| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Writings, 1919-1997
(continued) |
Works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1919-1967
(continued) |
The overture-form in the music of today. Musical America, (February 10, 1940), pp. 108-110
(continued) |
Manuscript, typescript, and printed article |
Title on manuscript: About writing overtures |
BOX-FOLDER 115/23 |
La "Pisanella" di I. Pizzetti. La critica musicale, vol. 2, no. 9-10, (September-October 1919) , pp. 157-169 |
Photocopied article |
BOX-FOLDER 115/24 |
Pizzetti visto da lontano, 1956 March 19
Manuscript |
Laid in: letters to Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1955-1956 |
Published in La citta dannunziana a Ildebrando Pizzetti, ed. M. la Morgia, 1958 |
BOX-FOLDER 115/25 |
Schubert, undated
Manuscript and typescript |
Published in Encyclopedia musicale |
BOX-FOLDER 115/26 |
Schubertiade, circa 1932?
Manuscript |
BOX-FOLDER 115/27 |
Schumann, 1964
Manuscript and typescript |
Published in Enciclopedia de la musica, 1964 |
BOX-FOLDER 115/28 |
Shakspere [sic] and music. Shakespeare Association Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 3, (July 1940) , pp. 166-174 |
Manuscript and printed article |
BOX-FOLDER 115/29 |
To the music editor: the Italian overture. New York Times, (April 14, 1940)
Typescript and printed article |
BOX-FOLDER 115/30 |
Una lettera dall' Americirca Firenze a Ildebrando Pizzetti, (March 1947)
Photocopied article |
Program notes
BOX-FOLDER 116/1 |
Op. 94: I giganti della montagna
Manuscript and typescript |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/2 |
Op. 98: Aucassin et Nicolette
Manuscript, typescript, and printed notes |
Undated |
Published as "The American premiere of Aucassin and Nicolette." The Composer and Conductor, vol. 6, no. 3 (February 1964), p. 1 |
BOX-FOLDER 116/3 |
Op. 115: The birthday of the infanta
Manuscript |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/4 |
Op. 151: The book of Jonah
Manuscript |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/5 |
Op. 164: Overture to Much ado about nothing
Manuscript and typescript, with photocopied musical examples |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/6 |
Op. 172: The song of songs |
Manuscript and typescript |
On p. 5 of typescript: 18 Giugno, 1955 |
BOX-FOLDER 116/7 |
Op. 181: The merchant of Venice
Manuscript and typescript |
Undated |
Published as "Confessioni di un autore: Il mercante di Venezia." Maggio musicale |
BOX-FOLDER 116/8 |
Op. 188: Il bestiario
Manuscript and typescript |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/9 |
Recordings of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco for RCA Victor
Typescript |
Undated |
BOX-FOLDER 116/10 |
Catalogo delle compositioni, 1933 November 26
3 vols. |
BOX-FOLDER 116/11 |
Ideas about musical criticism, undated
Typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/12 |
Interviews with Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1928, 1939
Typescript and printed articles |
BOX-FOLDER 116/13 |
The Jewish chapter of my autobiography, 1940
Manuscript and typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/14 |
Lists of works and performances, undated
Manuscript and typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/15 |
Melodia (e thema), undated
Manuscript and typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/16 |
Music and poetry: problems of an opera composer, 1952
Manuscript |
Lecture for the American Musicological Society |
BOX-FOLDER 116/17 |
Music under Italian fascism, 1944
Manuscript |
Lecture for the Musicians Congress |
BOX-FOLDER 116/18 |
Notes on composers, undated
Manuscript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/19 |
Office of War Information broadcast, 1944
Manuscript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/20 |
Perfezione di Mozart, undated
Manuscript and typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/21 |
Postscriptum [for his article on Pizzetti], 1960 August 21
Manuscript and typescript |
BOX-FOLDER 116/22 |
Reminiscences of Italian festivals, undated
Manuscript and typescript |
