Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/11 | Columbia University. Miscellany | ||||||||||||
Colwell, Kent G. see New York. Guaranty Trust Company |
BOX-FOLDER 23/12 | "Com" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 23/13 | Comfort, Annabelle | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/14 | Comité Monument à du Claude Debussy | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/15 |
Committee of 100 see also National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
BOX-FOLDER 23/16 | Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America. Herring, Hubert | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/17 | Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America. Miscellany | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/18 | Compinsky, Alec and Manuel | ||||||||||||
Composers Press see Haubiel, Charles |
BOX-FOLDER 23/19 | Comstock, Dorothy | ||||||||||||
Conant, James Bryant see Harvard University |
BOX-FOLDER 23/20 | Conger, Luther Stowell | ||||||||||||
Conklin, Groff see Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America. Miscellany |
BOX-FOLDER 23/21 | Conkling, Roscoe P. | ||||||||||||
Conley, Peter D. see San Francisco Symphony Orchestra |
BOX-FOLDER 23/22 | Connecticut College | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/23 | Conrad, Doda | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/24 | Consolo, Ernesto | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/25 | Conte, Silvio O. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/26 | Contemporary Music Forum, N.Y. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/27 | Converse, Frederick Shepherd | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/28 | Converse College | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/29 | "Coo" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 23/30 | Cook, Thomas, and Son | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 23/31 | Cooke, James Francis | ||||||||||||
Cooke, Maude see Boston. Hotel Statler |
BOX-FOLDER 24/1 | "Cool" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 24/2 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1922-1924 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/3 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1925-1927 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/4 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1928-1929 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/5 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1930-1932 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/6 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1933-1934 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/7 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1936-1939 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/8 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), 1940-1949 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/9 | Coolidge, Albert Sprague and Mrs. ("Peg"), undated | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/10 | Coolidge, Alison J. | ||||||||||||
Coolidge, Arlan R. see Brown University |
BOX-FOLDER 24/11 | Coolidge, Calvin, Mrs. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/12 | Coolidge, Charles A. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/13 | Coolidge, D. H., Mrs. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/14 |
Coolidge, Elizabeth (granddaughter) see also Winship, Thomas and Elizabeth |
BOX-FOLDER 24/16 | Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague. Miscellany | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/17 | Coolidge, Frederick | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/18 | Coolidge, John | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/19 | Coolidge Memorial Home | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/20 | Coolidge Quartet | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 24/21 | Coolidge: Miscellany and Unidentified | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/1 | Coonley, Louise Root | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/2 | Cooper, Ada | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/3 | Cooper, Charles | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/7 | Copeland, George | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/4 | Copland, Aaron, 1937-1943 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/5 | Copland, Aaron, 1944-1952 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/6 | Copland, Aaron: material on Pultizer Prize | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/8 | Copley, Richard, 1925-1928 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/9 | Copley, Richard, 1929-1933 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/10 | Copley, Richard, 1934-1936 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/11 | Copley, Richard, 1937 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/12 | Copley, Richard, 1938-1940 | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 25/13 | Copley, Richard, undated | ||||||||||||
Coppet see De Coppet, Andre |
BOX-FOLDER 25/14 | Coppicus, F. C. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/1 | "Cor" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 26/2 | Corbin, Edythe | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/3 | Corcoran, James Bennison | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/4 | Corcoran, Rosamond Eustis | ||||||||||||
The Cordon see Chicago. The Cordon |
BOX-FOLDER 26/5 | Cornell College | ||||||||||||
Cornell University see also Quarles, James T. |
BOX-FOLDER 26/7 | Cornish School | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/8 | Cornish Trio | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/9 | Corti, Mario | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/10 | Cortot, Alfred | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/11 | Cos Cob Press | ||||||||||||
Cosmopolitan Club (New York, N.Y.) see New York. Cosmopolitan Club |
BOX-FOLDER 26/12 | Costa Leonilda Moreira de Sa' e | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/13 | Cottenet, F. M. | ||||||||||||
Coulon, Gaston Verhuyck see Verhuyck-Coulon, Gaston |
BOX-FOLDER 26/14 | Councilman, Elizabeth | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/15 | Councilman, Wigglesworth T. | ||||||||||||
Country Concert Association of San Mateo County see San Mateo. Country Concert Association |
BOX-FOLDER 26/16 | Couper, Mildred | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/17 | Cousins, Margaret E. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/18 | Cowell, Henry and Sidney | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/19 | Cowell, Joseph G. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/20 | Cowles, Walter Ruel | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/21 | Cox, Gardner, Mrs. (Phyllis) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/22 | "Cr" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 26/23 | Crane, Eleanor R. | ||||||||||||
Crane, Winnie Davis see Pittsfield (Mass.) Community Music School |
BOX-FOLDER 26/24 | Crane-Gartz, Kate | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/25 | Crawford, John and Joanna | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/26 | Creative Concerts Guild, Boston | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/27 | Crepax, Gilberto | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/28 | Croiza, (Madame) | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/29 | Crosby, Daniel | ||||||||||||
Crosten, William L. see Stanford University. Crosten, William L. |
BOX-FOLDER 26/30 | "Cu" miscellaneous see also "C" miscellaneous |
BOX-FOLDER 26/31 | Cuba | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/32 | Cummington School of the Arts | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/33 | Cumpson, Harry | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/34 | Cunningham, Edith Perkins | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/35 | Cunningham, Ellen Painter | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/36 | Cunninghan, Francis and Marcia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/37 | Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia | ||||||||||||
Curtis, Mary Louise see Bok, Mary Louise Curtis |
Curtis, Natalie see Burlin, Natalie Curtis |
BOX-FOLDER 26/38 | Cushing, Carolyn K. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/39 | Cutter, Ephraim | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/40 | Cuvelier, Marcel | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/41 | Czechoslovakia | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/42 | "C" unindentified | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/43 | "D" miscellaneous | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/44 | Dadmun, Paul | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/45 | Dadmun, Royal | ||||||||||||
Dalcroze, Émile Jacques see Jacques-Dalcroze, Émile |
BOX-FOLDER 26/46 | Dale, B. S. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/47 | Dalton, William B. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/48 | D'Amato, Guy A. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/49 | Damesek, Abbe | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/50 | Damon, Edith S. | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/51 | Damrosch, Frank | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/52 | Damrosch, Walter and Margaret | ||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 26/53 | Dana, Ethel Nathalie | ||||||||||||
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