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Irving Berlin collection, 1895-1990

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Non-Show Music (continued)
Berlin's best, piano solo folio album, volume I
BOX-FOLDER 249/3 Manuscript piano scores; [25] leaves
With annotations
BOX-FOLDER 249/3 Typescript content page; [1] leaf
BOX-FOLDER 249/3 Printed proof of content page; [1] leaf
BOX-FOLDER 249/4 Method for organ; [14] p.
Cardboard keyboard, music with paste-overs, numbering system
Miscellaneous and unidentified manuscript and lyric sheets
BOX-FOLDER 250/1 Music lesson and lead sheet; [2] p.
Holograph at bottom: 1st lead sheet ever taken down by Irving Berlin, August 16, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 250/1 Key signatures and notes on staff; [1] p.
Miscellaneous lyrics
BOX-FOLDER 250/2 Holograph lyric sheets; [2] leaves
No titles
All that they will find (ink on cardboard)
Don't wake me...when Harry
BOX-FOLDER 250/2 Manuscript lyric sheets; [2] leaves
Berlin hand?
You've often heard a crowd of people
BOX-FOLDER 250/2 Typescript sheets; [7] leaves
With titles
Back again
The best part of a party's when it's over
I'll be babysitting tonight
The lyricist's lament
The one who is loved
Oscar Hammerstein
Small comment
BOX-FOLDER 250/2 Typescript sheets; [6] leaves
Without titles, first words only
The hour's late...
I wonder how Stephen Foster...
The man who would rather be right...
Roses, roses, roses reminds...
We met in a singles bar...
What this country needs is a laugh...
Miscellaneous manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 250/3 Sketches with lyric fragments; [5] leaves
Transcribed from shorthand
Come back to me...
I am a person...
I have what you...
Last time...gave me your undivided attention
I want somebody near me...
Unidentified manuscripts sorted in chronological order
The order is established by identifying the address on the staff paper and how it corresponds to the dates of employment at the company’s address: 112 West 38th Street = 1909-1914; Strand Theatre Bldg. = 1914-1919; 1607 Broadway = 1921-1933; 799 Seventh Ave. = 1934-1944. This is merely a way to approximate the dates knowing full well the possibility of inconsistency for changeover to the new address.
BOX-FOLDER 250/4 Sketches and lead sheets; [56] leaves
Address on staff paper: 112 West 38th Street
BOX-FOLDER 250/5 Sketches and lead sheets; [18] leaves
Address on staff paper: Strand Theatre Bldg., Broadway at 47th
BOX-FOLDER 250/5 Sketches and lead sheets; [23] leaves
Address on staff paper: 1607 Broadway
BOX-FOLDER 250/5 Sketches and lead sheets; [7] leaves
Address on staff paper: 799 Seventh Avenue
BOX-FOLDER 250/6 Sketches and lead sheets; [60] leaves
No address on staff paper
BOX 251-280, 460, 508-509, 543, 584-585, 895-896 MAPCASE 3 Project Files
BOX-FOLDER 251/1 After dinner murder - holograph synopsis, undated; [1] leaf
Alexander's ragtime band
BOX-FOLDER 251/2 Clippings, 1938 January - September 19
BOX-FOLDER 251/3 Clippings, 1938 September 20-30
BOX-FOLDER 251/4 Clippings, 1938 October - December
BOX-FOLDER 251/6 Publicity materials for preview and opening night, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 251/5 Radio and television promotional plugs, 1947
BOX-FOLDER 251/7 Story notes/song selection, 1936-1938
BOX-FOLDER 251/8 All of my life, 1944-1945
BOX-FOLDER 251/9 Angels of mercy, 1942
Annie get your gun
BOX-FOLDER 251/10 Clippings, 1966 January - June
BOX-FOLDER 251/11 Clippings, 1966 July - December
BOX-FOLDER 251/12 Clippings, 1973-1975
BOX-FOLDER 251/13 Clippings, 1977 January - June
BOX-FOLDER 251/14 Clippings, 1977 July - December
BOX-FOLDER 251/15 Clippings, 1978-1983
BOX-FOLDER 251/16 Clippings, 1986-1989
BOX-FOLDER 251/17 Commercials, 1957
BOX-FOLDER 251/18 Congratulation telegrams regarding opening night, 1946
BOX-FOLDER 252/1 Cohen, Godfrey
BOX-FOLDER 252/2 Gans, Marjorie
BOX-FOLDER 252/3 Kaise, Yukio
BOX-FOLDER 252/4 Jackson, Theodore R.
BOX-FOLDER 252/5 Reinheimer, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 252/6 Shawnee Press, Inc., 1966-1978
BOX-FOLDER 252/7 Miscellaneous, 1946-1982 , undated
Financial papers
BOX 895 Box office receipts, Imperial Theatre, 1946 - 1949
BOX 896 Box office receipts, Schubert Theatre, 1946 - 1947
BOX-FOLDER 252/8 London sales, 1947-1949
BOX-FOLDER 252/9 London sales, 1950-1951
Royalty statements
BOX-FOLDER 252/10 1950-1959
BOX-FOLDER 252/11 1960-1969
BOX-FOLDER 252/12 1970-1975
BOX-FOLDER 252/13 undated
BOX-FOLDER 252/14 Legal documents, 1950
BOX 543, 584 Photographed scene paste-ups (oversize) possibly for souvenir booklet; 29 and 7 items
BOX 584 Pencil drawing and sketch of costume design (oversize)
BOX 584 Photocopy of Indian Chief Running Bull photograph (oversize)
BOX-FOLDER 252/15 Production photographs (University of Minneapolis), undated
BOX-FOLDER 252/16 Miscellaneous data, undated
BOX-FOLDER 252/17 Miscellaneous telegrams/greetings, 1946-1961
BOX-FOLDER 280/17 Any bonds today, 1941-1945
As thousands cheer
BOX-FOLDER 253/1 Clippings, 1933
Financial papers
BOX-FOLDER 253/2 Statements and receipts, 1934 May - September
BOX-FOLDER 253/3 Statements and receipts, 1934 October - 1935 May
Blue skies
BOX-FOLDER 254/1 Clippings, correspondence, notes, miscellaneous 1944-1945 , undated
BOX-FOLDER 254/2 Promotion materials from Paramount Pictures, undated
Broadcasts - radio and television
BOX-FOLDER 254/3 1933-1937
BOX-FOLDER 254/4 1938-1939
BOX-FOLDER 254/5 1941
BOX-FOLDER 254/6 1942-1943
BOX-FOLDER 254/7 1944 February - August
BOX-FOLDER 254/8 1944 August - December
BOX-FOLDER 254/9 1945-1949
BOX-FOLDER 254/10 1950
BOX-FOLDER 254/11 1957, 1965
BOX-FOLDER 280/18 Scripts, undated - IB and Eddie Cantor; IB and George Jessel
BOX-FOLDER 280/19 Miscellaneous, undated
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