Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/3 | Berkshire Athenaeum | ||||||||||||
Berkshire Evening Eagle
see also Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Berkshire Evening Eagle |
BOX-FOLDER 7/8 | Berkshire Industrial Farm | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/9 | Berkshire Life Insurance Company | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/4 | Berkshire Museum, 1934-1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/5 | Berkshire Museum, 1950-1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/10 | Berkshire Music Center | ||||||||||||
Berkshire Music Colony see Library of Congress. Legal advice to E.S. Coolidge |
BOX-FOLDER 7/7 | Berkshire Music Festival, 1938 | ||||||||||||
Thank you’s for booklet. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/11 | Berkshire String Quartet | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/12 | Berkshire Symphonic Festival | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/13 | Berkshire (Miscellany) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/14 | Berlin | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/15 | Bernstein, Leonard | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/16 | Bertrand, Paul | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/17 | Bessemans, A. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/18 | Betti, Adolfo, 1921-1929 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/19 | Betti, Adolfo, 1930-1934 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/20 | Betti, Adolfo, 1935-1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/21 | Betti, Adolfo, 1940-1941 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/22 | Betti, Adolfo, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 7/23 | Bettingen, Balthasar | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/1 | "Bi" miscellaneous see also "B" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 8/2 | Bichl, Lois | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/3 | Bierhoff, Dr. Frederick and Mrs. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/4 | Biggs, E. Power, 1941-1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/5 | Biggs, E. Power, 1943 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/6 | Biggs, E. Power, 1944-1945 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/7 | Biggs, E. Power, 1946-1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/8 | Biggs, E. Power, 1950-1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/9 | Birchard, C.C. & Co. | ||||||||||||
Bird, Remsen see Occidental College |
BOX-FOLDER 8/10 | Birmingham, Alabama | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/11 | Bispham, David | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/12 | Bissell, Lillian | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 8/13 | Bitter, Francis and Alice | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/1 | "Bl" miscellaneous see also "B" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 9/2 | Black, Katherine Isabel | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/3 | Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.) | ||||||||||||
Blackstone, Milton see Hart House String Quartet |
BOX-FOLDER 9/4 | Blackwell, Ethel M. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/5 | Blank, Dorothy Galloway | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/6 | Blank, Harry | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/7 | Bliss, Arthur and Trudy, 1923-1929 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/8 | Bliss, Arthur and Trudy, 1930-1941 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/9 | Bliss, Arthur and Trudy, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/10 | Bliss, Howard | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/11 | Bliss, Robert Woods and Mrs. see also Harvard University. Board of Overseers |
BOX-FOLDER 9/12 | Bloch, Alexander | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/13 | Bloch, Ernest, 1917-1919 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/14 | Bloch, Ernest, 1920-1929 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/15 | Bloch, Ernest, 1930-1938, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 | Bloch, Ivan | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 | Blodgett, Margaret | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 | Blomberg, A.M. von | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 | Blonay, André de | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 | Blondel, R. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/20 | Bloom, Frances | ||||||||||||
Bloomfield-Zeisler, Fannie see Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield |
Blumberg, Lulu J. see Wind Instrument Ensemble of San Francisco |
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 | Blumenstehl, Paul | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/23 | "Bo" miscellaneous see also "B" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 9/24 | Bodanzky, Artur | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/25 | Bodge, Wilma Mayberry | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/26 | Bodky, Erwin | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/27 | Boepple, Paul | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/28 | Boetzelaer, W. de, Baron | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/29 | Bogue-Laberge Concert Management | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/30 | Bohemian Club | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/31 | Bohet, Victor | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/32 | Bohlen, Frank and Ingrid | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/33 | Bok, Mary Louise Curtis | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/34 | Bolm, Adolph | ||||||||||||
Bonis, Mél see Domange, Albert, Mrs. |
BOX-FOLDER 9/35 | Bonnet, Joseph | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/36 | Bonsal, Stephan | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/37 | Bonucci, Arturo | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/38 | Bonvalot, Cecil | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/39 | Boosey & Hawkes | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/40 | Bori, Lucrezia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/41 | Borissoff, Josef | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/42 | Borowski, Felix | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/43 | Bos, Coenraad Valentyn | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/44 | Boshco, Peter and Mrs. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/45 | Bossan, Lola | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/46 | Bossi, Adolfo | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 9/47 | Bossi, Renzo | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 | Boston Chamber Music Club | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 | Boston Chamber Music Guild | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 | Boston Chamber Recording Artists | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 | Boston, Mass. Chilton Club | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 | Boston. Chorus Pro Musica | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 | Boston, City of | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 | Boston Conservatory | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 | Boston, Mass. Ford Hall Forum | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 | Boston. Hotel Statler | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 | Boston Museum of Fine Arts | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 |
Boston Musical Association see also Longy, Georges |
Boston Negro American Chorus see Simms, Ernest W. |
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 | Boston Public Library, 1925-1929 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 | Boston Public Library, 1930-1953 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/14 | Boston Society of Early Music | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/15 | Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1923-1938 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/16 | Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1939-1942 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/17 | Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1943-1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/18 | Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1950-1951 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/19 | Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1952-1953, undated | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/20 | Boston University | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/21 | Boston. Women's Music Association | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/22 | Boston. Hotels | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/23 | Boston. Newspapers | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/24 | Boston. Miscellany | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/25 | "Bostona" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/26 | Bote & Bock | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/27 | Boulanger, Nadia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/28 | Boult, Adrian | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/29 | Bourdon, Louis H. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/30 | Bourke-White, Margaret | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/31 | Bowen, Catherine Drinker | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/32 | Bowen, Edith Blumer | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 10/33 | Bowen, York | ||||||||||||
Bowerman, George F. see District of Columbia. Public Library |
Boy Scouts of America, Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Troop see also Cagayan Valley College |
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 | Boyd, Ellen Edwards | ||||||||||||
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