The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Otto Klemperer archive, 1792-1988
Music, 1915-1971 (continued)
Works by Otto Klemperer (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 2/3-9 [Faust] see also [Lieder] Es war einmal ein König
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 Aus Faust
Holograph manuscript full score
Laid in: printed statement in German.
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 Faust
Copyist's manuscript organ-vocal score with emendations
BOX-FOLDER 2/5 Faust I Bauern unter der Linde
Copyist's manuscript full score with emendations
BOX-FOLDER 2/6 Musik zu Faust
Copyist's manuscript full score
BOX-FOLDER 2/7 Osterchöre Faust
Holograph manuscript piano-vocal score
On t.p.: ca. 1960.
BOX-FOLDER 2/8 Faust-Musik : Oberon & Titanias goldene Hochzeit oder Walpurgisnachtstraum, [1. Fassung]
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 30. Juni 1915 gegen Abend. Hamburg. Laid in: notes in German.
BOX-FOLDER 2/9 Faust-Musik : Oberon & Titanias goldene Hochzeit, 2. Fassung
Holograph manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1968. At end: 7.1.68 Z.
BOX-FOLDER 2/10 [Fugato, strings]
Holograph manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1958. At end: 9.8.58 Gils-Maria D.L.G.
BOX-FOLDER 2/11 [Fugato, strings]
Copyist's manuscript full score with emendations
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 [Fugato, strings]
Photocopy of copyist's full score with emendations
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 [Fugato, strings]
Photocopy of copyist's full score
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 [Fugato, strings]
Parts (transparencies)
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 [Fugato, strings]
Parts with emendations
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Fuge für grosses Orchester
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 3. März 1970 Zürich.
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 Fuge für grosses Orchester
Copyist's manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1970.
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 Gebet see also Lieder: Gebet
Holograph manuscript sketch
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 Gebet: Herr, lass mich hungern
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 4.2.68 London.
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 Gebet: Herr, lass mich hungern
Copyist's manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1968.
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 16.8.1969 Zürich.
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich
Copyist's manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1969.
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich [version 1]
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 23.10.69 London.
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich [Version 2]
Copyist's manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1969.
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich [version 3]
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 4.1.70 Zürich.
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich [version 3]
Copyist's manuscript piano-vocal score
On t.p.: 1970.
BOX-FOLDER 108/1 Geistliches Kampflied
Holograph manuscript full score
On t.p.: (April 1917 Strassburg). On p. 1: Dem Andenken des Leutnant Rudi Kohnstamm gewidmet der im Sommer 1916 vor Verdun fiel. At end: 17. April 1917 Am Morgen Strassburg.
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 Generalbeichte
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 19.1.68.
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 Generalbeichte
Copyist's manuscript full score
On t.p.: 1968.
Herr, lass mich hungern see Gebet: Herr, lass mich hungern
Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich see Gebet: Herr, mein Gott, Dir danke ich
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 Hommage à J. Brahms
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript for piano with emendation
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 [J'accuse] 1933
Holograph manuscript full score
At end: 8.12.60 Zürich.
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 [J'accuse] 1933
Holograph manuscript sketch
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 [J'accuse] 1933
Copyist's manuscript full score
On p. 1: Herr Thänning Partitur auf Transparent schreiben / nachher nochmals zur Aussicht O.K.
BOX-FOLDER 4/3 J'accuse
Copyist's manuscript full score (transparencies)
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 J'accuse
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript full score with emendations (3 copies)
On t.p.: 1933.
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 J'accuse
Photocopy of above
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 J'accuse 1933
Libretti in German (2 copies)
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 I accuse
Libretti in English (2 copies)
At end: zum 14-11-67 Otto Freudenthal.
BOX-FOLDER 4/6 I accuse
Parts, except strings; Copyist's manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 4/8-9 I accuse
Parts, except strings; Photocopy (2 sets)
BOX-FOLDER 4/7 I accuse
Parts, strings (Transparencies)
BOX-FOLDER 4/10-12 I accuse
Parts, strings; Photocopy (3 sets)
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 I accuse
Parts, chorus (Transparencies)
BOX-FOLDER 5/1 I accuse
Parts, chorus (Photocopy)
Holograph manuscript full score
Copyist's manuscript full score
Copyist's manuscript full score (transparencies)
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript with emendations (2 copies)
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript (3 copies)
Copyist's manuscript piano-vocal score with emendations
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript piano-vocal score
Copyist's manuscript piano-vocal score (incomplete)
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