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Mary Virginia Foreman Le Garrec collection on Artur Schnabel, 1893-1996

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Correspondence (continued)
Correspondence of Mary Virginia Foreman Le Garrec (continued)
Fournier, Pierre (continued)
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 Liebowitz, René
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 Mannes, Leopold
(4 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/10 Miller, Arthur
(6 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 Mitropoulos, Dimitri
(2 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 Rostra-Hérold, Elizabeth [Ellie]
(31 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/13 Stiedry, Fritz
(1 item)
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 Turner, W.J.
(14 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/15 Wolff, Konrad
(3 items)
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Miscellaneous; unidentified
(22 items)
BOX 9-10 Writings, 1942-1996, undated
BOX 9 Writings of Artur Schnabel, 1942, 1949, undated
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 The cadenza - the improvisation, 7 August 1942
In blue ink; 5 leaves
Holograph correspondence to Elinor Nef.
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 Harvard Lectures, introductory material, in the hand of MVFLG, 1949
In blue and black inks; 1 p.
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 Harvard Lectures, 1949
Original typescript, in black ink; 11 p.
Contains holograph annotations (“Part One”).
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 Harvard Lectures, 1949
Typescript (original and carbon copies), in black ink; 12 p.
Contains holograph annotations (“Part Two”).
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 Harvard Lectures, 1949
Holograph drafts, in pencil; 36 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 “Impressions of the Edinburgh Festival,” undated
In 2 leaves
Published article from unidentified publication (Edinburgh Festival program?).
BOX-FOLDER 9/20 “Recollections of our time”
Typescript (carbon copies), 11, 7, 8 p.; original typescript, 12, 8, 8 p.
Emendations appear throughout in the hand of MVFLG; a small note in her hand is also included.
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 “Schubert Sonatas: a Musician Discusses Reasons for Relative Neglect of Piano Works,” 1942
Published article (newspaper clipping) from the New York Times.
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 “What’s wrong with music critics,” 10 January 1942
3 leaves
Published article from the Saturday Review of Literature.
BOX-FOLDER 9/23 Miscellaneous text and music material in Schnabel’s hand
11 leaves
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 Autographs of Schnabel (collected by MVFLG from correspondence fragments); calling cards
15 items
BOX 9-10 Writings of Mary Virginia Foreman Le Garrec, 1961, 1996
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 Artur Schnabel remembered, 1961, 1996
Original typescript (first section); i, 47 p.
Contains emendations in blue and black inks in the hand of MVFLG. The original typescript is dated 1961; a handwritten note (in black ink, in the hand of MVFLG) dated 1996, was subsequently added to the typescript.
BOX-FOLDER 9/26 Artur Schnabel remembered, 1961/1996
Original typescript (second section), pages 47bis-239
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 Artur Schnabel remembered, 1961/1996
Original typescript (second section); pages 240-430
BOX-FOLDER 9/28 Artur Schnabel remembered, French translation (Artur Schnabel: souvenirs et lettres) of first section by Yves Le Garrec, 1961/1996
Original typescript, 69 p.
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 History of a Love Affair, May 1993, Biarritz, France
Bound notebook in 68 numbered pages; in black ink
Entirely in MVFLG’s hand.
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 Miscellaneous notes regarding Schnabel’s compositions
7 (holograph), 1 (photoreproduction) leaves
BOX 10 Concert Programs and Tours, 1933-1951, undated
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Concert programs, featuring Schnabel as performer, 1933-1939
(65 items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Concert programs, featuring Schnabel as performer, 1940-1951
(53 items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Concert programs, featuring Schnabel’s compositions
(25 items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 Concert tours of Schnabel: itineraries, material in Schnabel’s hand
27 leaves
BOX 10 Biographical Materials
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 Schnabel's pupils: lists, concert programs, publicity information, clippings
(19 items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 Memorials to Schnabel
(13 items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 Miscellaneous biographical material in the hand of Mary Virginia Foreman LeGarrec
(16 items)
BOX 10-11 Press Clippings, Published Articles, and Monographs, circa 1920-circa 1990, undated
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 Press clippings: Schnabel as performer, 1920s-1930s
(73 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 Press clippings: Schnabel as performer, 1940s-1990s
(85 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 Press clippings: Schnabel as performer, undated
(51 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 Press clippings: Schnabel as composer, author, and teacher, dated and undated
(67 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 Press clippings: Schnabel’s recordings, dated and undated
(45 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 Press clippings: obituaries of Schnabel
(12 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 Press clippings regarding friends, acquaintances of Schnabel
(39 pages/items)
BOX-FOLDER 11/4 Monographs, article reprints by Schnabel's friends: Edward Crankshaw, John Ulric Nef, and Hanns Sachs
(4 items)
BOX 6 Books and Libretti, 1934-1972, undated
BOX 6 Da Ponte, Lorenzo. Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Don Giovanni (Don Juan). A Grand opera in two acts. New York: Fred Rullman, Inc., n.d.
47 p.
Libretto in Italian and English.
BOX 6 Dent, Edward J., Eric Blom, and Clemence Dane. Mozart’s “Così fan tutte.” London: The Governors of Sadler’s Wells Foundation/John Lane the Bodley Head, 1946
48 p.
BOX 6 Saerchinger, César. Introduction by Clifford Curzon. Artur Schnabel: a biography. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1957
xviii, 354 p.
Contains annotations throughout, in pencil and in blue, black, and green inks, in the hand of MVFLG.
BOX 6 Schnabel, Artur. Music and the line of most resistance. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1942
91 p.
Verso of title page carries a dedication in Schnabel’s hand: “To M.V., / recommending the two lines: good / music and strong resistance – / for productive cooperation. / A.S. / N.Y.C. January 29, 1942”. Contains annotations throughout, in pencil, in the hand of MVFLG.
BOX 6 Schnabel, Artur. Edited and with an introduction by Edward Crankshaw. My life and music. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1961
xv, 223 p.
Contains annotations throughout, in pencil and in black ink, and one inlaid note, in black ink, in the hand of MVFLG.
BOX 6 Schnabel, Artur. >Reflections on music. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1934
63 p.
Title page carries a dedication in Schnabel’s hand: “To Mary Virginia / A.S. / February 1935”.
BOX 6 Shakespeare, William. Edited by W.J. Craig. The complete works of Shakespeare. New York: Oxford University Press, n.d.
viii, 1352 p.
Carries a dedication in Schnabel’s hand: “A.S. / 17.IV.1936 / Many happy returns!!!” Enclosed note, in blue ink, in the hand of MVFLG, reads: “This book was / given me by A.S. / on his birthday. / He was leaving / for Europe! / M.V.F.”
BOX 6 Turner, W.J. Blow for balloons : being the first hemisphere of the history of Henry Airbubble. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1935
298 p.
BOX 6 Turner, W.J. Henry Airbubble: in search of a circumference to his breath; being the second hemisphere of the history of Henry Airbubble. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1936
303, 8 p.
Contains annotations on inside cover page, in black ink, in the hand of MVFLG.
BOX 6 Wolff, Konrad. The teaching of Artur Schnabel: a guide to interpretation. London: Faber and Faber, 1972
189 p.
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