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Louise Talma papers, 1861-1998

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BOX 116-123, 132-135 MAPCASE 3 Photographs, 1861-1990s
Images of Talma, Nadia Boulanger, composers and performers, family members, and other subjects. Includes negatives and some miscellaneous iconography.
Organized as four subseries. Arranged either chronologically or alphabetically by subject.
Louise Talma and Nadia Boulanger, 1891-1990s
BOX-FOLDER 116/1-8, 132/1-3 L. Talma, alone, 1900s-1990s and undated
BOX-FOLDER 116/9 L. Talma, with Alma Bertha Cecile Talma, 1900s-1910s
BOX-FOLDER 117/1 L. Talma, with others, 1900s-1910s
BOX-FOLDER 117/2 L. Talma, with others, 1920s
Includes: Isidor Philipp
MAPCASE-DRAWER 3/15 L. Talma, with others, 1922
High school class photograph
BOX-FOLDER 117/3, 132/4 L. Talma, with others, 1930s
Includes: Isidor Philipp; Reginald Stewart
BOX-FOLDER 117/4 L. Talma, with others, 1940s-1950s
Includes: Milton Avery; Marie Brodeur; Paul Des Marais; Evelyn Eaton; Nicolai Lopatnikoff; Claudio Spies; Thornton Wilder
BOX-FOLDER 117/5 L. Talma, with others, 1960s
BOX-FOLDER 117/6 L. Talma, with others, 1970s
Includes: Marie Brodeur
BOX-FOLDER 117/7 L. Talma, with others, 1980s
BOX-FOLDER 117/8 L. Talma, with others, 1990s
Includes: Mario Davidovsky; George Perle; Ned Rorem; Ellen Taafe Zwilich
BOX-FOLDER 117/9 L. Talma, with Nadia Boulanger, 1931-1936, 1967 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 117/10 L. Talma and Nadia Boulanger, with others, 1931-1936
Includes: Marie Brodeur; Ernest Lubin; Isidor Philipp; Reginald Stewart; Alma Bertha Cecile Talma
BOX-FOLDER 117/11 L. Talma and Nadia Boulanger, with others, 1949, 1964-1976 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 117/12-13 Nadia Boulanger, alone, 1891, 1919-1921, 1928-1938, 1961-1970 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 117/14 Nadia Boulanger, with others, 1913-1979
Includes: Lili Boulanger; John Alden Carpenter; Robert Casadesus; Doda Conrad; Aaron Copland; Clifford Curzon; Walter Damrosch; David Diamond; Irving Fine; Jean Français; Roy Harris; Sergei Koussevitzky; Geraldine Marwick; Walter Piston; Francis Poulenc; Reginald Stewart; Igor Stravinsky
BOX-FOLDER 117/15 Nadia Boulanger, with others, undated
Composers, Performers, and Other People, late 1800s-1987
BOX-FOLDER 118/1 Bernstein, Leonard, 1962-1964, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 118/2 Boulanger, Lili, 1913 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 118/3 Copland, Aaron, 1964-1971 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 118/4 Fontainebleau group photographs, 1928-1930
BOX-FOLDER 118/5 Foss, Lukas, 1946-1951 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 132/5-6 MacDowell, Edward, undated
BOX-FOLDER 118/6 Miscellaneous composers, performers, and notable personalities, 1890-1914, 1930s-1970s and undated
Includes: Milton Avery; Luisa Cappiani; Enrico Caruso; Robert Casadesus; Doda Conrad; Norman Dello Joio; Geraldine Farrar; Livingston Gearhart; Helen Keller; Marian MacDowell; Isidor Philipp; Sviatoslav Richter; Elvin Schmitt; Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler
MAPCASE-DRAWER 3/15 Miscellaneous composers, performers, and notable personalities, 1930
Includes: Walter and Frank Damrosch; Percy Goetschius; George A. Wedge
BOX-FOLDER 118/7 Miscellaneous composers, performers, and notable personalities, undated
Photographs and other iconography
Includes: Eugen d'Albert; Hubert Arnold; Enrico Caruso; Pablo Casals; Engelbert Humperdinck; Rafael Joseffy; Franz Lizst; Felix Mendelssohn; John Howard Payne; Franz Schubert; Robert Schumann; Bedřich Smetana; Richard Strauss; Carl Tausig; Giuseppe Verdi; Richard Wagner; Siegfried Wagner
BOX-FOLDER 118/8 Miscellaneous composers and performers, late 1800s-early 1900s
BOX-FOLDER 118/9, 132/7 Miscellaneous people, 1920s-1970s
BOX-FOLDER 119/1 Miscellaneous people, late 1800s-early 1900s
Mostly unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 119/2 Miscellaneous people, 1920s-1930s
Mostly unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 119/3-5, 132/8 Miscellaneous people, undated
May include some Garrigues family or friends
Miscellaneous Subjects, late 1800s-1990s
BOX-FOLDER 120/1-7 1920s-1990s and undated
Chronologically arranged folders of photographs, grouped by subject
Includes: Alcestiad (1963); Gargerville (1928-1931); Fontainebleau (1930s-1986); MacDowell Colony (1943-1990s)
BOX-FOLDER 133/1 American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1994-1995
BOX-FOLDER 133/2-5, 134 European landscapes, late 1800s-early 1900s
