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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 41/15 Hindemith, Paul and Gertrude
BOX-FOLDER 41/16 Hinman, Mildred
Hinners, Howard
see Wellesley College. Hinners, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 41/17 Hinton, Arthur and Katharine Gordon
BOX-FOLDER 41/18 Hirsch, Olga
Hitchcock, Myrtle
see Los Angeles. Hotels. Hitchcock, Myrtle
BOX-FOLDER 41/19 "Ho" miscellaneous
see also "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 41/20 Hobbs, Jane W.
BOX-FOLDER 41/21 Hobden, Ethel
Hobdoes, Ethel
see Hobden, Ethel
BOX-FOLDER 41/22 Hobron, Marie L.
BOX-FOLDER 41/23 Hoérée, Arthur
Hoeven, C. van der
see van der Hoeven, C.
BOX-FOLDER 41/24 Hoffman, Gertrude (Mrs. Ralph Hoffmann), undated (presumed early)
BOX-FOLDER 41/25 Hoffman, Gertrude, 1926-1929
BOX-FOLDER 41/26 Hoffman, Gertrude, 1930-1939
BOX-FOLDER 41/27 Hoffman, Gertrude, 1940-1953
BOX-FOLDER 41/28 Hoffman, Gertrude, undated (presumed late)
BOX-FOLDER 41/29 Hoffmann, Richard
BOX-FOLDER 41/30 Hoffmann, Rolf
BOX-FOLDER 41/31 Hofmann, Heinrich
BOX-FOLDER 41/32 Hofmann, Josef
BOX-FOLDER 41/33 Holden, Frances Colman
BOX-FOLDER 41/34 Hollman, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 41/35 Holloway, Mary V.
BOX-FOLDER 41/36 Hollywood Bowl (Los Angeles, Calif.)
BOX-FOLDER 41/37 Holmes, Malcolm
BOX-FOLDER 41/38 Holmes, Rebecca W.
BOX-FOLDER 41/39 Holsinger, Walter Denman
BOX-FOLDER 41/40 Holst, Gustav
BOX-FOLDER 41/41 Homberg, Jeanne
BOX-FOLDER 41/42 Homer, Louise and Sidney
BOX-FOLDER 42/1 "Hon" miscellaneous
see also "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 42/2 Honegger, Arthur
BOX-FOLDER 42/3 Honegger, Henri
BOX-FOLDER 42/4 Honolulu Academy of Arts
Includes one item from Honolulu Symphony Society.
BOX-FOLDER 42/5 Honolulu Art Society
BOX-FOLDER 42/6 Hoogstraten, Willem van
BOX-FOLDER 42/7 Hooker, Adelaide
Hoover, Lou Henry (Mrs. Herbert)
see Stanford University. Hoover, Lou Henry
BOX-FOLDER 42/8 Hope, May MacDonald
BOX-FOLDER 42/9 Hopekirk, Helen
BOX-FOLDER 42/10 Horne, Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 42/12 Horowitz, Vladimir
BOX-FOLDER 42/11 Horszowski, Mieczyslaw (letter to only)
BOX-FOLDER 42/13 Housman, Rosalie
BOX-FOLDER 42/14 Hovhaness, Alan
BOX-FOLDER 42/15 Howard, Shafter
BOX-FOLDER 42/16 Howard University
BOX-FOLDER 42/17 Howe, Mark A. DeWolfe
BOX-FOLDER 42/18 Howe, Mary, 1923-1929
BOX-FOLDER 42/19 Howe, Mary, 1930-1935
BOX-FOLDER 42/20 Howe, Mary, 1936-1939
BOX-FOLDER 42/21 Howe, Mary, 1940-1953
BOX-FOLDER 42/22 Howe, Mary, undated
BOX-FOLDER 42/23 Howe, Merwin
Howes, Arthur
see Organ Institute of America
Hoyt, Thatcher, Mrs.
see Fergus, Phyllis
BOX-FOLDER 42/24 Hozack, W.
