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George Crumb papers, 1944-2022

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Music, 1944-2021 (continued)
Vocal (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 Voices from the Morning of the Earth (American Songbook VI). A Cycle of American Songs from North and South, East and West for two solo voices (male and female), amplified piano, and percussion quartet, circa 2014
Holograph score/sketches
Note: Revised edition
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Voices from the Morning of the Earth (American Songbook VI). A Cycle of American Songs from North and South, East and West for two solo voices (male and female), amplified piano, and percussion quartet, undated
Holograph score/sketches with annotations; holograph list of percussion instruments
BOX-FOLDER 52/3-4 Winds of Destiny (American Songbook IV). Songs of Strife, Love, Mystery and Exultation. A Cycle of American Civil War Songs, Folk Songs, and Spirituals for singer, amplified piano, and percussion quartet, 2013
Holograph score with pasteovers and annotations
Note: Revised edition
BOX-FOLDER 53/1 Winds of Destiny (American Songbook IV). Songs of Strife, Love, Mystery and Exultation. A Cycle of American Civil War Songs, Folk Songs, and Spirituals for singer, amplified piano, and percussion quartet, 2004
Holograph score/sketches with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 53/2 The Yellow Moon of Andalusia (Spanish Songbook III). A Cycle of Six Poems by Federico García Lorca for mezzo-soprano and amplified piano, 2012
Holograph score with annotations
BOX-FOLDER 53/3 The Yellow Moon of Andalusia (Spanish Songbook III). A Cycle of Six Poems by Federico García Lorca for mezzo-soprano and amplified piano, 2012
Holograph score with pasteovers
BOX-FOLDER 53/4 The Yellow Moon of Andalusia (Spanish Songbook III). A Cycle of Six Poems by Federico García Lorca for mezzo-soprano and amplified piano, 2012
Photocopy of holograph score with holograph annotations
BOX-FOLDER 53/5 The Yellow Moon of Andalusia (Spanish Songbook III). A Cycle of Six Poems by Federico García Lorca for mezzo-soprano and amplified piano, undated
Holograph fragment of first movement
Note: Title on item is A Spanish Songbook (Volume I). A Cycle of Seven Poems by Federico García Lorca
BOX-FOLDER 53/6 Yesteryear, a vocalise for mezzo-soprano, amplified piano, and percussion (2 players), 2013
Holograph score with pasteovers
Note: Revised edition
BOX-FOLDER 53/7 Yesteryear, a vocalise for mezzo-soprano, amplified piano, and percussion (2 players), 2005
Holograph score with pasteovers; two photocopies of score with holograph annotations; cover page and performance instructions; holograph sketches
BOX-FOLDER 53/7 Yesteryear, a vocalise for mezzo-soprano, amplified piano, and percussion (2 players), 2013
Photocopy of holograph score
Note: Revised edition
Sketchbooks, undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/1 Sketchbook "I", undated
BOX-FOLDER 38/2 Sketchbook "II", undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/1 Sketchbook "III", undated
BOX-FOLDER 39/2 Sketchbook "IV", undated
BOX 9 Sketchbook "A", undated
BOX 9 Sketchbook "B", undated
BOX 9 Sketchbook "C", undated
BOX 40 Sketchbook "E", undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/1 Sketchbook "F", undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/2 Sketchbook "G", undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/3 Sketchbook "H", undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/4 Sketchbook "I", undated
BOX-FOLDER 57/5 Sketchbook, undated
Note: Title on cover is George Crumb Festival, UW Madison
BOX 11-28, 58-59 Business Papers, 1956-2022
Letters, telegrams, contracts, programs, royalty statements, itineraries, and other documents. Correspondence from publishers (mostly C. F. Peters), collegiate staff, and students is heavily represented. Also included are letters from various colleagues and friends, such as David Burge.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX-FOLDER 11/1-10 1956-1966
BOX-FOLDER 12/1-9 1967-1969 March
BOX-FOLDER 13/1-11 1969 April-1971
BOX-FOLDER 14/1-8 1972-1973
BOX-FOLDER 15/1-9 1974-1976 March
BOX-FOLDER 16/1-9 1976 April-1978 June
BOX-FOLDER 17/1-9 1978 July-1980 September
BOX-FOLDER 18/1-11 1980 October-1983 June
BOX-FOLDER 19/1-8 1983 July-1985 June
BOX-FOLDER 20/1-10 1985 July-1987
BOX-FOLDER 21/1-12 1988-1990
BOX-FOLDER 22/1-17 1991-1995 March
BOX-FOLDER 23/1-13 1995 April-1998 June
BOX-FOLDER 24/1-11 1998 July-2001 March
BOX-FOLDER 25/1-14 2001 April-2004 September
BOX-FOLDER 26/1-13 2004-2007 October
BOX-FOLDER 27/1-10 2008-2010 June
BOX-FOLDER 28/1-3 2010 July-2011 April
BOX-FOLDER 58/1-2 2011 May-December
BOX-FOLDER 58/3 2012
BOX-FOLDER 58/4 2013
BOX-FOLDER 58/5 2014
BOX-FOLDER 58/6 2015
BOX-FOLDER 59/1 2016-2017
BOX-FOLDER 59/2 2018-2019
BOX-FOLDER 59/3 2020
BOX-FOLDER 59/4 2021
BOX-FOLDER 59/5 2022
BOX 29-35, 41, 53, 59-60, 65-71 Scrapbooks, 1963-2020
Fourteen meticulously assembled volumes of clippings, programs, photographs, and other materials. Loose materials intended for future scrapbooks are at the end of this series.
