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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 72/20 "N" miscellaneous
see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
BOX-FOLDER 72/21 Nabokov, Nicolas (telegram only)
BOX-FOLDER 72/22 Nabokov, Nicolas
BOX-FOLDER 72/23 Nachèz, Tivadar
BOX-FOLDER 72/24 Naples, Italy. Hotels
BOX-FOLDER 72/25 Napolitano, Franco
BOX-FOLDER 72/26 Narodny, Ivan
BOX-FOLDER 72/28 Nathan, Hans (letters to only)
BOX-FOLDER 72/27 The Nation
BOX-FOLDER 72/29 "National A" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 72/30 National Association for American Composers and Conductors
see also Hadley, Henry and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 72/31 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
BOX-FOLDER 72/32 National Association of Amateur Chamber Music Players
BOX-FOLDER 72/33 National Broadcasting Company (including N.B.C. Artists Service). Illingworth, Elsie
BOX-FOLDER 72/34 National Broadcasting Company (including N.B.C. Artists Service). Koons, Walter
BOX-FOLDER 72/35 National Broadcasting Company (including N.B.C. Artists Service). La Prade, Ernest
BOX-FOLDER 72/36 National Broadcasting Company (including N.B.C. Artists Service). Levine, Marks, 1927-1935
BOX-FOLDER 72/37 National Broadcasting Company. Levine, Marks, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 72/38 National Broadcasting Company. Levine, Marks, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 72/39 National Broadcasting Company. Levine, Marks, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 72/40 National Broadcasting Company. Levine, Marks, 1939
BOX-FOLDER 72/41 National Broadcasting Company. Meyer, Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 72/42 National Broadcasting Company. Pottenger, Cleone
BOX-FOLDER 72/43 National Broadcasting Company. Miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 72/44 National Cathedral
BOX-FOLDER 72/45 National Concert and Artists Corporation
BOX-FOLDER 72/46 National Conference of Christians and Jews
BOX-FOLDER 72/47 National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
BOX-FOLDER 72/48 National Federation of Music Clubs
BOX-FOLDER 73/1 "National G" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 73/2 National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
BOX-FOLDER 73/3 National Music Council
BOX-FOLDER 73/4 National Negro Memorial
BOX-FOLDER 73/5 National String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 73/6 National Symphony Orchestra
see also Kindler, Hans
BOX-FOLDER 73/7 "Nau" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
see National Broadcasting Company
BOX-FOLDER 73/8 "Ne" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 73/9 Neblett, Leona
BOX-FOLDER 73/10 Neeter, Philip
BOX-FOLDER 73/11 Neher, Edna
BOX-FOLDER 73/12 Neighborhood Music School
BOX-FOLDER 73/13 Neill, Lucy H.
BOX-FOLDER 73/14 Neill-Skolnik, Amy
BOX-FOLDER 73/15 Neumann, Agnes
BOX-FOLDER 73/16 Nevin, Ethelbert, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 73/17 "New A--Z" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 73/18 New England Conservatory of Music, 1933-1938
BOX-FOLDER 73/19 New England Conservatory of Music, 1940-1953
BOX-FOLDER 73/20 New England Conservatory of Music, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/21 New Haven. Civic Orchestra Association
BOX-FOLDER 73/23 New Haven hotels, etc.
BOX-FOLDER 73/22 New Haven Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 73/24 New Jersey College for Women
BOX-FOLDER 73/25 New Music String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 73/26 New School for Social Research
BOX-FOLDER 73/29 New York. Banks. Central Union Trust Company
BOX-FOLDER 73/30 New York. Banks. Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, 1929-1934
BOX-FOLDER 73/31 New York. Banks. Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company, 1935-1949
BOX-FOLDER 73/32 New York. Banks. Guaranty Trust Company, 1926-1934
BOX-FOLDER 73/33 New York. Banks. Guaranty Trust Company, 1935-1946, undated
BOX-FOLDER 73/34 New York Brass Ensemble
BOX-FOLDER 73/35 New York Chamber Music Society
BOX-FOLDER 73/27 New York City. "A" miscellaneous
see also "New A--Z" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 73/28 New York City. Officials
BOX-FOLDER 73/36 New York City Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 74/1 New York. "Co" miscellaneous
see also "New A--Z" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 74/2 New York. Colony Club, 1922-1929
BOX-FOLDER 74/3 New York. Colony Club, 1930-1935
BOX-FOLDER 74/4 New York. Colony Club, 1936-1941, undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/5 New York. Cosmopolitan Club
BOX-FOLDER 74/6 New York. Hotels
BOX-FOLDER 74/7 New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art
BOX-FOLDER 74/8 New York. Municipal Broadcasting System
BOX-FOLDER 74/9 New York. Neighborhood Music School
BOX-FOLDER 74/10 New York. "P" miscellaneous
see also "New A--Z" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 74/11 New York. People's Institute
BOX-FOLDER 74/12 New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 74/13 New York Public Library, 1922-1936
BOX-FOLDER 74/14 New York Public Library, 1937
BOX-FOLDER 74/15 New York Public Library, 1938-1940
BOX-FOLDER 74/16 New York Public Library, 1941-1951, undated
BOX-FOLDER 74/17 New York. Schola Cantorum
see also Schola Cantorum, N.Y.
BOX-FOLDER 74/24 New York State
BOX-FOLDER 74/18 New York String Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 74/19 New York Times
see also Downes, Olin
BOX-FOLDER 74/20 New York. Town Hall
BOX-FOLDER 74/21 New York Trio
BOX-FOLDER 74/22 New York University
BOX-FOLDER 74/23 New York Worlds Fair (1939-1940)
BOX-FOLDER 74/25 "Newa" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
Newberry Library
see Chicago. Newberry Library
BOX-FOLDER 74/26 Newell, Bernice E.
BOX-FOLDER 74/27 Newman, Dolores M.
BOX-FOLDER 74/28 Newman, Ernest
BOX-FOLDER 74/29 Newmann, Josef
BOX-FOLDER 74/30 Newsome, Nora
BOX-FOLDER 74/31 Newton, Elbert
BOX-FOLDER 74/32 Newton, Massachusetts. All-Newton Music School
BOX-FOLDER 74/33 "Ni" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 74/34 Niebuhr, Reinhold (fund-raising letters)
BOX-FOLDER 74/35 Nieland, Mischa
BOX-FOLDER 74/36 Nies-Berger, Edouard
BOX-FOLDER 74/37 Nikisch, Mitja
BOX-FOLDER 74/38 Nin-Culmell, Joaquín
BOX-FOLDER 74/39 "No" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 74/40 Noble, Flora F.
Noble, Horace T.
see Musical America
BOX-FOLDER 74/41 Noblet, Malvina
BOX-FOLDER 74/42 Noguchi, Isamu
BOX-FOLDER 74/43 Noland, Maxwell, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 75/1 "Nor" miscellaneous
see also "N" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 75/2 Norfleet, Helen
BOX-FOLDER 75/3 Norman, Toto
BOX-FOLDER 75/4 Norris, Mary Dixon
BOX-FOLDER 75/5 North, Gladys, 1917-1939
see also Littlehales, Lillian
BOX-FOLDER 75/6 North, Gladys, 1940-1949
BOX-FOLDER 75/7 North, Gladys, 1950-1953
BOX-FOLDER 75/8 North, Gladys, undated
BOX-FOLDER 75/9 North, Stanley
BOX-FOLDER 75/10 North Carolina College at Durham
BOX-FOLDER 75/11 North Carolina. University
Northern Trust Company
see Chicago. Northern Trust Company
BOX-FOLDER 75/12 Northwestern University
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