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Martha Graham collection, 1896-2003

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BOX 239-273 Photographic Material
The Photographic Material series consists of over 8,000 photographs, dating from Graham’s Denishawn days through the late 1980s. In addition, there are family photographs and a number of informal shots taken at fund-raising events by former Graham board chair, Arnold Weissberger.
Primarily arranged alphabetically by name of choreographic work.
Acrobats of God
BOX-FOLDER 239/1 Hinkson, McGehee, MG, Powell, other
BOX-FOLDER 239/2 Hinkson, McGehee, MG, Wood, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/3 Kanda, McGehee, MG, Winter, Wood, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/4 Kanda, MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 239/5 Kanda, Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 239/6 McGehee, MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/2 McGehee, MG, Wood (incl. negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 239/7, 258/4 McGehee, Ross
BOX-FOLDER 239/8 McGehee, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/1 McGehee, MG, Winter
BOX-FOLDER 258/3 McGehee, MG, Winter (negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 258/5 MG (incl. negatives)
BOX-FOLDER 239/10 MG, Powell
BOX-FOLDER 239/11 MG, Powell, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 239/12, 258/6 MG, Ross, Winter
BOX-FOLDER 239/13, 258/7 MG, Ross, Winter, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/8 MG, Winter, Wood, [Yuriko], other
BOX-FOLDER 239/14, 258/9 MG, Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/10 MG, Wood, other
BOX-FOLDER 239/15 MG, Wood, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 239/16 Wood
BOX-FOLDER 258/11 Group (negative)
BOX-FOLDER 239/17 Contact sheets
BOX-FOLDER 239/18 Rehearsals for film
BOX-FOLDER 239/19 Proofs
Acts of Light
BOX-FOLDER 239/20, 258/12 Asakawa, Walker
BOX-FOLDER 239/21 Dakin
BOX-FOLDER 239/22 Garay, White
BOX-FOLDER 239/23 Kimura
BOX-FOLDER 239/24 Lyman, Sparling
BOX-FOLDER 239/25 Lyman, Wengerd, group
BOX-FOLDER 239/26 Sparling
BOX-FOLDER 239/27 Asakawa, Walker
BOX-FOLDER 239/28 Delamo, Eilber, Homsey, Lyman, Maloney, Sparling, Walker
Delamo, Eilber, Homsey, Maloney
BOX-FOLDER 239/29 Eilber, Lyman, McGuire
BOX-FOLDER 239/30 Gray, Maloney, Wengerd, Yu
BOX-FOLDER 239/31 Homsey, Maloney
BOX-FOLDER 239/32 Homsey, Maloney, other
BOX-FOLDER 239/33 Maloney, McGuire
BOX-FOLDER 239/34 Hodes (Linda), McGehee, MG, Winter, others
BOX-FOLDER 258/13 Kuch, Winter, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/36 MG, Ross
BOX-FOLDER 258/14 MG, Ross (incl. negative)
BOX-FOLDER 239/37 MG, Ross, Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 239/38 MG, Ross, Taylor, group
BOX-FOLDER 239/39 MG, Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 239/40 MG, group
BOX-FOLDER 239/41, 258/15 MG, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/42 MG, women (negative)
BOX-FOLDER 239/43 Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 239/44 Taylor, MG, Wood, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/45 Taylor, others
BOX-FOLDER 239/46 Contact sheets/proofs
BOX-FOLDER 239/47 Group
BOX-FOLDER 239/48 Set
American Document
BOX-FOLDER 239/49 Hawkins
BOX-FOLDER 239/50 Hawkins, Maslow, women
BOX-FOLDER 258/16 Hawkins, MG
Andromache’s Lament
BOX-FOLDER 239/52 Brown, Ruddy
BOX-FOLDER 239/53 Foreman, Morin, Ruddy
BOX-FOLDER 239/44 Lyman
BOX-FOLDER 239/55 Ruddy
Appalachian Spring
BOX-FOLDER 240/1, 258/17 Asakawa, Gutelius, Lapsezon, other
BOX-FOLDER 258/18 Asakawa, Gutelius, Lapsezon, Wood (Marne), other
BOX-FOLDER 240/2 Capucilli, Littleford
BOX-FOLDER 258/18 Carter
BOX-FOLDER 258/21 Carter, other
BOX-FOLDER 240/3, 258/19 Carter, Gutelius
BOX-FOLDER 258/20 Carter, Gutelius, Walker, others
BOX-FOLDER 240/4, 258/22 Cohan, Turney, Winter
BOX-FOLDER 240/5, 258/22 Cohan, Turney, Winter, others
BOX-FOLDER 240/6, 258/23 Cohan, Winter, others
BOX-FOLDER 240/7 Cole, Hinkson, McGehee, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 240/8 Cole, Hinkson, others
BOX-FOLDER 258/24 Cole, Hodes, McGehee, MG, Ross, Turney, Winter, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 258/25 Cole, Hodes, MG, Ross, Turney, Winter, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 240/9 Eilber, others [Kimura, Wengerd]
BOX-FOLDER 240/10 Fonaroff, Lang, Mazia, MG, O’Donnell, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 240/11 Gray, Wengerd
BOX-FOLDER 240/12 Gutelius
BOX-FOLDER 240/13 Gutelius, Walker, others
BOX-FOLDER 258/26 Hawkins, Cunningham, others
BOX-FOLDER 265/1 Hawkins, Cunningham, MG, O’Donnell
BOX-FOLDER 240/14 Hawkins, MG, O’Donnell, Lang, Yuriko, other
BOX-FOLDER 240/15 Hawkins, MG
BOX-FOLDER 240/16 Hawkins, MG, O’Donnell, others
BOX-FOLDER 240/17 Hawkins, MG, other
BOX-FOLDER 240/18 Hodes (Stuart)
BOX-FOLDER 240/19, 258/28 Hodes (Stuart), MG
BOX-FOLDER 258/27 Hodes, McGehee, MG, Ross, Turney, Winter, Yuriko
BOX-FOLDER 240/20 Hodes (Stuart), MG, Ross, Turney
BOX-FOLDER 240/21 Hodes, Turney
BOX-FOLDER 240/22 Kimura
BOX-FOLDER 240/23 Kimura, Sparling, Wengerd
BOX-FOLDER 240/24 Kimura, Wengerd
BOX-FOLDER 240/25 Kimura, [Wengerd], others
BOX-FOLDER 240/26 Lang
BOX-FOLDER 240/27 Littleford
BOX-FOLDER 240/28 Lyman
BOX-FOLDER 240/29 Lyman, Sparling, chorus
BOX-FOLDER 258/29 MG (negative)
BOX-FOLDER 240/32 MG, O’Donnell
BOX-FOLDER 240/33 MG, Ross
BOX-FOLDER 240/34 MG, others
BOX-FOLDER 240/35 Nureyev, others [Eilber]
BOX-FOLDER 240/36 O’Donnell
BOX-FOLDER 240/37 Rooks
BOX-FOLDER 240/38 Ross
BOX-FOLDER 240/40 Sherman
BOX-FOLDER 240/41 Sparling
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