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George and Ira Gershwin collection, 1895-2008

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Music, 1913-1954 (continued)
BOX 60-61, 141 Lyric Sheets
The lyric sheets are divided into three subseries. The first subseries is organized alphabetically by title. The second and third subseries, "Untitled" and "Notes and Miscellany," are arranged alphabetically by first line.
BOX 60 Titled Lyric Sheets
BOX-FOLDER 60/1 All of Them Was Friends of Mine
BOX-FOLDER 60/2 Almost
BOX-FOLDER 60/3 Anglo Saxon Baby
BOX-FOLDER 60/4 Another You
BOX-FOLDER 60/5 At 11 p.m.
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 'Atta Girl
BOX-FOLDER 60/7 Back Home
BOX-FOLDER 60/8 Cheerio!
BOX-FOLDER 60/9 Dear Old Correspondence School
BOX-FOLDER 60/10 Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans
BOX-FOLDER 60/11 Don't You Remember
BOX-FOLDER 60/12 Fancy Work
BOX-FOLDER 60/13 Faults
BOX-FOLDER 60/14 Flower Boat
BOX-FOLDER 60/15 For No Reason at All
BOX-FOLDER 60/16 Geography
BOX-FOLDER 60/17 Hands Across the Table or Why I Was Born or Reflection on Poker
BOX-FOLDER 60/18 Hard to Replace
BOX-FOLDER 60/19 The Hills of Hollywood or Home on the Range
BOX-FOLDER 60/20 Hubby
BOX-FOLDER 60/21 I Know Somebody Who Loves You
BOX-FOLDER 60/22 I Wanna Be Wanted by You; Nothing to Look Forward to Blues; Words
BOX-FOLDER 60/23 I'll Get You Yet
BOX-FOLDER 60/24 I'll Supply the Title (You'll Supply the Tune)
BOX-FOLDER 60/25 I'm a Naughty Name
BOX-FOLDER 60/26 I'm Crazy about Rhymes
BOX-FOLDER 60/27 I'm No Fool
BOX-FOLDER 60/28 Imagine (Me without My You)
BOX-FOLDER 60/29 In the Wee Sma' Hours Sally and Elmer Were Sweethearts
BOX-FOLDER 60/30 I've Turned the Corner
BOX-FOLDER 60/31 Jokes for a Song about Jokes
BOX-FOLDER 60/32 Lament
BOX-FOLDER 60/33 Let's Show 'Em How This Country Goes to Town
BOX-FOLDER 60/34 Little Rhythm-Go 'Way
BOX-FOLDER 60/35 Mary-Louise
BOX-FOLDER 60/36 Mortgage on My Castle in Spain
BOX-FOLDER 60/37 The Nevada
BOX-FOLDER 60/38 A New Step Every Day
BOX-FOLDER 60/39 Nice to Know
BOX-FOLDER 60/40 Not So Long Ago
BOX-FOLDER 60/41 Oh You Kid!
BOX-FOLDER 60/42 Paper House in Japan
BOX-FOLDER 60/43 Precious Moments Wasted
BOX-FOLDER 60/44 Say it With [written with Lou Paley]
BOX-FOLDER 60/45 Snookums
BOX-FOLDER 60/46 So It's Going to Happen after All
BOX-FOLDER 60/47 Someone to Root Ror
BOX-FOLDER 60/48 Song about a Dance
BOX-FOLDER 60/49 Sporting, et. al.
BOX-FOLDER 60/50 Sweet Sorrow
BOX-FOLDER 60/51 Tell Me in the Gloaming
BOX-FOLDER 60/52 Ten Little Boy Friends
BOX-FOLDER 60/53 That Well-Known Smile
BOX-FOLDER 141/49 They All Love Love
Laid in: Lawrence Stewart typescript note; [1] p.
BOX-FOLDER 141/50 They All Remind Me of You
Laid in: Lawrence Stewart typescript note; [1] p.