Images of Berlin, Copenhagen, Milan, Venice, and other cities
BOX-FOLDER 121/1 French landscapes, late 1920s-1930s, 1971
Mostly images of Fontainebleau and Paris
BOX-FOLDER 121/2 Inscribed photographs, 1915, 1926-1928 and undated
Includes: Isidor Philipp; Astor Piazzolla
BOX-FOLDER 121/3 MacDowell Colony landscapes, 1946, 1958, 1983 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 121/4 Someone from Assisi, undated
Negatives of manuscript in the hand of Thornton Wilder (incomplete)
Inscribed from Wilder to Talma, 1962
Family, 1861-1989
BOX-FOLDER 122/1 Bagg, Cecilia Louise Garrigues, 1889, 1903 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 122/2 Ferguson, Eleanor Garrigues and Lydia, 1900s, 1917-1926, 1940-1942 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 122/3 Garrigues, Alfred, Leon, and William, 1871-1898 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 122/4 Garrigues, Henry Jacques and Louise, 1861-1890, 1911-1913 and undated
Includes a labeled portrait of their six children
BOX-FOLDER 122/5 Hawthorne, Edith Helene Jacqueline Garrigues, undated
BOX-FOLDER 133/6 Masaryk, Thomas G., undated
BOX-FOLDER 123/1-5, 133/7-10 Miscellaneous family members, friends, and homes, 1870s-1989 and undated
BOX 135 Scrapbooks, late 1800s-early 1900s
2 albums
One album is chiefly photographs of Alma, Edith, and Cecile Garrigues
BOX-FOLDER 123/6-8 Talma, Alma Bertha Cecile, 1873-1889, 1907, 1921 and undated
BOX 124-131, 136, 142 Biographical and Family History Materials, 1869-1996
Personal items, programs, writings, journals, ledgers, and other documents pertaining to the life of Talma and her family members. Includes materials that document the history of her relative Thomas G. Masaryk, the first president of Czechoslovakia.
Organized as two subseries. Arranged alphabetically within by subject.
Louise Talma, 1900s-1996
BOX-FOLDER 124/1 Autograph book, 1922-1929
BOX-FOLDER 136/1 Awards, 1916, 1972, 1983-1985
BOX-FOLDER 124/2-9 Clippings, 1900s-1990s and undated
BOX 128 Date books and address books, 1925-1990 and undated
Includes Christmas card lists
BOX-FOLDER 124/10 Hair clippings, 1910, 1917-1918
BOX-FOLDER 124/11 Journal, 1921
BOX-FOLDER 124/12 Last will and testament, 1938-1955
BOX-FOLDER 124/13 Leaves from Fontainebleau, undated
BOX-FOLDER 124/14 Miscellany, 1932, 1941-1943, 1984,1991
Commencement programs and other materials
BOX-FOLDER 124/15 Passports, 1932, 1949-1953
BOX-FOLDER 125/1-6 Programs, 1906-1976
BOX-FOLDER 126/1-6 Programs, 1977-1996 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 127/1-2 Resumes, biographical information, and lists of musical works, 1951-circa 1990 and undated
Includes Louise Talma: a catalogue of her works (1975) by Robert Fertitta
BOX 142 School work, 1920s-1931
Notebooks, papers, and other materials related to subjects other than music
BOX-FOLDER 127/3 Scrapbook, circa 1916-1917
BOX-FOLDER 127/4 Travel journal, 1972
BOX-FOLDER 127/5-11 Writings, 1950-1986 and undated
Articles, lectures, program notes, and miscellaneous notes
Family, 1869-1938
BOX-FOLDER 129/1-8, 130/1-2 Ferguson, Eleanor Garrigues, 1874-1937 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 130/3 Ferguson, Lydia, 1891-1896, 1916-1917, 1924 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 130/4 Garrigues, Esperanza, undated
BOX-FOLDER 130/5-6, 131/1-2 Garrigues / Masaryk family history, 1869-1934 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 131/3-4, 136/2-3 Masaryk, Thomas G., 1902, 1918-1925, 1934-1938 and undated
First president of Czechoslovakia
BOX-FOLDER 131/5-9 Talma, Alma Bertha Cecile, 1872, 1903, 1914-1922, 1928-1934 and undated
BOX 136, 143-144 Miscellany, 1912-1991
Materials of interest to or owned by Talma. Includes artwork, inscribed literary works, clippings and periodicals, and other miscellaneous items.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 136/4-7 Artwork, 1912, 1952, 1960, 1978-1984, 1991
Contents: "Tanglewood musicians in caricature" by Olga Koussevitzky; pencil drawing of Talma and Lukas Foss; assorted prints and drawings by miscellaneous artists
BOX-FOLDER 144/16-17 Inscribed literary materials, 1950, 1962-1990
Works by Mabel Daniels, Evelyn Eaton, Richard Exner, Helaine Newstead, Conrad Hilberry, and Cornel Lengyel
BOX-FOLDER 143-144/1-15 Materials of interest, 1900s-1990s
Clippings and articles, periodicals, and programs on subjects other than Talma
BOX-FOLDER 144/18 Music teacher "pedigree" chart, undated
BOX-FOLDER 144/19-20 Student and classmate work, 1940s-1970s and undated
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