The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Otto Klemperer archive, 1792-1988
Writings, 1914-1981 (continued)
About Otto Klemperer (continued)
About Otto Klemperer (continued)
Contains published and unpublished materials, including typescripts; carbon copies; photocopies; printed materials; newspaper clippings; anecdotes and articles in English, German, other languages, and translations from Russian; and transcripts of broadcasts and film scripts.
Arranged alphabetically by material type.
BOX-FOLDER 47/1 Anecdotes
BOX-FOLDER 47/2 Articles in English
BOX-FOLDER 47/3 Articles in German
BOX-FOLDER 47/4 Articles translated from Russian
BOX-FOLDER 47/5 Broadcasts
BOX-FOLDER 47/6 Film scripts
BOX-FOLDER 47/7 Miscellaneous items in various languages
BOX 47-48 Interviews with Otto Klemperer
Contains typescripts, photocopies, and carbon copies of interviews with Otto Klemperer, in English and German.
Arranged alphabetically by interviewer.
BOX-FOLDER 47/8 Bregstein, Philo
BOX-FOLDER 47/9 Freeman, John
BOX-FOLDER 47/10 Gausmann, Ernst Ludwig
Heyworth, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 48/1-4 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
BOX-FOLDER 48/5-6 Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR)
BOX-FOLDER 48/7 Kruttge, Eigel
BOX-FOLDER 48/8 Metz, Louis
BOX 49 Legal and Financial Papers, 1934-1984
Includes Freedom of Information Act correspondence; citizenship certificates and passports; insurance policies; income tax returns; and correspondence with lawyers.
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization or government agency, and chronologically therein.
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIPA)
BOX-FOLDER 49/1 Central Intelligence Agency
BOX-FOLDER 49/2 Citizenship certificates/passports
BOX-FOLDER 49/3 Federal Bureau of Investigation
BOX-FOLDER 49/4 Freedom of Information Act
BOX-FOLDER 49/5 Germany: expatriation correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 49/11-13 Loeb and Loeb
BOX-FOLDER 49/6 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company
State Department
BOX-FOLDER 49/7 Johanna Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/8 Lotte Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/9 Otto Klemperer
BOX-FOLDER 49/10 Szinház és mozi
BOX 50-51 Kroll Opera, 1918-1965
Contains newspaper clippings, reviews and commentaries on specific performances, general information, photographs, programs, radio transcripts, and a dissertation on the Berlin State Opera.
Arranged alphabetically by type of material or subject.
BOX-FOLDER 50/1 Concerts
BOX-FOLDER 50/2 In eigener Sache
BOX-FOLDER 50/3 Neues vom Tage
BOX-FOLDER 50/4 Berlin State Opera, 1918-1931
General Information
BOX-FOLDER 50/5 Berlin
BOX-FOLDER 50/6 Weiteres über Berlin, Prozess, Leipziger Unfall, etc.
BOX-FOLDER 50/7 Photographs
BOX-FOLDER 50/8 Programs
Radio Transcripts
BOX-FOLDER 51/1 Südwest Radio
BOX-FOLDER 51/2 West German Radio, 1961
BOX-FOLDER 51/3 West German Radio, 1962
Stage Designs
BOX-FOLDER 51/4 Bühnenbilder in Farbe
Works Performed
BOX-FOLDER 51/5 Cardillac
BOX-FOLDER 51/6 Cosi fan tutte
BOX-FOLDER 51/7 Don Giovanni
BOX-FOLDER 51/8 Erwartung; die glückliche Hand
BOX-FOLDER 51/9 Falstaff
BOX-FOLDER 51/10 Fidelio
BOX-FOLDER 51/11 Der fliegende Holländer
BOX-FOLDER 51/12 Hochzeit des Figaro
BOX-FOLDER 51/13 Missa solemnis (Beethoven)
BOX-FOLDER 51/14 Oedipus Rex
BOX-FOLDER 51/15 Requiem (Verdi)
BOX-FOLDER 51/16 Der Rosenkavalier
BOX-FOLDER 51/17 St. John/St. Matthew passion (Bach)
BOX-FOLDER 51/18 Tannhäuser
BOX-FOLDER 51/19 Die Zauberflöte
BOX 106 Clippings, 1926-1972
Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, press releases, articles, and typescripts.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 106/6 1926-1972
BOX 51 Programs, 1901-1967
Includes original programs and photocopies and typescripts of programs.
Arranged alphabetically by organization, and chronologically therein.
BOX-FOLDER 51/21 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 51/22 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra; Hollywood Bowl
BOX 101-102 Iconography, 1924-1971
Includes five photograph albums and one album of watercolors.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX 101/1 Buehnen Entwuerfe von Buchholz/Wiesbaden, 1924-1927
BOX 101/2 Bis 1948
BOX 101/3 1949 bis 1969
BOX 102/1 London, BBC-TV, May/June 1970
BOX 102/2 London, Feb. and Sept. 1971
BOX 102/3 All periods
BOX 52 Miscellaneous Printed Matter, 1930-1977
Includes articles, books, programs, an opera libretto, and photocopies of encyclopedia entries.
Arranged alphabetically by author, and by title therein.
BOX 52/1 Blonda, Max. Von heute auf morgen.
BOX 52/2 Blume, Friedrich. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart.
BOX 52/3 Bónis, F. Gustav Mahler und Ferenc Erkel.
BOX 52/4 Brandt, H. G. Betrachtungen zum Thema: Chanukah 5739.
BOX 52/5 Brod, Max. Gustav Mahler.
BOX 52/6 Fischer, Kurt von. Bemerkungen zu Gustav Mahlers Liedern.
BOX 52/7 Fischer, Kurt von. Die Doppelschlagfigur in den zwei letzten Sätze von Gustav Mahlers 9. Symphonie.
BOX 52/8 Fischer, Kurt von. Gustav Mahlers Umgang mit Wunderhorntexten.
BOX 52/9 Heyworth, Peter. Karmesterek és a karmesterség - Klemperer szemével.
BOX 52/10 Ingerslev-Jensen, Pavl. Isenstein.
BOX 52/11 Jacobi, Erwin R. Albert Schweitzer und Richard Wagner.
BOX 52/11 Jacobi, Erwin R. Die Musik im Leben und Schaffen von Albert Schweitzer.
BOX 52/12 Lipman-Wulf, Peter. About my sculpture Otto Klemperer Conducting.
BOX 52/13 Pfäfflin, Friedrich. Berthold Viertel [1885-1953], eine Dokumentation.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Ein Volk der Dichter und Denker?
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Das Geheimnis des Schauspielers.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Homo absconditus.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Husserl in Göttingen.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Über die gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Wiesbadener Kinderszenen.
BOX 52/14 Plessner, Helmuth. Zur Hermeneutik nichtsprachlichen Ausdrucks.
BOX 52/15 Schultz, Klaus, ed. Badener Musiktage, 1977.
BOX 52/16 Schweitzer, Albert. Concerning the Art and Personality of J. S. Bach.
BOX 52/16 Schweitzer, Albert. Unveröffentlichte Briefe an Margit Jacobi.
BOX 52/16 Schweitzer, Albert. Von Bachs Persönlich und Kunst.
BOX 52/17 Sellenthin, H. G. Geschichte der Juden in Berlin und des Gebäudes Fasanenstrasse 79/80.
BOX 52/18 Vondenhoff, Eleonore. Gustav Mahler Dokumentation.
BOX 52/19 Zelter, Karl Friedrich. Zum zweihundertsten Geburtstag.
BOX 53-100, 106-108 Klemperer Film Materials, 1885-1972
BOX 53 Writings
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