The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Billy Taylor papers, 1942-2004
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Business Papers, 1968-2004 (continued)
Organizations and Affiliations, 1968-2004 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 163/3 Correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 163/4 An Afternoon of Jazz, 1982, 1986, 1993-1994, 1996, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 163/5-7 Jackie Robinson Awards Dinner, 1984-1985, 1989-1990, 1994, 2001
BOX-FOLDER 163/8 Jazz in Dakar, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 163/8 Robinson Foundation Wingspread Conference, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 163/8 An Afternoon of Jazz, 1991
Promotional material.
BOX-FOLDER 163/9 Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 163/10 Jazz Journalists Association
BOX-FOLDER 163/11 JazzAmerica Marketing
BOX-FOLDER 164/1 Legal documents
BOX-FOLDER 164/2 Meeting agendas, 1969-1990
BOX-FOLDER 164/3 Executive Board of Directors meetings minutes, 1975-1989
BOX-FOLDER 164/4 Nzinga Music Productions meeting minutes, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 164/5 Miscellaneous Jazzmobile administrative materials
BOX-FOLDER 164/6 Jazzmobile Fact sheet
BOX-FOLDER 164/7 Jazzmobile heritage and history
BOX-FOLDER 164/8 “Jazzmobile, Inc.” : papers presented
BOX-FOLDER 164/9 Jazzmobile mission and positioning statement
BOX-FOLDER 164/10 Jazzmobile objectives
BOX-FOLDER 164/11 Jazzmobile objectives: four-year plan
BOX-FOLDER 164/12 Jazzmobile activities packet
BOX-FOLDER 164/13 Directory, 1978-79
BOX-FOLDER 164/14 “Our story”
BOX-FOLDER 164/15 Jazzmobile press kit
BOX-FOLDER 164/16 Miscellaneous Jazzmobile orientation materials
BOX-FOLDER 165/1 Awards and honors: 52nd Street Award, Jazzmobile honors Dr. Taylor, New York Metro News, Police Athletic League, Prez Award
BOX-FOLDER 165/2 Community responses - awards, special projects
BOX-FOLDER 165/3 Miscellaneous materials on past Jazzmobile achievements
BOX-FOLDER 165/4 Memos, 1973-1990
BOX-FOLDER 165/5 Newsletters, 1969-1994
BOX-FOLDER 165/6 Jazzmobile press releases, 1970-1989
BOX-FOLDER 165/7 Miscellaneous Jazzmobile communications materials
BOX-FOLDER 165/8 Contracts
Jazzmobile Correspondence: Letters Received
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 AC&R Advertising/Robert G. Ralske
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 American Federation of Musicians/Robert E. Bittner
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 American Revolution Bicentennial Administration/Jean McKee
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 Arnstein, Benjamin S.
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 Arts & Business Council/Susan Kraus
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 Associated Press/William “Bill” Gillen
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 August Martin High School/Lawrence Costello
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Becon Real, Inc./Valerie Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Bergen Beach School/Myra J. Cohen
BOX-FOLDER 165/9 Bergman, Alan S., P.C.
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Bidwell Cultural & Training Center
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Bidwell Street United Presbyterian Church/Leonard Johnson
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Billboard/Hal B. Cook
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Black United Fund of New York/Jaclyn Durant
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Bloomingdale House of Music/Billy Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Board of Education of the City of New York: Carol Fineberg, Richard R. Green, Edna D. Greenspan, Leonard Lowry, Benjamin M. Martin, Jay W. Sanford, Steve Ucko, Edward Vollins, Lorenza Washington, (Mrs.) Jimmie Williams
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Brown, Peggy O.
