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Harold Spivacke collection, 1923-1984

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Photographs, 1928-1975, undated (continued)
BOX 22, 24-26 Negatives
All black and white and 35mm in size unless noted otherwise; dates given when known.
Black and white and sepia in 35mm, 2x2, and 3x5 sizes.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Harold Spivacke Alone
BOX-FOLDER 22/1-9 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 24/1-11 Miscellaneous
Other People
BOX-FOLDER 22/10-44 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 24/12-47 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 26/89-94 Florence, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 26/95-100 Rome, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 26/101-106 Roman Forum, 1963
BOX-FOLDER 22/45-88 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 24/48-138 Miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 25/1-122 Unidentified
BOX-FOLDER 26/1-88 Unidentified
BOX 29 Artwork, 1927-1947, undated
(1 box)
Pencil, charcoal, and watercolor drawings, a silhouette, and reproductions.
Arranged alphabetically by artist's name.
BOX-FOLDER 29/1 Aronson, Arthur, 1934 June 26
Pencil sketch
BOX-FOLDER 29/2 Beline, George, 1929
Charcoal drawing
BOX-FOLDER 29/2 Beline, George, 1927
Reproduction of charcoal drawing
BOX-FOLDER 29/3 Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague, 1947
Three watercolors
BOX-FOLDER 29/4 Mochi, Ugo, undated
Paper silhouette
BOX-FOLDER 29/5 Reproductions, undated
One annotated and one signed.
BOX 28, 33 Music, 1943-1971, undated
(2 boxes)
Printed and manuscript music.
Arranged alphabetically by composer and by title therein.
BOX-FOLDER 28/1 Army Service Forces. Hymns from home. [S.l.] : United States Army, n.d.
Printed close score; 10 p.
BOX-FOLDER 28/1 Army Service Forces. Hymns from home. {S.l.] : United States Army, n.d.
Hymn text; 7 p.
(2 copies)
BOX-FOLDER 33/6 Brahms, Johannes. Konzert für Violine und Orchester, D-dur, op. 77
Positive photostat of original manuscript, full score with corrections by Joseph Joachim; 106 p.
Negative photostat of original manuscript, solo violin part; 12 p.
Positive photostat of printed full score (Leipzig : Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.); 34 p.
Laid in: Positive photostat of manuscript poem; 1 p.
Laid in: Negative photostat of article on music from Progress, April 19, 1879; 1 p.
Laid in: Negative photostat of article on music and musicology from Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, undated; 5 p.
Laid in: Typescript of Brahms References; 1 p. (original and carbon).
BOX-FOLDER 28/2 Church, Frank. Passacaglia, 1943
Holograph manuscript in ink ; [4] p.
BOX-FOLDER 33/7 Crumb, George. Ancient voices of children. New York : C. F. Peters Corporation, 1971
Printed full score; [3], 8 p.
Laid in: complimentary card from C. F. Peters Corporation, annotated.
BOX-FOLDER 28/3 Dallapiccola, Luigi. Parole di San Paolo, 1964
Holograph manuscript in ink and pencil; [2], 16 p.
On t.p.: "Offro questo autografo al Dr. Harold Spivacke—[?]"
BOX-FOLDER 28/4 Gershwin, George. Two waltzes in C. New York : Warner Bros. Publications Inc., 1971.
Piano solo; 7 p.
On verso of cover page: "For Rose Marie S. — With appreciation — And affection — From Ira G. Feb. 2, 1972."
BOX-FOLDER 33/8 Harris, Roy. Contemporary folk song, undated
Holograph manuscript in pencil; 1 p.
BOX-FOLDER 28/5 Malipiero, Gian Francesco. 7° quartet (Quartet, strings, no. 7). Milano : G. Ricordi & C., 1951
Printed miniature score; [2], 19 p.
Inscribed by composer, 1951.
