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Louis Kaufman collection, 1925-2008

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Correspondence, 1933-2008 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 19/17 Vaughan Williams, Ralph, June 4, 1952
One letter.
BOX-FOLDER 19/18 Vidoudez, Pierre (Alfred & Pierre Vidoudez), 1988
BOX-FOLDER 19/19 Vincent, John, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 19/20 Vivaldi Festival, 1949-1950
BOX-FOLDER 19/21 Voormolen, Alexander, October 26, 1949
BOX-FOLDER 19/22 Wadsworth Atheneum (Hartford, Connecticut), 1989-1993
BOX-FOLDER 19/23 Wagner, Joseph Frederick, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 19/24 Wallenstein, Alfred, March 11, 1943
BOX-FOLDER 19/25 Walters, Sonia, 1975
BOX-FOLDER 20/1 Walton, Andre, 1948
BOX-FOLDER 20/2 Wangermee, Roger, 1959
BOX-FOLDER 20/3 Warburg, Gerald F., undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/4 Warner, Keith, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 20/5 Waxman, Franz and John, 1953-1999
BOX-FOLDER 20/6 Webb, Roy and Jean, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/7 Wechberg, Joseph, 1974-1981
BOX-FOLDER 20/8 Wechsler, Bert, 1991-1997
BOX-FOLDER 20/9 Weinhart, Carl and Annette, 1967
BOX-FOLDER 20/10 Weinrebe, Harry M., 1982-1993
BOX-FOLDER 20/11 Weiss, Sidney and Jeanne, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/12 Weisshaar, Hans (Hans Weisshaar Musical Instruments, Inc.), 1962-1977
BOX-FOLDER 20/13 Wen, Eric, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/14 Wermer, Milah and Paul, 1973-1994
BOX-FOLDER 20/15 Weschler, Franzi Toch, 1974-1988
BOX-FOLDER 20/16 Weschler, Lawrence M., 1984-1997
see also Subject Files: Toch, Ernst
BOX-FOLDER 20/17 Weschler, Paul and Mary, 1959-1968
BOX-FOLDER 20/18 Wettler, Freddie, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 20/19 White, Clarence Cameron, 1944-1948
BOX-FOLDER 20/20 Whitehead, Carlton, 1971-1988
BOX-FOLDER 20/21 Whitney Museum of American Art (New York, NY), 1979-1982
BOX-FOLDER 20/22 Wiele, Aimée van de, 1951
BOX-FOLDER 20/23 Wight, Frederick S., 1957
BOX-FOLDER 20/24 Wilcox, Sheila, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 20/25 Wilde, Meta and Arthur, 1970-1985, 1994, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/26 William Lewis and Son, 1958
BOX-FOLDER 20/27 Wirén, Dag and Noel, 1951-1984
BOX-FOLDER 20/28 Wissmer, Pierre, 1955
BOX-FOLDER 20/29 With, Christopher, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/30 With, Karl and Gerta, 1940-1992 and undated
see also Subject Files: With, Karl and Gerta
BOX-FOLDER 20/31 Wolfinsohn, Wolfe, undated
BOX-FOLDER 20/32 Wright, Mike and Lana, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 20/33 Wyatt, Sophie, 1982-1995
BOX-FOLDER 20/34 Yaffe, Richard A., 1944
BOX-FOLDER 20/35 Yoell, John H., 1985-1995 and undated
see also Correspondence: Rózsa, Miklós
see also Subject Files: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang
see also Subject Files: Yoell, John H.
BOX-FOLDER 20/36 Zimbler, Josef (Friends of Chamber Music, Inc., Brookline, MA), 1954, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 20/37 Zipper, Herbert, 1979-1996
BOX 21-27 Subject Files, 1925-2008
(86 folders)
Articles, clippings, correspondence, exhibition catalogs, art/musical instrument appraisals, oral history interviews, writings, and/or notes related to individuals or organizations that reflect the personal and professional interests and activities of Louis and Annette Kaufman.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or topic, then chronologically by date.
BOX-FOLDER 21/1 Andrews, Harry, 1956
Inscribed program.
BOX-FOLDER 21/2-11, 22/1-7 Avery, Milton, 1929-2000
Chiefly articles, clippings, and exhibition catalogs.
Includes an inscribed print by Avery and a handmade book.
BOX-FOLDER 22/8 Bennett, Robert Russell, 1940-1993 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 22/9 Berger, Raoul, 1962-1963, 1978-1982
Articles, clippings, and a review.
BOX-FOLDER 22/10 Bloch, Ernest, 1961-1980, 1991-1993
Chiefly articles, programs, and brochures.
Includes an essay by Paul Rosenfeld titled "The Bloch Violin Sonata."
