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Louis Kaufman collection, 1925-2008

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Subject Files, 1925-2008 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 25/16 Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio), 1982-1993 and undated
see also Correspondence: Oberlin College
Newsletters, annual reports, clippings, and brochures.
BOX-FOLDER 26/1 Pinkham, Daniel, 1979-1997 and undated
Brochure, clippings, and programs.
BOX-FOLDER 26/2 Poulenc, Francis, 1948, 1977
see also Photographs: Poulenc, Francis
BOX-FOLDER 26/3 Powell, Maud, 1920, 1961, 1995
see also Correspondence: Maud Powell Foundation
see also Subject Files: Maud Powell Foundation
Articles and clippings.
BOX-FOLDER 26/4 Reed College (Portland, OR), 1964, 1974-1991 and undated
Exhibition catalog, bulletins, and annual report.
BOX-FOLDER 26/5 Richard Tucker Music Foundation, 1984-1994
BOX-FOLDER 26/6 Saint-Front, Yves, 2005-2006
Exhibition catalog titled Yves Saint-Front in the Louis and Annette Kaufman Collection, Joseph I. Lubin House, Louise and Bernard Palitz Gallery, Nov. 21, 2005 to Jan. 27, 2006.
BOX-FOLDER 26/7 Slonimsky, Nicolas, 1986-1995 and undated
Articles, brochures, clippings, and cards.
BOX-FOLDER 26/8 Solomon, Gus J., 1970-1987 and undated
Chiefly clippings and a program.
BOX-FOLDER 26/9 Steiner, Max, 1995 and undated
Articles, sheet music, programs, and publications.
BOX-FOLDER 26/10 Still, Judith Anne, 1984-1986, 1990
see also Correspondence: Still, Judith Anne
BOX-FOLDER 26/11, 27/1-3 Still, William Grant, 1943-1998
see also Photographs: Photograph album
Clippings, articles, programs, reviews, recording lists, and an essay by Louis and Annette Kaufman titled "The Violin Music of William Grant Still."
BOX-FOLDER 27/5 Stone, Irving, 1963-1996 and undated
Articles, clippings, and programs.
BOX-FOLDER 27/6 Toch, Ernst, undated
Articles, clippings, brochure, programs, publicity, and an essay by Lawrence M. Weschler titled "Ernst Toch 1887-1964: A Biographical Essay Ten Years After His Passing."
BOX-FOLDER 27/7 Toscanini, Arturo, 1930
Program from Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York European tour, May 2 - June 4, 1930.
BOX-FOLDER 27/8 UCLA Oral History Interview of Louis Kaufman (text), 1988
Interview by Sybil D. Hast.
BOX-FOLDER 27/9 Vivaldi, Antonio, 1949
Article by Donald Dudley titled "Louis Kaufman's European Treasure Hunt."
BOX-FOLDER 27/10 Walkowitz, Abraham, 1944-1950, 2000 and undated
Exhibition catalogs, publicity, brochures, and other publications.
BOX-FOLDER 27/11 William Grant Still Music, 1978-1994 and undated
Publicity and catalog of Still's published works.
BOX-FOLDER 27/12 William Grant Still Music Society, 1997-1998
Correspondence and newsletters.
BOX-FOLDER 27/13 With, Karl and Gerta, 1941, 1958-1992
Exhibition lists, publicity, and brochure.
BOX-FOLDER 27/14 Yoell, John H., November 10, 1985
Oral history interview with Kaufman titled "In Conversation with Louis Kaufman."
BOX 28-29 Programs, 1928-1997
(9 folders)
Printed concert programs of performances by Louis and/or Annette Kaufman as well as concerts they attended.
Arranged chronologically by date, then by performance location (city or country).
BOX-FOLDER 28/1-5 1928-1963
BOX-FOLDER 29/1-4 1964-1997
BOX 30 Photographs, 1931-1998
(9 folders)
Publicity shots and candid photographs of Louis Kaufman and/or Annette Kaufman and photographs of their other friends and colleagues in the music world. These are undated unless otherwise specified.
Arranged by subject.
BOX-FOLDER 30/1 Kaufman, Louis - alone, 1931, 1942 and undated
see also Photographs: Photograph album
11 black and white photographs, 1 color photograph.
BOX-FOLDER 30/2 Kaufman, Louis - with others, 1950, 1976 and undated
see also Photographs: Photograph album
Louis and/or Annette Kaufman with composers, conductors, and other identified musicians.
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 Kaufman, Louis and Annette, 1949, 1983 and undated
see also Photographs: Photograph album
Performance and publicity photographs.
BOX-FOLDER 30/4 Kaufman, Annette - alone, 1952, 1954 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 30/5 Kaufman, Annette - with others, 1994 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 30/6 Others - without the Kaufmans, 1998 and undated
Photographs of Judith Anne Still Headlee's family.
BOX-FOLDER 30/7 Lucas, Leighton, undated
Photograph is inscribed.
BOX-FOLDER 30/8 Poulenc, Francis, 1944
Photograph is inscribed by Poulenc to Louis Kaufman.
BOX-FOLDER 30/9 Photograph album, 1983 and undated
Contains publicity photographs, photographs of Louis and/or Annette Kaufman in performance or with composers, and photographs of other composers - without the Kaufmans.
BOX 31-41 Scrapbooks, 1928-1995
Nineteen scrapbooks compiled by Louis and/or Annette Kaufman that document their professional music activities. Four of these have been photocopied (Box 31) due to advanced deterioration of the originals.
Arranged principally by size.
BOX-FOLDER 31/1 1934-1939
Preservation copy.
BOX-FOLDER 31/2-3 1947-1978
Preservation copy.
BOX-FOLDER 31/4 1949-1950
Preservation copy.
BOX-FOLDER 31/5 1954-1958
Preservation copy.
BOX 32 1928-1938
BOX 33 1939-1943
BOX 34 1943-1945
BOX 34 1971
On cover: "Louis Kaufman Week", September 12, 1971, Community Music Center, Portland, OR.
BOX 35 1929-1942
BOX 35 1942-1944
BOX 36 1941-1948
BOX 37 1945-1947
BOX 37 1950-1952
BOX 38 1952-1956
BOX 39 1961-1969
BOX 39 1971-1975
BOX 40 1972-1984
BOX 40 1981-1995
BOX 41 1985-1987
BOX 42 Miscellany, 1959, 1994
(2 folders)
Includes one award (Maud Powell Foundation), publicity posters, and one sculpture (a bronze bust of composer Ernst Toch) sculpted by Anna Mahler.
Arranged by format.
BOX-FOLDER 42/1 Maud Powell Foundation Award, 1994
Award presented to Louis and Annette Kaufman.
BOX-FOLDER 42/2 Publicity posters, 1959 and undated
Bronze bust - Ernest Toch, undated
Please ask reference staff to see this item.
Bronze bust of Ernst Toch sculpted by Anna Mahler.

Contents List