Arranged numerically by volume number. Volumes are roughly chronological in content order, but may contain miscellaneous items within several years of the dates specified.
BOX 29 Volume I: 1963-1973
BOX 30 Volume II: 1973-1978
BOX 31 Volume III: 1978-1984
BOX 32 Volume IV: 1984-1989
BOX 33 Volume V: 1989-1997
BOX 34 Volume VI: 1997-2000
BOX 35 Volume VII: 2000-2001
BOX 65 Volume VIII: 1998-2012
BOX 66 Volume IX: 2002-2005
BOX 67 Volume X: 1997-2012
BOX 68 Volume XI: 2005-2012
BOX 69 Volume XII: 2011-2014
BOX 70 Volume XIII: 2002-2017
BOX 71 Volume XIV: 2011-2020
BOX-FOLDER 41/1, 53/8, 59/6-8, 60/1 Materials intended for scrapbooks, 1968, 1980s, 2007-2019 and undated
BOX 41-43, 55-56, 60-64 DF Subject Files, 1947-2022
This series contains a small quantity of awards, photographs, and personal possessions, as well as writings about George Crumb and his music. Researchers should note that most awards, clippings, and programs can be found in the Scrapbooks series. Digital materials include Twinkle, Dammit!, a 2020 documentary about pianist Margaret Leng Tan and her collaborations with Crumb, as well as recordings of her performances of movements of Makrokosmos Books I and I, and Metamorphoses Book I.
Principal file formats: .jpg, .mxf, .wav
Arranged alphabetically.
BOX-FOLDER 60/2-3 80th birthday album, 2009
BOX-FOLDER 41/2, 60/4 Awards, 1973-2021
BOX-FOLDER 60/5 Charleston High School, 1947, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 60/6 Clippings and programs, 1971-1977, 1995, and undated
Note: Collected by Crumb
BOX-FOLDER 60/7 Diplomas for bachelors and masters degrees, 1948, 1952
Laid in: Recital programs
BOX-FOLDER 60/8 Identification documents, 1956 and undated
Note: Contains photographs
BOX-FOLDER 60/9 Lorca, Federico García, Poems. Selected and translated by J. L. Gili. Baltimore: Penguin, 1960
Printed poetry collection with Crumb's annotations
Memorial programs
BOX-FOLDER 60/10 Crumb, Ann, 2019
BOX-FOLDER 60/11 Crumb, Elizabeth, 2022
BOX-FOLDER 61/1 Crumb, George, 2022
DF Makrokosmos, Book I. Magic Circle of Infinity, 2019 June 19
Digital ID: CrumbGeorge_MUS_2021_085
Performance by Margaret Leng Tan, piano. ART + LIVE, Resonates With, in conjunction with the National Gallery of Singapore
DF Makrokosmos, Book II. Twin Suns, 2019 June 19
Digital ID: CrumbGeorge_MUS_2021_085
Performance by Margaret Leng Tan, piano. ART + LIVE, Resonates With, in conjunction with the National Gallery of Singapore
DF Metamorphoses, Book I, 2019 October 3
Digital ID: CrumbGeorge_MUS_2021_085
Performance by Margaret Leng Tan, piano. Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Conservatory Concert Hall, Singapore
BOX 43 Personal effects, undated
Glasses; two calligraphy pens; magnifying glass
BOX-FOLDER 61/2 Photographs and negatives, 1992-2003 and undated
Includes: Ann and David Crumb, Ann Lynn Barber, Steve Bruns, Tanya Gille, Susan Grace, Laurie Hudicek, Lewis Kaplan, Alice Ryback, Randall Scarlata, David Starobin, Margaret Leng Tan, Arthur Weisberg
BOX-FOLDER 56/5-6 Posters, 1988, 2003
BOX-FOLDER 55/6 "Rub off" transparencies of letters, musical characters, and symbols undated
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