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George and Ira Gershwin collection, 1895-2008

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Correspondence, 1915-1976 (continued)
Zilboorg, Gregory
BOX-FOLDER 137/11 1935 April 4 - October 7
Note: includes telegrams from Kay Swift
BOX-FOLDER 137/12 1936 September 1
BOX-FOLDER 137/13 1936 September 9
BOX-FOLDER 137/14 1936 October 26
BOX-FOLDER 137/15 1936 November 3
BOX-FOLDER 137/16 1936 November 11
BOX-FOLDER 137/17 1937 February 10
BOX-FOLDER 137/18 1937 February 19
BOX-FOLDER 137/19 1937 June 30 - July 12
Note: includes medical report from Dr. Gabriel Segall
BOX-FOLDER 137/20 1937 July
BOX-FOLDER 137/21 1938 October 7-17
Condolence telegrams
BOX 67-71, 132, 136-139, 141 Biographical Materials, 1913-1986
The biographical materials are divided into three subseries. The first and second subseries, biographical materials of George and Ira Gershwin respectively, are organized in publication order and chronologically within when appropriate. The third subseries, Lyrics on Several Occasions , is further divided into three subseries. The first subseries consists of the typescript pages appearing in paginated order. The second subseries, "Drafts," is organized in alphabetical order by subject matter. The third subseries consists solely of the galley proof.
George Gershwin
BOX-FOLDER 137/2 Address book, circa 1931
Bound Autograph album from P.S. 25 graduation, 1913 June 25
Note: Inscribed to Benjamin Rodman by GG and other classmates; includes invitation, program, and class photograph
BOX-FOLDER 67/4 Birth certificate
BOX-FOLDER 141/57 Birth certificate transcript, 1898 October 7
Bound Armitage, Merle. Schoenberg: Articles by Schoenberg, Edward Stein, and Others. New York, G. Schirmer, 1937
Note: Inscribed to GG by Arnold Schoenberg
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Bound Forsyth, Cecil. Orchestration. London, MacMillan, 1914
Note: Signed by GG
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Bound Galsworthy, John. Maid in Waiting. London, William Heinemann, Ltd., 1931
Note: Inscribed to GG by Galsworthy
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Bound Handy, William C. Blues: An Anthology. New York, Boni, 1926
Note: Inscribed to GG by Handy and Abbe Niles
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Bound Stravinsky, Igor. Stravinsky, an Autobiography. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1936
Note: Inscribed to GG by Stravinsky
Laid in: IG descriptive note
Framed Certificate, Induction into NYU Musical Theatre Hall of Fame, 1993 November 10
BOX-FOLDER 67/1 Citation, National Association of Performing Artists, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 67/2 Diary of Paul Mueller, George Gershwin's butler, 1934-1936
Laid in: Note by IG, 2 p.; Typescript first half of diary, 2 p.; Itinerary, Gershwin tour, 1936 January 13 - February 10, 2 p.
BOX-FOLDER 67/3 Essays by Rosamond Walling Tirana (7), 1928, 1950, 1959, 1993 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 67/5 Henry Botkin, essay
BOX-FOLDER 67/6 Hollywood Bowl Memorial Concert, 1937 September 8
Four ticket stubs and envelope
BOX-FOLDER 141/58 Illness: schedule of last two months, 1937 June 12 - July 11
IG holograph manuscript; [1] p.
BOX-FOLDER 67/7 Invitation and admission card for memorial service in Los Angeles, 1937 July 15
BOX-FOLDER 67/8 A Journey to Greatness reviews, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 67/9 Letter to Rose Gershwin from James T. White & Co., Publishers, 1941 January 30
BOX-FOLDER 67/10 List of likes and dislikes
GG holograph manuscript; 1 p.