BOX-FOLDER 22/11 Bocour, Leonard, 1987 and undated
Article and brochure.
BOX-FOLDER 22/12-13, 23/1 Burliuk, David, 1926-1929, 1939-2008 and undated
Chiefly brochures, exhibition catalogs, and other publications.
BOX-FOLDER 23/2 Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario, 1959-1964, 1977-1988 and undated
Articles, a libretto for The Divan of Moses-Ibn-Ezra, and a bibliography compiled by Robert Taylor, UCLA.
BOX-FOLDER 23/3 Castelnuovo-Tedesco Society, 1976-1980
Newsletter and related correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 23/4 Chasins, Abram, 1974, 1978, and undated
Publicity materials for a recording release.
BOX-FOLDER 23/5 Concert Hall Society, Inc., circa 1949-1953
Includes five catalogs of recordings issued by this company. These contain descriptive entries for several recordings made by Louis Kaufman.
BOX-FOLDER 23/6 Copland, Aaron, 1965-1988, and undated
Articles and clippings.
BOX-FOLDER 23/7 Corwin, Norman, 1976-1994 and undated
Articles and program.
BOX-FOLDER 23/8-9 Darius Milhaud Society, 1950, 1955, 1976-1997 and undated
Articles, brochures, newsletters, programs, and biographical essays.
BOX-FOLDER 23/10 Edelman, Marsha Bryan, 1987, 1990, and undated
Articles and an essay by Edelman titled "East Meets West: The Impact of Yemenite Song on Popular and Art Music of Israel."
BOX-FOLDER 24/1 Eilshemius, Louis M., 1935-1942, 1954, 1959, 1978-1979 and undated
Articles, brochures, a published collection of excerpts from reviews of Eilshemius' artworks, and exhibition catalog titled Masterpieces of Eilshemius - 1959.
BOX-FOLDER 24/2 Erich Wolfgang Korngold Society, 1982-1995
Includes newsletters and related correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 24/3 Ernest Bloch Society, 1971-1988
Includes newsletters and a catalog of Bloch's published compositions (revised 1988).
BOX-FOLDER 24/4 Feuchtwanger, Leon, 1966, 1978-1979, 1983-1984, 1988, 1995
Includes articles and brochures.
BOX-FOLDER 24/5 Finzi Trust Fund, 1989-1994
BOX-FOLDER 24/6 Gilkey, Gordon, 1991-1996
Exhibition catalogs and publicity related to the opening of the Gordon Gilkey Center for Graphic Arts.
BOX-FOLDER 24/7 Goodman, Theodore, undated
Exhibition brochure with introductory essay by Goodman.
BOX-FOLDER 24/8 Griffin, Jonathan, 1955-1992
Programs, publicity, clippings, text to Griffin's poem Room, and one publication.
BOX-FOLDER 24/9 Haas, Robert Bartlett, 1956-1995 and undated
Articles, writings, reviews, publicity, clippings, and a booklet co-authored by Haas and Louise Krause Haas.
BOX-FOLDER 24/10 Heifetz, Jascha, 1960-1995 and undated
Clippings and a brochure/application for the Second Heifetz Master Class in Violin (UCLA) (1960).
BOX-FOLDER 24/11 Herrmann, Bernard, 1944-1994 and undated
Article, clippings, radio broadcast schedules, and related correspondence.
BOX-FOLDER 25/1 Hollywood Collects, 1988
Exhibition catalog.
BOX-FOLDER 25/2 Horowitz, Vladimir, November 20, 1945
Concert program.
BOX-FOLDER 25/3 Institute of Modern Russian Culture, 1989-1997
BOX-FOLDER 25/4 Janis, Sidney, 1942
Article by Janis titled "In Defense of Picasso's Guernica - a Film Analysis."
BOX-FOLDER 25/5 Kaufman, Louis - Books mentioning Kaufman, undated
BOX-FOLDER 25/6 Kaufman, Louis - Institute of Musical Art, NY. Certificate, 1925
BOX-FOLDER 25/7 Kaufman, Louis - Obituaries, 1994
Articles about Kaufman's Memorial Service, March 6, 1994.
BOX-FOLDER 25/8 Kaufman, Louis - Reviews, 1941-1994 and undated
BOX-FOLDER 25/9 Kaufman, Louis - Portrait sketch undated
Drawing of Louis Kaufman by an unidentified artist.
BOX-FOLDER 25/10 Kneisel, Franz, 1926, 1964
Franz Kneisel was Louis Kaufman's violin teacher at the Institute of Musical Art, NY.
BOX-FOLDER 25/11 Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, 1959-1993 and undated
Clippings, articles, and an essay by John H. Yoell titled "From the Memoirs of Doctor Julius Korngold."
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