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Arne Oldberg collection, circa 1887-1962

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Music (continued)
Class Notebooks
BOX-FOLDER 62/1 München, 1898-1899, Zweite Klasse, Doppelte Kontrapunckt in Fugenlehre
96 p.
BOX-FOLDER 62/2 München, 1898-1899, Dritte Klasse, Kanon in Formlehre
85 p.
BOX-FOLDER 62/3 Loose sheets inserted in München, 1898-1899, Zweite Klasse notebook
BOX-FOLDER 78/3 Academie der Tonkunst, München, Music notebooks
II, 42 p., III, 46 p.
BOX-FOLDER 78/4 Academie der Tonkunst, München, Music notebooks.
Notebook beginning: "III to Durchführung," 36 p.; Notebook beginning: "Engführung," 40 p.; Notebook III beginning: "1573, Alte Passions Lied," 40 p.; Notebook III beginning: "Forsetzung der Kanan der Unterquarte," 36 p.
Arrangements by Oldberg
BOX-FOLDER 58/11 Bach, J.S. Fantasie et Fuga in C minor für Klavier übertragen von Arne Oldberg, op. 12. Chicago: Clayton F. Summy Co., 1907
BOX-FOLDER 58/12 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Fantasia and Sonata [K. 475], arranged for horn by Oldberg
Transparency of horn part in Oldberg's hand
BOX-FOLDER 58/13 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Sonata [K. 283], arranged for horn by Oldberg
Transparency of horn part in Oldberg's hand
Music by Other Composers
Kuhlau, Friedrich
BOX-FOLDER 62/7 Trois sonates faciles & brillantes pour le pianoforte á quatre mains, op. 66
Hambourg: Chez A. Cranz., 15 p.
Oldberg, Oscar
BOX-FOLDER 62/8-9 Miscellaneous sketches
BOX 86-90 Correspondence, 1893-1962
Personal, family, and business correspondence.
Organized in four subseries.
Oldberg Family Correspondence, 1893-1951
Chiefly arranged alphabetically by first name, then chronologically by year therein.
BOX-FOLDER 86/1-2 Oldberg, Emma, 1893-1913
BOX-FOLDER 86/3 Oldberg, Karl [son], 1946-1951
BOX-FOLDER 86/4 Oldberg, Minnie [Mary Georgianna, née Sloan, 1876-1968], 1901-1904
BOX-FOLDER 86/5-6 Oldberg, Olga [Arne's sister], 1893-1914
BOX-FOLDER 86/7-24 Oldberg, Oscar, circa 1893-1913 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 86/25 Oldberg, Rudolf [Arne's uncle], 1890s?
BOX-FOLDER 86/26 Oldberg, Ruth [née Terry, first wife of Arne Oldberg's brother Virgil], undated
BOX-FOLDER 86/27 Oldberg, Virgil [brother of Arne], 1893-1913, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 86/28 Oldberg family, 1946
Miscellaneous family members
BOX-FOLDER 86/29 Oldberg family, 1893-1896
Miscellaneous family members in Europe
BOX-FOLDER 86/30 Parritt, Emily [E. Parritt, née Hogue, 1820-1908, Arne's grandmother], 1893-1896
Letters by Arne Oldberg to his family, 1893-1935
Arranged chronologically by year.
BOX-FOLDER 87/1-22 1893-1935
BOX-FOLDER 87/23 Undated
Letters to the Oldbergs
Arranged alphabetically by name of organization or last name of correspondent.
BOX-FOLDER 88/1 Ahlberg, Karl
BOX-FOLDER 88/2 Altschuler, Modest
BOX-FOLDER 88/3 American Academy of Arts and Letters
BOX-FOLDER 88/4 American Music Society
BOX-FOLDER 88/5 "A" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/6 Beach, John
BOX-FOLDER 88/7 Beecher, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 88/8 Bernstein, Leonard [material on]
BOX-FOLDER 88/9 Blauel, Fred
BOX-FOLDER 88/10 Bliss, James A.
