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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 26/41 Czechoslovakia
BOX-FOLDER 26/42 "C" unindentified
BOX-FOLDER 26/43 "D" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 26/44 Dadmun, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 26/45 Dadmun, Royal
Dalcroze, Émile Jacques
see Jacques-Dalcroze, Émile
BOX-FOLDER 26/46 Dale, B. S.
BOX-FOLDER 26/47 Dalton, William B.
BOX-FOLDER 26/48 D'Amato, Guy A.
BOX-FOLDER 26/49 Damesek, Abbe
BOX-FOLDER 26/50 Damon, Edith S.
BOX-FOLDER 26/51 Damrosch, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 26/52 Damrosch, Walter and Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 26/53 Dana, Ethel Nathalie
Dana, Richard H.
see Music Press
BOX-FOLDER 26/54 Dance International
BOX-FOLDER 26/55 Dandelot, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 26/56 Dandy, Ralph
BOX-FOLDER 26/57 Daniel, Oliver
BOX-FOLDER 26/58 Daniell, Jennie P.
BOX-FOLDER 26/59 Daniels, Mabel
BOX-FOLDER 26/60 Dann, Hollis
BOX-FOLDER 26/61 Dannreuther, Gustav
BOX-FOLDER 2/34 D'Annunzio, Gabriele
BOX-FOLDER 27/1 "Dar" miscellaneous
see also "D" miscellaneous
d'Archambeau, Iwan
see Archambeau, Iwan d'
BOX-FOLDER 27/2 Darden, Constance
BOX-FOLDER 27/3 Dare, Ann
see also Davis, Peter
BOX-FOLDER 27/4 Dartmouth College
BOX-FOLDER 27/5 Dartnell, Betty
BOX-FOLDER 27/6 Dasch, George
BOX-FOLDER 27/8 Davico, Vincenzo
BOX-FOLDER 27/7 Davidson, Jo
Davies, D. C.
see Chicago. Field Museum of Natural History
BOX-FOLDER 27/9 Davies, Fanny
Davies, Milton J.
see Columbia University. Miscellany
Davies, Thurston
see Colorado College
BOX-FOLDER 27/10 Davis, Florence Wyman
BOX-FOLDER 27/11 Davis, George Gibson
BOX-FOLDER 27/12 Davis, Hazel
BOX-FOLDER 27/13 Davis, James J.
BOX-FOLDER 27/14 Davis, Peter
see also Dare, Ann
BOX-FOLDER 27/15 Davis-Chase, Anita
Davison, Archibald T.
see Harvard University
BOX-FOLDER 27/16 Dawes, Anna L.
BOX-FOLDER 27/17 Dawes, Catherine
BOX-FOLDER 27/18 Dawson, David and Joanna
Day, Myrtle
see Musicians Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy
BOX-FOLDER 27/19 "De" miscellaneous
see also "D" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 27/20 Deakin, Kyra Alanova
BOX-FOLDER 27/21 Dean Paul, Irene
BOX-FOLDER 27/22 Deane, Frederick and Julia
BOX-FOLDER 27/23 Debs, Eugene, Memorial Fund
BOX-FOLDER 27/24 De Busscher, Henri
BOX-FOLDER 27/25 Debussy, Emma Claude
Decker, Clarence R.
see Kansas City, Missouri. University of of Missouri, Kansas City
BOX-FOLDER 27/26 De Coppet, Andre
BOX-FOLDER 27/27 De Coppet, E. J. and Pauline
BOX-FOLDER 27/28 De Dedinszky, Gisella
BOX-FOLDER 27/29 Deering, William
BOX-FOLDER 27/30 De Forest, Amy B. (Mrs. Henry L.)
BOX-FOLDER 27/31 De Hauteville-Bell, Louise
BOX-FOLDER 27/32 Dehe, Willem
BOX-FOLDER 27/33 Deis, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 27/34 De Koven, Anna
BOX-FOLDER 27/35 De Kresz, Géza
see also Kresz, Géza de
BOX-FOLDER 27/36 De Lamarter, Eric
BOX-FOLDER 27/37 Delaney, Robert M.
BOX-FOLDER 27/38 Delano, Frederick
BOX-FOLDER 27/39 DeLee, Edith
BOX-FOLDER 27/40 Delmas, Marc
BOX-FOLDER 27/41 Delvigne, Oscar
BOX-FOLDER 27/42 De Mare, Jeanne
BOX-FOLDER 27/43 Dempster, Germaine
BOX-FOLDER 27/44 De Navarro, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 27/45 Deneke, Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 27/46 Denis, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 27/48 Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich
see also Adler, Guido
BOX-FOLDER 27/49 Dennis, Alfred Lewis
BOX-FOLDER 27/50 Dennison, George
BOX-FOLDER 27/51 Densmore, Frances
BOX-FOLDER 27/52 Dent, Edward J.
De Pascal, Vincent
see Pascal, Vincent de
BOX-FOLDER 27/53 De Pasquale, Joseph and Maria
see also Pasquale, Joseph de
BOX-FOLDER 27/54 De Sayn, Elena
BOX-FOLDER 27/55 Desderi, Ettore
BOX-FOLDER 27/56 Désormière, Roger
BOX-FOLDER 27/57 Despret
BOX-FOLDER 27/58 Dessoff, Margarete
BOX-FOLDER 27/59 Dethier, Edouard
BOX-FOLDER 27/60 Detroit Symphony Orchestra
see also Gabrilowitsch, Ossip and Clara
BOX-FOLDER 27/61 Detroit miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 27/62 Dettori, G.
BOX-FOLDER 27/63 Deutsch, Alice
BOX-FOLDER 27/64 Deutsch, Max
Deutsch, Monroe E.
see California. University. Berkeley. Deutsch, Monroe E.
BOX-FOLDER 27/65 De Vally, Antoine
BOX-FOLDER 27/66 Devī, Ratan
BOX-FOLDER 27/67 Dexter, Graham C.
BOX-FOLDER 27/68 Deyo, Ruth
D'Harnoncourt, Eberhard
see Harnoncourt, Eberhard d'
BOX-FOLDER 28/1 "Di" miscellaneous
see also "D" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 28/2 Diamond, David
BOX-FOLDER 28/3 Dick, Marcel
see Germany. Embassy, Washington, D.C.
BOX-FOLDER 28/4 Dieudonné, Clemence
BOX-FOLDER 28/5 Diggle, Roland
BOX-FOLDER 28/6 Dike, Paul Harrison, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 28/7 Diller, Angela
BOX-FOLDER 28/8 Dillon, Fannie Charles
BOX-FOLDER 28/9 Dispeker, Thea
see also Casals Festivals
District of Columbia
see also Washington, D.C.
BOX-FOLDER 28/10 District of Columbia Federation of Music Clubs
BOX-FOLDER 28/11 District of Columbia. Public Library
BOX-FOLDER 28/12 "Do" miscellaneous
see also "D" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 28/13 Dodd, Helen Chamberlin
BOX-FOLDER 28/14 Dodd, Jean Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 28/15 Dodge, Lucy W.
BOX-FOLDER 28/16 Dohnányi, Ernõ, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 28/17 Doktor, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 28/18 Dole, Nathan Haskell
BOX-FOLDER 28/19 Dolejší, Robert
BOX-FOLDER 28/20 Dolmetsch, Rudolph
BOX-FOLDER 28/21 Domange, Albert, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 28/22 Domergue, Charles and Mrs.
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