-raising events by former Graham board chair, Arnold Weissberger.
Primarily arranged alphabetically by name of choreographic work.
Acrobats of God
BOX-FOLDER 239/1 Hinkson, McGehee, MG, Powell, other
BOX-FOLDER 239/2 Hinkson, McGehee, MG, Wood, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/3 Kanda, McGehee, MG, Winter, Wood, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/4 Kanda, MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 239/5 Kanda, Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 239/6 McGehee, MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/2 McGehee, MG, Wood (incl. negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 239/7, 258/4 McGehee, Ross
BOX-FOLDER 239/8 McGehee, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/1 McGehee, MG, Winter
BOX-FOLDER 258/3 McGehee, MG, Winter (negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 258/5 MG (incl. negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 239/10 MG, Powell
BOX-FOLDER 239/11 MG, Powell, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 239/12, 258/6 MG, Ross, Winter
BOX-FOLDER 239/13, 258/7 MG, Ross, Winter, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/8 MG, Winter, Wood, [Yuriko], other
BOX-FOLDER 239/14, 258/9 MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/10 MG, Wood, other
BOX-FOLDER 239/15 MG, Wood, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 239/16 Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/11 Group (negative)
BOX-FOLDER 239/17 Contact sheets
BOX-FOLDER 239/18 Rehearsals for film
BOX-FOLDER 239/19 Proofs
Acts of Light
BOX-FOLDER 239/20, 258/12 Asakawa, Walker
BOX-FOLDER 239/21 Dakin
BOX-FOLDER 239/22 Garay, White
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