BOX-FOLDER 67/11 The Bell Telephone Hour bound script, 1959 November 20
BOX-FOLDER 67/12 Nellie Revell Radio Program broadcast script, 1933 March 13
BOX-FOLDER 67/13 Newspaper clippings from scrapbook
Some photocopies
Note: Collected by Rose Gershwin
BOX-FOLDER 68/1 Newspaper clippings (miscellaneous) 1937-1938, 1963, 1973 and undated
Some photocopies
BOX-FOLDER 68/2 Newspaper clippings (obituaries), 1937
BOX-FOLDER 68/3 Obituary (Daily News), 1937 July 13
BOX-FOLDER 136/22 Notes on collaborating with George, written by Ira for Isaac Goldberg, 1931 June?
BOX-FOLDER 132/13 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation awarded to George Gershwin, 1998 April 14
BOX-FOLDER 68/4 Radio broadcast script, 1942 February 8
Rhapsody in Blue
BOX-FOLDER 68/5 Screenplay by Clifford Odets, 1942 August 28
BOX-FOLDER 68/6 Screenplay by Howard Koch, 1943 June 16
BOX-FOLDER 69/1 Screenplay by Sonia Levien, 1943 January 30
BOX-FOLDER 69/2 Story outline by Kathryn Scola and Ira Gershwin, 1941 October 24
BOX-FOLDER 139/12 Pre-production notes on music for Gershwin film
Two IG typescript/holograph manuscripts; 7 p. each
Laid in: Two Lawrence Stewart notes; [1] p. each
BOX-FOLDER 141/59 Transcript of IG conferences with Robert Rossen, 1941 August 13-18
Typescript; 27 p.
Ira Gershwin
BOX-FOLDER 141/60 Birth certificate transcript, 1928 January 31
BOX-FOLDER 69/3 California, Here I Came
Five typescript/holograph manuscript drafts and IG description
BOX-FOLDER 141/61 Figures of speech, books, and theatre, 1909-1924
Three holograph manuscript lists; [14] p. with typescript transcriptions; 9 p.
BOX-FOLDER 69/4 University of Maryland commencement exercises program, 1966
Note: Inscribed by Ira Gershwin to Ben Botkin
Lyrics on Several Occasions
Typescript pages
BOX-FOLDER 70/1 1-89
BOX-FOLDER 70/2 90-195
BOX-FOLDER 70/3 196-309
BOX-FOLDER 70/4 310-end
BOX-FOLDER 70/5 Variant title pages; foreword and acknowledgements; list of possibilities
BOX-FOLDER 70/6 The Not Impossible He
Laid in: Lawrence Stewart typescript note; [1] p.
BOX-FOLDER 70/7 Divers Duets
BOX-FOLDER 70/8 The Possessive Case
BOX-FOLDER 70/9 With Place Names
BOX-FOLDER 70/10 The Importunate Male
BOX-FOLDER 70/11 The Importunate Female
BOX-FOLDER 70/12 A Quartet of Trios
BOX-FOLDER 71/1 A Quintet of Findings
BOX-FOLDER 71/2 Sextet of Irreverence
BOX-FOLDER 71/3 Not for a Musicologist
BOX-FOLDER 71/4 A Set of Sagas
BOX-FOLDER 71/5 A Gathering of Guidance
BOX-FOLDER 71/6 Ladies in Lament
BOX-FOLDER 71/7 Sound Effects
BOX-FOLDER 71/8 The Element of Time
BOX-FOLDER 71/9 Turns with Terpsichore
BOX-FOLDER 71/10 The State of the Union
Laid in: Lawrence Stewart typescript note; [1] p.
BOX-FOLDER 71/11 A Miscellany of Acclaim
BOX-FOLDER 71/12 Euphoria Revisited
BOX-FOLDER 71/13 Afterword
BOX-FOLDER 71/14 Worksheets; Saturday review, 1959 August 29
BOX-FOLDER 141/62-64, 145/1 Preparatory notes, research, and unused drafts
BOX 138 Galley proof
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