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Arne Oldberg collection, circa 1887-1962

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Music (continued)
Original Compositions (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 54/7 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Autograph clarinet parts with holograph inserts
BOX-FOLDER 54/8 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Photocopies of copyist's bassoon parts with holograph inserts
BOX-FOLDER 54/9 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Autograph horn parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/1 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Autograph trumpet, trombone, and tuba parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/2 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Autograph timpani, piano, and harp parts, with holograph inserts and photocopies of holograph
BOX 75-76 Symphony, no. 4, op. 50, B minor
Miscellaneous parts (extras)
BOX-FOLDER 55/3 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Transparencies of holograph piano score; I. Ballade p. 2-16, II. 8 p., Finale p. 25-36, and extra p. 2 and 16
BOX-FOLDER 83/1 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
2 photocopies of holograph piano score; p. 2-36 each
BOX-FOLDER 83/2-4 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
3 photocopies of holograph full score; p. 2-131 each
BOX-FOLDER 83/5 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Transparencies of holograph full score; p. 2-131 and 2 draft p.
BOX-FOLDER 55/4 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Transparencies of holograph string parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/5 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor. II. Nocturne, op. 54, no. 2
Holograph piano score, pasteovers and annotations in pencil; p. 2-10
BOX-FOLDER 55/6 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor. II. Nocturne, op. 54, no. 2
Photocopy of holograph piano score; 8 p.
BOX-FOLDER 55/7 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor. II. Nocturne, op. 54, no. 2
Holograph violin solo part
BOX-FOLDER 55/8 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Photocopies of holograph violin parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/9 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Photocopies of holograph viola parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/10 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Photocopies of holograph cello and bass parts
BOX-FOLDER 55/11 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Flute, oboe, and English horn parts, in copyist's hand
BOX-FOLDER 56/1 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Clarinet and bassoon parts, in copyist's hand
BOX-FOLDER 56/2 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Holograph clarinet I part
BOX-FOLDER 56/3 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Horn and trumpet parts, in copyist's hand
BOX-FOLDER 56/4 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Trombone and tuba parts, in copyist's hand
BOX-FOLDER 56/5 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Holograph triangle/bells and bass drum/cymbals parts
BOX-FOLDER 56/6 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Harp part, in copyist's hand
BOX 76 Symphony, no. 5, op. 54, E minor
Miscellaneous parts (extras)
BOX-FOLDER 85/6 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Holograph full score; 52 p.
BOX-FOLDER 85/7 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Transparencies of holograph full score; 56 p.
BOX-FOLDER 56/7 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Holograph piano score in black ink, with annotations in pencil; 34 p.
BOX-FOLDER 56/8 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Holograph string parts
BOX-FOLDER 56/9 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Transparencies of holograph string parts
BOX-FOLDER 56/10 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Holograph woodwind parts
BOX-FOLDER 56/11 Symphony, no. 7, C minor
Holograph brass, percussion, and harp parts
BOX-FOLDER 57/1 Symphony in D major, Festival
Autograph full score; 131 p.
Theme and variations, op. 49
see Six variations for orchestra, op. 49
BOX-FOLDER 57/2 Trio, E minor, piano, violin, cello
Holograph full score; 78 p.
BOX-FOLDER 57/3 Trio, violin, viola, and cello
Holograph parts
BOX-FOLDER 58/1 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Photocopy of holograph full score; 47 p.
BOX-FOLDER 58/2 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Holograph full score in pencil and pen; I. "c'etait" 21 p., II. "Sa Chanson" 12 p., III. "Insomnie" 20 p.
BOX-FOLDER 58/3 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Transparencies of holograph piano-vocal score; 20 p.
BOX-FOLDER 58/4 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Photocopy of holograph piano-vocal score; 20 p.
BOX-FOLDER 58/5 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Transparencies of holograph full score; 47 p.
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Holograph woodwind, horn, percussion, and harp parts
BOX-FOLDER 58/7 Trois chansons françaises, op. 53
Unfinished transparencies of holograph violin and viola parts
BOX-FOLDER 58/8 Trois morceaux for piano, op. 13
Chicago: Clayton F. Summy Co., 1902.
BOX-FOLDER 59/1 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Holograph full score in black ink, with annotations in red and blue pencil; 115 p.
BOX-FOLDER 59/2 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Photocopy of holograph full score; 114 p.
BOX-FOLDER 59/3 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Holograph piano score in black ink, with annotations in pencil and red and blue pencil; 26 p.
BOX-FOLDER 59/4-5 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
2 photocopies of holograph piano score; 22 p. each
BOX-FOLDER 59/6 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Transparencies of holograph piano score; 22 p.
BOX-FOLDER 59/7 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Transparencies of holograph full score; 114 p.
BOX-FOLDER 60/1 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Transparencies of holograph flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn parts
BOX-FOLDER 60/2 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Copyist's violin parts
BOX-FOLDER 60/3 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Copyist's viola, cello, and bass parts
BOX-FOLDER 60/4 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Flute parts, one set photocopies of holograph, one set copyist's manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 60/5 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Oboe and English horn parts, one set photocopies of holograph, one set copyist's manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Clarinet parts, one set photocopies of holograph, one set copyist's manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 60/7 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Bassoon parts, one set photocopies of holograph, one set copyist's manuscript
BOX-FOLDER 61/1 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Photocopies of holograph horn parts
BOX-FOLDER 61/2 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Copyist's horn parts
BOX-FOLDER 61/3 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Copyist's trumpet, trombone, and tuba parts
BOX-FOLDER 61/4 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Copyist's percussion and organ parts
BOX 77 Twelve variations for orchestra, op. 19
Miscellaneous parts (extras)
BOX-FOLDER 58/9 Valsette for two pianos
Photocopy of holograph two piano score; 11 p.
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