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George and Ira Gershwin collection, 1895-2008

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Music, 1913-1954 (continued)
Lyric Sheets (continued)
Notes and Miscellany (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 61/10 Dufy
BOX-FOLDER 61/11 East Indian diver
BOX-FOLDER 61/12 The epigram of Martial, Jr.
BOX-FOLDER 61/13 The erstwhile real estate
BOX-FOLDER 61/14 Every song can't be a hit
BOX-FOLDER 61/15 Everybody can sing
BOX-FOLDER 61/16 Famous trios
BOX-FOLDER 61/17 For it seems that suddenly
BOX-FOLDER 61/18 From a romantic notebook 1924
BOX-FOLDER 61/19 From A to Z
BOX-FOLDER 61/20 Glad I'm alive
BOX-FOLDER 61/21 Grammar Gurton needles
BOX-FOLDER 61/22 Grow young along with me
BOX-FOLDER 61/23 He spilled the beans
BOX-FOLDER 61/24 "Hitch one's wagon to a star, To"
BOX-FOLDER 61/25 How could I ever
BOX-FOLDER 61/26 How long
BOX-FOLDER 61/27 I have never seen, et al.
BOX-FOLDER 61/28 I was naive
BOX-FOLDER 61/29 I'm much too tired
BOX-FOLDER 61/30 I'm so timid
BOX-FOLDER 61/31 I'm the guy, et al.
BOX-FOLDER 61/32 It's a must
BOX-FOLDER 61/33 List of aphorisms (not a song title)
BOX-FOLDER 61/34 List of titles
BOX-FOLDER 61/35 Love songs gracious
BOX-FOLDER 61/36 Man of letters
BOX-FOLDER 61/37 The not impossible wife
BOX-FOLDER 61/38 Notes on song about or for comedian
BOX-FOLDER 61/39 Opening - These dizzy days
BOX-FOLDER 61/40 Our little bag of tricks
BOX-FOLDER 61/42 Parody of Porter’s “Let’s Do It” (incomplete)
BOX-FOLDER 61/43 Pay dirt for gold diggers
BOX-FOLDER 61/44 Quatrains
BOX-FOLDER 61/45 Quatre quatrains (No lyrics, envelope)
BOX-FOLDER 61/46 A reason for rhyme
BOX-FOLDER 61/47 Reflection
BOX-FOLDER 61/48 Reflections on investing in a play one hasn't read
BOX-FOLDER 61/49 Revue notions
BOX-FOLDER 61/50 Rhymes
BOX-FOLDER 61/51 Right you are, et al.
BOX-FOLDER 61/52 Salt of the earth
BOX-FOLDER 61/53 Service
BOX-FOLDER 61/54 Show business
BOX-FOLDER 61/55 Snake in the grass or Lyric about sins of Babylon
BOX-FOLDER 61/56 So called theme song
BOX-FOLDER 61/57 Spots we have never visited
BOX-FOLDER 61/58 There are lovelies
BOX-FOLDER 61/59 This time I mean it you'd be hard to replace
BOX-FOLDER 61/60 To--
BOX-FOLDER 61/61 "To--"
BOX-FOLDER 61/62 To all editors
BOX-FOLDER 61/63 To all editors (Blame W.S. Gilbert)
BOX-FOLDER 61/64 To Sylvia (No longer of Greenwich Village)
BOX-FOLDER 61/65 Very short story
BOX-FOLDER 61/66 The way we plan it
BOX-FOLDER 61/67 The well-dressed man
BOX-FOLDER 61/68 What a lucky guy I'm you're as much a myth
BOX-FOLDER 61/69 What can we lose
BOX-FOLDER 61/70 When my uncle dies
BOX-FOLDER 61/71 A word with you
BOX 62 Music Owned by the Gershwins
The music owned by George and Ira is organized alphabetically; first by composer, and then by composition title.
Arlen, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 Bloomer Girl
Bound sheet music and Ozalids
Note: Inscribed to Lee and IG by Anya and Harold Arlen
Laid in: IG typescript notes; [1] p.
Bach, J.S.
BOX-FOLDER 62/2 Toccatas
Leipzig: C.F. Peters, undated
Note: Signed by GG
Borchard, Adolphe
BOX-FOLDER 62/3 L’elan: Esquisse Symphonique
Paris: Evette et Schaeffer, 1924
Note: Inscribed to GG by A. Borchard
Bucharoff, Simon
BOX-FOLDER 62/4 Sechs Lieder
Leipzig: Steingräber-Verlag, 1924
Note: Inscribed to GG by S. Bucharoff
Casella, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 62/5 Serenata
Vienna: Universal-Edition, 1928
Note: Inscribed to GG by A. Casella, 1929
Debussy, Claude
Note: GG bound these eight volumes consisting of publications of Debussy's piano music, vocal music, and piano arrangements of larger instrumental works
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Bound Piano music, volume A
Bound Piano music, volume B
Bound Piano music, volume C
Bound Music for piano four hands
Bound Songs
Bound L'enfant prodigue; Le Demoiselle élue; Le Matyr de St. Sébastien
Bound Pelléas et Mélisande
Bound La boîte à jouxjoux
BOX-FOLDER 62/6 Images. No. 3, Rondes de Printemps
Paris: Durand, 1910
Note: Signed by GG
Grünberger, Alfred
BOX-FOLDER 62/7 Kleiner Walzer
Vienna: Gutmann, 1928
Note: Inscribed to GG by A. Grünberger, 1928
Poulenc, Francis
Bound Mouvements Perpétuels
London: J. & W. Chester, 1919
Note: Inscribed to GG by F. Poulenc
Note: This item was formally housed in Box 62, Folder 8; it was treated for conservation and subsequently rehoused in a clamshell box.
BOX-FOLDER 62/9 Promenades
London: J. & W. Chester, 1923
Note: Signed by GG
Rimsky-Korsakov, N
BOX-FOLDER 62/10 Scheherazade
Arrangement for piano, four hands
New York: G. Schirmer, 1918
Note: Inscribed by IG to Albert Sirmay
Schönberg, Arnold
BOX-FOLDER 62/11 6 Kleine Klavierstücke
Leipzig: Universal-Edition, 1913
Note: Inscribed to GG, 1927
Taylor, Deems
Bound The King's Henchmen
New York: J. Fischer and Bros., 1926
Note: Inscribed to GG by Taylor
Laid in: IG descriptive note
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