BOX-FOLDER 88/11 Bloomfield-Zeisler, Fannie
BOX-FOLDER 88/12 Bloomington Normal Symphony Society
BOX-FOLDER 88/13 Borowski, Felix
BOX-FOLDER 88/14 Breitkopf & Härtel
BOX-FOLDER 88/15 Buhlig, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 88/16 "B" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/17 C. C. Birchard and Company
BOX-FOLDER 88/18 Cadman, Charles Wakefield
BOX-FOLDER 88/19 Cameron, Bessie
BOX-FOLDER 88/20 Cartwright, Ada
BOX-FOLDER 88/21 Chadwick, George Whitefield
BOX-FOLDER 88/22 Chicago Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 88/23 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 88/24 Clayton F. Summy Company (Chicago, Ill.)
BOX-FOLDER 88/25 Cleveland Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 88/26 Cliff Dwellers (Club)
BOX-FOLDER 88/27 Cole, Rossetter G.
BOX-FOLDER 88/28 Crew, Henry and Helen
BOX-FOLDER 88/29 "C" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/30 Damrosch, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 88/31 Damrosch, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 88/32 Day, Harry Brooks
BOX-FOLDER 88/33 Defauw, Désiré
BOX-FOLDER 88/34 De Lamarter, Eric
BOX-FOLDER 88/35 DeShazu, Susie
BOX-FOLDER 88/36 Dickinson, Clarence
BOX-FOLDER 88/37 "D-E" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/38-43 Farwell, Arthur, 1905-1915 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 88/44 Farwell, George L.
BOX-FOLDER 88/45 Fischer, William Arms
BOX-FOLDER 88/46 Flammer, Harold
see also G. Schirmer, Inc.
Fleisher Music Collection
see Philadelphia Free Library, Edwin A. Fleisher Music Collection
BOX-FOLDER 88/47 Foote, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 88/48 "F" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/49 G. Schirmer, Inc.
see also Sonneck, Oscar; Flammer, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 88/50 Gale, Robert Griggs
BOX-FOLDER 88/51 Gabrilowitsch, Ossip
BOX-FOLDER 88/52 Garland, Hamlin
BOX-FOLDER 88/53 Gleason, Frederic Grant
BOX-FOLDER 88/54 Gottschalk, L. G.
BOX-FOLDER 88/55 "G" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/56 Heyman, Katherine Ruth
BOX-FOLDER 88/57 Hopwod, Grace B.
BOX-FOLDER 88/58 Hughes, Rupert
BOX-FOLDER 88/59 Hyllested, August and Clara
BOX-FOLDER 88/60 "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/61 Ivy, A. C.
BOX-FOLDER 88/62 "I-J" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/63 Keeton, W. Elmer
BOX-FOLDER 88/64 Kelley, Edgar Stillman
BOX-FOLDER 88/65 Knight, F. M.
BOX-FOLDER 88/66 Koelling, Adolph
BOX-FOLDER 88/67 Kreider, Noble
BOX-FOLDER 88/68 Kroeger, Ernest R.
BOX-FOLDER 88/69 Krone, Max T.
BOX-FOLDER 88/70 Krueger, Karl
BOX-FOLDER 88/71 Kunwald, D. E.
BOX-FOLDER 88/72 "K" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 88/73 Lambrier, Télémaque
BOX-FOLDER 88/74 Leschetizky, Theodor and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 88/75 Library of Congress. Copyright Office
BOX-FOLDER 88/76 Liebling, Emil
BOX-FOLDER 88/77 Löbel, Jacques
BOX-FOLDER 88/78 Longy, Georges
BOX-FOLDER 88/79 Lundström, Emil F.
BOX-FOLDER 89/1 Lutkin, P. C.
BOX-FOLDER 89/2 "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 89/6 MacDowell Club of Memphis
BOX-FOLDER 89/4 Malko, Nicolai
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