BOX-FOLDER 28/6 Malipiero, Gian Francesco. Ricercari per andici instrumenti, 1951
Holograph manuscript in pencil and ink; [1], 53 p.
On t.p.: "To Dr. Harold Spivacke, In memory of a successful collaboration in proof of a sincere friendship," signed by composer, 11 Aug. 1951.
Laid in: autograph signed letter to Dr. Spivacke, 14 Aug. 1951; 1 p.
Laid in: autograph signed envelope.
BOX-FOLDER 28/7 Malipiero, Riccardo. Canone infinito. Milano : All'Insegna del Pesce d'Oro, 1969
Printed score for keyboard; [2], 5 p.
At beginning: "Per le nozze di Barbara Malipiero e Sante Cesqui, Milano, 13 ottobre 1969."
BOX-FOLDER 28/8 Malipiero, Riccardo. A very short prelude to the next 100 years of Harold Spivacke, 1969
Holograph manuscript in ink; 1 p.
At end: Silver Spring, 13 July 1969.
Laid in: envelope with artwork.
BOX 28/9 Miscellaneous. Notebook of music for violin and piano see also Writings, Violin lecture-recitals
Copyist's manuscript in ink and pencil (Locatelli is the one exception)
Laid in: Notes; 2 p.
Baltzer, Thomas. Allemande für Violine allein, undated; 1 p.
Brade, William. Der alte Hildebrand, 1617; 2 p.
Fontana, Giovanni Battista. Balletto, 1641; 2 p.
Locatelli, Pietro Antonio. IV Caprice, 1733; 2 p. (Negative photostat)
Pesenti, Martino. Corrente, 1645; 3 p.
Torelli, Giuseppe. Konzert für Violine and Streichorchester, undated; 1 p.
Uccellini, Marco. Corrente seconda, 1695; 3 p.
Veracini, Antonio. Sonata for violin, violone and cembalo, 1696; 4 p.
Vitali, Giovanni Battista. Cappriccio secondo, 1689; 3 p.
BOX-FOLDER 28/10 O'Hara, Geoffrey, and Irwin Rowan. Sons and daughters of a land reborn. New York : [s.n.], 1949
Printed choral score; 10 p.
Inscribed by the composer.
BOX-FOLDER 28/11 Powell, Mel. Sweet lovers love the spring, undated
Photocopy of copyist's manuscript, choral score; 13 p.
Above title: "to Martha."
BOX 14-16 Printed Matter, 1929-1977, undated
(3 boxes)
Articles, books, bulletins, newsletters, journals, pamphlet, and student handbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by author, place or format.
BOX 14/5 Berlin State Library, undated
BOX 14/6 Bulletins / Newsletters, A-M, 1942-1977
BOX 14/7 Bulletins / Newsletters, N-Z, 1933-1977 see also Correspondence, National Music Council; Realia, National Music Council ; Photographs, Photoprints, Spivacke with Others
BOX 14/8 Castaneda, Carlos. "The beginning of printing in America," undated
Inscribed and signed by author.
BOX 15/1 Collins, J. Lawton. War in peacetime, 1971
Inscribed and signed by author.
BOX 15/2 Dallapiccola, Luigi. "Words and music in Italian XIX century opera," 1964
Inscribed and signed by author.
BOX 15/3 Duckles, Vincent. "General plan for a history of music by Dr. Charles Burney with a catalogue of his musical library," 1972
BOX 15/4 Faber, A. W. "Castell" Präzisions-Rechenstäbe, 1930
BOX 15/5 Finkelstein, Herman. "The composer and the public interest—Regulation of performing right societies," 1954
Inscribed and signed by author.
BOX 15/5 Finkelstein, Herman. "The copyright law—A reappraisal," 1956
Article (2 copies)
Inscribed and signed by author.
BOX 15/8 "F-K" miscellaneous
Inscribed and signed by authors.
BOX 15/6 Ginastera, Alberto, William Shand, and Alberto Girri. Beatrix Cenci, 1971
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