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Otto Klemperer archive, 1792-1988

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Writings, 1914-1981 (continued)
By Otto Klemperer (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 46/11 Conducting by memory or with score
BOX-FOLDER 46/12 Contemporary music
BOX-FOLDER 46/13 Der Dirigent Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 46/14 Der Dirigent Toscanini
BOX-FOLDER 46/15 Drei Opernhäuser
BOX-FOLDER 46/16 Dülberg, Ewald
BOX-FOLDER 46/17 Felsenstein, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 46/18 Der Geistige und der Sport
BOX-FOLDER 46/19 Gespräch bei der Rückkehr nach Berlin
BOX-FOLDER 46/20 Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice
BOX-FOLDER 46/21 Hindemith, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 46/22 Klemperer's protest
BOX-FOLDER 46/23 The Kroll Opera
BOX-FOLDER 46/24 Künstler über sich selbst
BOX-FOLDER 46/25 Los Angeles Philharmonic: speech before board of directors
BOX-FOLDER 46/26 Mahler, Gustav
BOX-FOLDER 46/27 Meine Erinnerungen an Lotte Lehman
BOX-FOLDER 46/28 Meine Tätigkeit an der Kroll Oper
BOX-FOLDER 46/29 Mendelssohn, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 46/30 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BOX-FOLDER 46/31 Music today
BOX-FOLDER 46/32 My European spring tour in 1936
BOX-FOLDER 46/33 Occidental College speech
BOX-FOLDER 46/34 Otto Klemperer writes about a show
BOX-FOLDER 46/35 On my own behalf
BOX-FOLDER 46/36 Order of Pour le Mérite speech
BOX-FOLDER 46/37 Preamble to a talk to school boys
BOX-FOLDER 46/38 Productive Kräfte sind am Werke
BOX-FOLDER 46/39 Das Publikum im Opernhaus
BOX-FOLDER 46/40 Saz, Natalia
BOX-FOLDER 46/41 Schliessung der Kroll-Oper
BOX-FOLDER 46/42 Schönberg, Arnold
BOX-FOLDER 46/43 Shostakovich, Dimitri
BOX-FOLDER 46/44 Sibelius, Jean
BOX-FOLDER 46/45 Simmel, Georg
BOX-FOLDER 46/46 Sovetskaya Filarmoniya
BOX-FOLDER 46/47 Stanislavsky, Konstantin
BOX-FOLDER 46/48 Stravinsky, Igor
BOX-FOLDER 46/49 Tchaikowsky, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 46/50 Three questions on New Year's Eve
BOX-FOLDER 46/51 Über meine Budapester Jahre
BOX-FOLDER 46/52 Wagner, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 46/53 Working for art's sake
BOX-FOLDER 46/54 Zemlinski, Alexander von
BOX 47 About Otto Klemperer
Contains published and unpublished materials, including typescripts; carbon copies; photocopies; printed materials; newspaper clippings; anecdotes and articles in English, German, other languages, and translations from Russian; and transcripts of broadcasts and film scripts.
Arranged alphabetically by material type.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Anecdotes
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Articles in English
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Articles in German
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Articles translated from Russian
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Broadcasts
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Film scripts
BOX-FOLDER 47/7 Miscellaneous items in various languages
BOX 47-48 Interviews with Otto Klemperer
Contains typescripts, photocopies, and carbon copies of interviews with Otto Klemperer, in English and German.
Arranged alphabetically by interviewer.
BOX-FOLDER 47/8 Bregstein, Philo
BOX-FOLDER 47/9 Freeman, John
BOX-FOLDER 47/10 Gausmann, Ernst Ludwig
Heyworth, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 48/1-4 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
BOX-FOLDER 48/5-6 Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR)
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Kruttge, Eigel
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Metz, Louis
BOX 49 Legal and Financial Papers, 1934-1984
Includes Freedom of Information Act correspondence; citizenship certificates and passports; insurance policies; income tax returns; and correspondence with lawyers.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization or government agency, and chronologically therein.
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIPA)
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Central Intelligence Agency
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Citizenship certificates/passports
BOX-FOLDER 49/3 Federal Bureau of Investigation
BOX-FOLDER 49/4 Freedom of Information Act
BOX-FOLDER 49/5 Germany: expatriation correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 49/11-13 Loeb and Loeb
BOX-FOLDER 49/6 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
State Department
BOX-FOLDER 49/7 Johanna Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/8 Lotte Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/9 Otto Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/10 Szinház és mozi
BOX 50-51 Kroll Opera, 1918-1965
Contains newspaper clippings, reviews and commentaries on specific performances, general information, photographs, programs, radio transcripts, and a dissertation on the Berlin State Opera.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject.
BOX-FOLDER 50/1 Concerts
BOX-FOLDER 50/2 In eigener Sache
BOX-FOLDER 50/3 Neues vom Tage
BOX-FOLDER 50/4 Berlin State Opera, 1918-1931
General Information
BOX-FOLDER 50/5 Berlin
BOX-FOLDER 50/6 Weiteres über Berlin, Prozess, Leipziger Unfall, etc.
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Photographs
BOX-FOLDER 50/8 Programs
Radio Transcripts
BOX-FOLDER 51/1 Südwest Radio
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 West German Radio, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 51/3 West German Radio, 1962
Stage Designs
BOX-FOLDER 51/4 Bühnenbilder in Farbe
Works Performed
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Cardillac
BOX-FOLDER 51/6 Cosi fan tutte
BOX-FOLDER 51/7 Don Giovanni
BOX-FOLDER 51/8 Erwartung; die glückliche Hand
BOX-FOLDER 51/9 Falstaff
BOX-FOLDER 51/10 Fidelio
BOX-FOLDER 51/11 Der fliegende Holländer
BOX-FOLDER 51/12 Hochzeit des Figaro
BOX-FOLDER 51/13 Missa solemnis (Beethoven)
BOX-FOLDER 51/14 Oedipus Rex
BOX-FOLDER 51/15 Requiem (Verdi)
BOX-FOLDER 51/16 Der Rosenkavalier
BOX-FOLDER 51/17 St. John/St. Matthew passion (Bach)
BOX-FOLDER 51/18 Tannhäuser
BOX-FOLDER 51/19 Die Zauberflöte
BOX 106 Clippings, 1926-1972
Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, press releases, articles, and typescripts.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 106/6 1926-1972
BOX 51 Programs, 1901-1967
Includes original programs and photocopies and typescripts of programs.
Arranged alphabetically by organization, and chronologically therein.
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