BOX-FOLDER 60/54 The Time Has Come
BOX-FOLDER 60/55 Tropical
BOX-FOLDER 60/56 Turn to the Dreams Ahead
BOX-FOLDER 60/57 What Can I Do?
BOX-FOLDER 60/58 What's Mine is Yours
BOX-FOLDER 60/59 What's the Big Idea?
BOX-FOLDER 60/60 When There's a Chance to Dance
BOX-FOLDER 60/61 The Whole World's Turning Blue
BOX-FOLDER 60/62 Why Is It?
BOX-FOLDER 60/63 You're Too True to Be Good or He's Too True to Be Good
BOX 60, 141, 144 Untitled Lyric Sheets
BOX-FOLDER 60/64 Adventurous life or Recollections that will never leave me
BOX-FOLDER 60/65 All's right with the world
BOX-FOLDER 60/66 Although I used to be a child myself
BOX-FOLDER 60/67 Compilation from lyric notebook no. 1
BOX-FOLDER 60/68 Compilation from lyric notebook no. 2
BOX-FOLDER 60/69 A dream of a day
BOX-FOLDER 60/70 Give a viva for Havana
BOX-FOLDER 60/71 Gloomiest
BOX-FOLDER 144/8 He's a wonder
BOX-FOLDER 60/72 How's your family?
BOX-FOLDER 60/73 I care no whit for the witty line
BOX-FOLDER 60/74 I own a golden tone
BOX-FOLDER 60/75 In the nick of time
BOX-FOLDER 60/76 It never rains but it pours
BOX-FOLDER 60/77 I've always had a mania
BOX-FOLDER 60/78 I've been looking for love all my life
BOX-FOLDER 60/79 Let's be practical
BOX-FOLDER 60/80 The little things that count
BOX-FOLDER 60/81 Midiron gridiron and better outlook
BOX-FOLDER 60/82 A modern point of view
BOX-FOLDER 60/83 The moment you were there
BOX-FOLDER 60/84 Nijinsky lived for dancing
BOX-FOLDER 60/85 Our love will be eternal
BOX-FOLDER 60/86 Out of the blue comes you
BOX-FOLDER 60/87 Remember your annuity or platinum living
BOX-FOLDER 141/51 She's the greatest
BOX-FOLDER 60/88 Some morning
BOX-FOLDER 60/89 Song like "Babbit & Bromide"
BOX-FOLDER 60/90 The stars are still on high
BOX-FOLDER 60/91 Tes yeus et al.
BOX-FOLDER 60/92 That's that
BOX-FOLDER 60/93 Those eyes so full of mystery, et al.
BOX-FOLDER 60/94 When Cupid wings us
BOX-FOLDER 60/95 Whom?
BOX-FOLDER 60/96 Wowie! Zing!
BOX-FOLDER 60/97 You can sell me the Brooklyn Bridge I can think of nothing grander
BOX-FOLDER 60/98 You never did that for me and What a lovely evening
BOX-FOLDER 60/99 You show a dimple when you smile, et al.
BOX 61 Notes and Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 61/1 Addenda
BOX-FOLDER 61/2 Ask me my ambition
BOX-FOLDER 61/3 Baby me; The songwriters Mother Goose; There should be a fortune in
BOX-FOLDER 61/4 Ballad - Movie actor hurt his foot
BOX-FOLDER 61/5 Cakewalk, et al.
BOX-FOLDER 61/6 Calendar for 1926
BOX-FOLDER 61/7 Civil service examination for a popular song lyrist
BOX-FOLDER 61/8 Coq d'or
BOX-FOLDER 61/9 Dance ideas
BOX-FOLDER 61/10 Dufy
BOX-FOLDER 61/11 East Indian diver
BOX-FOLDER 61/12 The epigram of Martial, Jr.
BOX-FOLDER 61/13 The erstwhile real estate
BOX-FOLDER 61/14 Every song can't be a hit
BOX-FOLDER 61/15 Everybody can sing
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