BOX-FOLDER 165/10 Butler, Jablow & Geller/Richard B. Jablow
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Cater, Gladys
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Chemical Bank, Public Affairs Department/Challen W. Heaney
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 City of New York. Dept. of Cultural Affairs/Cheryl McClenney
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 City of New York. Dept. of Employment: Lillian Barrios-Paoli, Wilma Kidd, Violet Mitchell, Keith Nelson, Carmen Tull
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 City of New York. Economic Development Administration/John H. Lotz
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 City of New York. Office of the Mayor: David N. Dinkins, Stanley E. Grayson
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 City of Rochester/Mary F. Petote
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of New York/Walter Christmas
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Community School Board School District #5/Ernest Jackson
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Congress of the United States. House of Rep./Rep. Charles B. Rangel
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Copat Construction Corp./Hugh McDonald
BOX-FOLDER 165/11 Count Basie Enterprises/Aaron A. Woodward, III
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 D/B-M Communications/Hironobu Shibuya
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 Dennis, Kenny
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 Dow Jones & Co./Donald L. Miller
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association/Justin J. Murphy
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 East Coast Communications/James E. Bishop, Sr.
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 East Harlem Performing Arts School/Ellen Kirshbaum
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 Elmer E. Bogart Intermediate School 155/Norman Black
BOX-FOLDER 165/12 Exxon Corp.: Robert E. Kingsley and Jerrold A. Weitzman
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Feather, Leonard G.
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Federated Arts Council of Richmond/Kathy Dwyer
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Feinman and Krasilovsky, P.C./M. William Krasilovsky
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Fiat Motors of North America
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Fifth Avenue Community Center of Harlem/Leontine O’Gorman
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Financial Services Corporation of New York/Andrew Gordon
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Florence and John Schumann Foundation/H. Carl McCall
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Ford Foundation: Clarence W. Arrington, Diane L. Galloway, and Willard J. Hertz
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Frome, Max
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Gottfried, Joseph M., CPA: Ronald Bunker, Ashoka Daibee, Joseph M. Gottfried, Philip Stern
BOX-FOLDER 165/13 Graubart, Jeffrey L.
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Harlem Cultural Council/Emory Taylor
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Harriet Beecher Stowe Intermediate School (NY)/Samuel F. Williams
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Harris, William G.
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Herbert H. Lehman High School/Shirley Franklin
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Howard University. School of Music/Arthur C. Dawkins
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Indiana University. School of Music/David N. Baker
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Institute of High Fidelity/Arthur M. Gasman
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Institute of Jazz Studies/Dan Morgenstern
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation/Keith M. Perkins
BOX-FOLDER 165/14 Interstate Dropline Installers/Philip W. Collins, Sr.
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 J.M. Kaplan Fund/Joan K. Davidson
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Jay-Oh Productions/Jimmy Owens
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Jenkins, Leroy
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Jenkins, Wald & Associates
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 John Marshall Intermediate School (NY)/Louis Latty
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Jones, Clarence B.
BOX-FOLDER 165/15 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Fund/Claire Cullen
BOX-FOLDER 165/16 Kenneth Laub & Co./Kenneth D. Laub
BOX-FOLDER 165/16 Kodak/James C. Sutton
BOX-FOLDER 165/16 Lever Brothers Co./Ellen Lipez
BOX-FOLDER 165/16 LISE/George W. Brown
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 M.R. Beal & Company/Alric B. Nembhard
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 Macomb’s Junior High School (NYC)/Joel Seigerman
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 McGraw-Hill/Barbara Shields
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 Metropolitan Life/Arthur L. Sternhell
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 Music Performance Trust Fund/Tony Esposito
BOX-FOLDER 165/17 MZH&F/Chris Tergesen
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 National Arts Stabilization Fund/Charles McDermott
Contains enclosures.
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 National Association of Jazz Educators/J. Richard Dumbscomb
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 National Council on the Arts/Nancy Hanks
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 National Endowment for the Arts/Walter F. Anderson
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 National Jazz Service Organization: David Baker and Willard Jenkins
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 Nestle: Barbara Campbell and Kathy Kelly
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 New York Foundation/D. John Heyman
BOX-FOLDER 165/18 New York State Council on the Arts/Leonard Altman
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