BOX-FOLDER 42/25 "Hu" miscellaneous
see also "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 42/26 Hubay, Jenõ
BOX-FOLDER 42/27 Hubbard, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 42/28 Huebsch, B. W.
BOX-FOLDER 42/29 Hüttel, Joseph
BOX-FOLDER 42/30 Huggler, John
BOX-FOLDER 42/31 Hughes, Adella Prentiss
Hughes, Edwin
see National Music Council
BOX-FOLDER 42/33 Hughes, Herbert
BOX-FOLDER 42/34 Hughes, Margo
BOX-FOLDER 42/35 Hull, Anne
Hull, Cordell
see U.S. Secretary of State
BOX-FOLDER 42/36 Hull House (Chicago, Ill.)
Human, Alfred
see Musical America
BOX-FOLDER 42/37 Hungary
BOX-FOLDER 42/38 Hunn, Doris Adams
BOX-FOLDER 42/39 Hunt, Horace
BOX-FOLDER 42/40 Hunter College
BOX-FOLDER 42/41 Huntington (Henry E.) Library and Art Gallery
BOX-FOLDER 42/42 Hurok, Sol
BOX-FOLDER 42/43 Huse, Harry Pinckney, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 42/44 Huss, Henry Holden
BOX-FOLDER 43/1 "Hut" miscellaneous
see also "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 43/2 Hutcheson, Ernest and Irmgart, 1917-1928
BOX-FOLDER 43/3 Hutcheson, Ernest and Irmgart, 1931-1941
BOX-FOLDER 43/4 Hutcheson, Ernest and Irmgart, undated
Hutchins, Robert M.
see Chicago University. Hutchins, Robert M.
BOX-FOLDER 43/5 Hutchinson, Charles L.
BOX-FOLDER 43/6 Hutchinson, Estelle Gould
BOX-FOLDER 43/7 Huybrechts, Albert
BOX-FOLDER 43/8 "Hy" miscellaneous
see also "H" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 43/9 Hyde, Florence
BOX-FOLDER 43/10 Hyde, Henry St. John
BOX-FOLDER 43/11 Hyde, Herbert E.
BOX-FOLDER 43/12 "H" not further identified
BOX-FOLDER 43/13 "H" "see references"
BOX-FOLDER 43/14 "I" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 43/15 Iarecki, Tadeusz
BOX-FOLDER 43/16 Ibbs and Tillett
BOX-FOLDER 43/17 Ibert, Jacques
BOX-FOLDER 43/18 Ickes, Harold, Mrs. (letter to)
BOX-FOLDER 43/19 Ideler, Edwin and Pearl
BOX-FOLDER 43/20 Illiashenko, André S.
Illingworth, Elsie
see National Broadcasting Company. Illingworth, Elsie
BOX-FOLDER 43/21 Illingworth, Nelson
BOX-FOLDER 43/22 Ilsley, Samuel M.
BOX-FOLDER 43/23 Indiana University
see also Rossi, Urico
BOX-FOLDER 43/24 Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
BOX-FOLDER 43/25 Inge, C. C.
BOX-FOLDER 43/26 Ingelbrecht, D. E.
BOX-FOLDER 43/27 Ingerson, Frank
BOX-FOLDER 43/28 International Composers' Guild
BOX-FOLDER 43/29 International Society for Contemporary Music
see also Stefan, Paul
BOX-FOLDER 43/30 International Student Center, Cambridge, Mass.
BOX-FOLDER 43/31 Ireland, John
BOX-FOLDER 43/32 Irion, Yolanda Meró
BOX-FOLDER 43/33 Irish, Leiland Atherton, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 43/34 Irvine, Libby
Isadora Duncan Society
see Duncan, Isadora, Society
BOX-FOLDER 43/35 Isbell, Charles W.
BOX-FOLDER 43/36 Isham, Edwin
BOX-FOLDER 43/37 Italy
BOX-FOLDER 43/38 Ives, Charles Edward and Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 43/39 Ives, Henry G.
BOX-FOLDER 43/40 Ivimey, Joseph
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