Works about Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco by Others, 1925-1997
Books |
BOX-FOLDER 117/1 |
Rossi, Nick. Catalogue of works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. New York : The International Castelnuovo-Tedesco Society, 1997
Annotated |
Laid in: Rossi, Nick. "The evolution of the complete catalogue" |
BOX-FOLDER 117/2-3 |
La sua fede. UCLA, 1982
2 copies |
Clara Castelnuovo-Tedesco interviewed by R. Andrade |
On title page: completed under the auspices of the Oral History Program |
BOX-FOLDER 117/4-9 |
Taylor, Robert. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: complete bibliography (up to 1962), [1962]
Annotated typescript drafts and bound volumes |
On cover of final revision: June 17, 1966 |
BOX-FOLDER 118/1-6 |
Westby, James. Castelnuovo-Tedesco in America: The film music. UCLA, 1994
Typescript draft, photocopied musical examples, and filmography |
BOX-FOLDER 119/1 |
Burns, Jeffrey. Le opere di Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, trans. Maria L. Lazzarini. [unidentified publication], pp. 68-69
BOX-FOLDER 119/2 |
Colacicchi, Luigi. "Prestiti e affiti" musicali. Musica, pp. 135-140
Laid in: letter from Colacicchi to Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1944 December 5 |
BOX-FOLDER 119/3 |
Gatti, Guido M. Musicisti italiani: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. La critica musicale, vol. 1, no. 10-11,(October-November 1918), pp. 197-206
BOX-FOLDER 119/3 |
Gatti, Guido M. Ricordo di Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Estratto annuario accademia nazionala di S. Cecilia, (December 1969), 10 p.
BOX-FOLDER 119/4 |
Gilardino, Angelo. Ricordi di Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Strumenti and musica, vol. 21, no. 4, (1968), pp. 30-32
Laid in: correspondence with Pietro Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1995 |
BOX-FOLDER 119/4 |
Gilardino, Angelo. Un fiorentino a Beverly Hills. Seicorde, vol 10, no. 53, (September-October 1995), pp. 24-33
BOX-FOLDER 119/5 |
Grossman, Emery. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: contemporary composer. Temple Israel Light, pp. 10-11
BOX-FOLDER 119/6 |
Liuzzi, Fernando. Un articolo di solaria, quaranta anni fa Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Portico d'Ottavia, no. 7-8, (February-April 1968), pp. 53-58
BOX-FOLDER 119/6 |
Liuzzi, Fernando. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Italien Sonderheft des Anbruch, vol. 7, (August-September 1925), pp. 408-440
BOX-FOLDER 119/7 |
Lubin, Ernest. A neglected Impressionist: Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Clavier, vol. 10, no. 2, (February 1971), pp. 29-31
BOX-FOLDER 119/8-9 |
Miscellaneous articles, 1939-1947, 1958-1967, 1985-1991
BOX-FOLDER 119/10 |
Purcell, Ronald C. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco and the guitar. Guitar Review, no. 37, (1972), pp. 2-4
BOX-FOLDER 119/11 |
Reeves, David. The piano works of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Piano and Keyboard, no. 176, (October 1995), pp. 29-33
Laid in: correspondence with Pietro Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1995 |
BOX-FOLDER 119/12 |
Rossi, Nick. The choral masterpieces of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. The Choral Journal, (November 1976), pp. 5-8
BOX-FOLDER 119/12 |
Rossi, Nick. A musical portrait of Italy. Keyboard Classics, (March-April 1982), pp. 10-12
BOX-FOLDER 119/13 |
Scalin, Burton. Old Testament works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Tatzlil, vol. 9, no. 10, (1976), pp. 19-24
BOX-FOLDER 119/13 |
Scalin, Burton. Some biblically-inspired and liturgical compositions of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, [circa 1975?]
BOX-FOLDER 119/14-15 |
Takahashi, Isao , 1954, 1968, unidentified dates
6 articles from various Japanese publications |
BOX-FOLDER 119/16 |
International Castelnuovo-Tedesco Society, 1973-1985
Correspondence and publications |
BOX-FOLDER 119/17 |
List of recordings, undated
Principally photocopied catalog cards |
BOX-FOLDER 119/18 |
Rossi, Nick, undated
Program notes |
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