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Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection, 1894-1953

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Correspondence, 1894-1953 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 48/36 Lally, Howard
BOX-FOLDER 48/37 Lambert, Alexander
BOX-FOLDER 48/38 Lambert, Pierre
BOX-FOLDER 48/39 Lamond, Felix and Margaret
BOX-FOLDER 48/40 "Lan" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 48/41 Land, Harold
BOX-FOLDER 48/42 Landmann, H. C.
BOX-FOLDER 48/43 Landowska, Wanda
BOX-FOLDER 48/44 Landre, Willem
Landshoff, Werner
see Vielle Trio
BOX-FOLDER 48/45 Lang, Malcolm
BOX-FOLDER 48/46 Lang, Margaret Ruthven
BOX-FOLDER 48/47 Lange, Hans
BOX-FOLDER 48/48 Langendoen, J. C.
BOX-FOLDER 48/49 Langenus, Gustave
BOX-FOLDER 48/50 Langley, Allan Lincoln
BOX-FOLDER 48/51 Langley, Beatrice J.
BOX-FOLDER 48/52 Lanier, Harriet
BOX-FOLDER 48/53 Lansburgh, Julius, Mrs.
BOX-FOLDER 48/54 Lansing, Robert and Eleanor
BOX-FOLDER 48/55 Lanzer, Carl
BOX-FOLDER 52/1 "Lap" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 52/2 Lapham, Evadna
BOX-FOLDER 52/3 Lapidus, George
BOX-FOLDER 52/4 Laporte, Lucien
La Prade, Ernest
see National Broadcasting Company. La Prade, Ernest
LaRue, Jan
see Wellesley College. LaRue, Jan
BOX-FOLDER 52/5 Laskine, Lily
BOX-FOLDER 52/6 Lattuada, Felice
BOX-FOLDER 52/7 "Lau" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 52/8 Laurent, Georges
BOX-FOLDER 52/9 Laurinburg Normal and Industrial Institute
BOX-FOLDER 52/10 Lausanne. Université
BOX-FOLDER 52/11 LaViolette, Wesley
BOX-FOLDER 52/12 Lawrence, Lucile
BOX-FOLDER 52/13 Lawton, Dorothy
BOX-FOLDER 52/14 Lawton, Mary
BOX-FOLDER 52/15 Lazan, Albert and Helen
BOX-FOLDER 52/16 "Le" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 52/17 League for Industrial Democracy
BOX-FOLDER 52/18 League of Composers. Reis, Claire R., 1922-1934
BOX-FOLDER 52/19 League of Composers. Reis, Claire R., 1937-1947
BOX-FOLDER 52/20 League of Composers: miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 52/21 Le Bœuf, Henry
BOX-FOLDER 52/22 Ledent, René
BOX-FOLDER 52/23 Lederman, Minna
BOX-FOLDER 52/24 Lee, Dai-Keong (letter to)
Lee, Dorothy
see Stanford University. Friends of Music
BOX-FOLDER 52/25 Lee, Julia Tolman
Leedy, Charles Denoe
see Mount Holyoke College. Leedy, Charles Denoe
BOX-FOLDER 52/26 Legge, Robin H.
BOX-FOLDER 52/27 Leginska, Ethel
Legion of Honor
see France. Legion of Honor
BOX-FOLDER 52/28 Leichtentritt, Hugo
BOX-FOLDER 52/29 Leiser, Clara M.
BOX-FOLDER 52/30 Le Maire, Josef
BOX-FOLDER 52/31 Lenox Quartet
BOX-FOLDER 52/32 Lenox, Mass.
BOX-FOLDER 52/33 Lenski, Vladimir
Lent, Sylvia
see Frankenstein, Alfred and Sylvia
BOX-FOLDER 52/34 Leon, [illegible]
BOX-FOLDER 52/35 "Ler" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 52/36 Le Roy, René, 1930-1935
BOX-FOLDER 52/37 Le Roy, René, 1936-1943, undated
BOX-FOLDER 52/38 Leschetizky, Marie Gabrielle
BOX-FOLDER 52/39 Lester, Margaret and William
BOX-FOLDER 52/40 Letz, Hans
BOX-FOLDER 52/41 Levant, Oscar
BOX-FOLDER 52/42 Levarie, Siegmund
BOX-FOLDER 52/43 Levey, James
Levine, Marks
see National Broadcasting Company: Levine, Marks
BOX-FOLDER 52/44 Levitzki, Mischa
BOX-FOLDER 52/45 Levy, John
Lewis, Alfred Baker
see Socialist Party of the United States of America
Lewis, Marx
see Socialist Party of the United States of America
BOX-FOLDER 52/46 Lewisohn, Irene
BOX-FOLDER 52/47 Lewyn, Helena
BOX-FOLDER 52/48 Lhévinne, Josef
BOX-FOLDER 52/49 Lhoest, Liliane
BOX-FOLDER 52/50 "Li" miscellaneous
see also "L" miscellaneous
BOX-FOLDER 53/1 Library of Congress. Clapp, Verner W.
BOX-FOLDER 54/1 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, undated
These are probably pre-1933.
BOX-FOLDER 54/2 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1922-1923
BOX-FOLDER 54/3 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 54/4 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1925
BOX-FOLDER 54/5 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1926
BOX-FOLDER 54/6 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1927
BOX-FOLDER 54/7 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1928
BOX-FOLDER 54/8 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1929
BOX-FOLDER 54/9 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1930
BOX-FOLDER 55/1 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1931
BOX-FOLDER 55/2 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1932
BOX-FOLDER 55/3 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 55/4 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1933 (carbons)
BOX-FOLDER 55/5 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1934
BOX-FOLDER 55/6 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1935
BOX-FOLDER 55/7 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1936
BOX-FOLDER 55/8 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1937, Jan.-Oct.
BOX-FOLDER 55/9 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1937, Nov.-Dec.
BOX-FOLDER 55/10 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 55/11 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1939-1944, 1983
BOX-FOLDER 55/12 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, 1939-1941
BOX-FOLDER 55/13 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, undated
These are probably post-1932.
BOX-FOLDER 55/14 Library of Congress. Engel, Carl, undated and miscellany
BOX-FOLDER 53/2 Library of Congress. Evans, Luther H.
BOX-FOLDER 53/3 Library of Congress. Friends of Music in the Library of Congress
BOX-FOLDER 53/4 Library of Congress. Legal advice to E.S. Coolidge regarding establishment of Berkshire Music Colony and the Library of Congress foundation
BOX-FOLDER 53/5 Library of Congress. MacLeish, Archibald
BOX-FOLDER 53/6 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1923
BOX-FOLDER 53/7 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1924
BOX-FOLDER 53/8 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1925
BOX-FOLDER 53/9 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1926-1927
BOX-FOLDER 53/10 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1928-1932
BOX-FOLDER 53/11 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1933
BOX-FOLDER 53/12 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1934-1935
BOX-FOLDER 53/13 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1936-1937
BOX-FOLDER 53/14 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1938
BOX-FOLDER 53/15 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, 1939, 1950
BOX-FOLDER 53/16 Library of Congress. Putnam, Herbert, undated
BOX-FOLDER 53/17 Library of Congress. Rogers, Mary R., 1933-1936
BOX-FOLDER 53/18 Library of Congress. Rogers, Mary R., 1937-1939
BOX-FOLDER 53/19 Library of Congress. Rogers, Mary R., 1940-1951
BOX-FOLDER 53/20 Library of Congress. Rogers, Mary R., undated
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